This is a guide for the Extracurricular Lesson Standard Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
How to Start the Extracurricular Lesson Standard Quest¶
(1 of 2) Go to the board to get this new quest
Go to the board to get this new quest (left), Discuss the new Info to start it (right)
The Extracurricular Quest is a part of the Teach’s Teachers quest, which can be gotten as early as Chapter 3. You need to have done the Going Beyond Power Hero Quest, then discuss the Request from Teach Info with your party. This will allow you to inspect a board at Colony Gamma (marked with a magnifying glass on your map) to get more quests throughout the game. This quest won’t unlock until Chapter 6 and you will need to finish all of the previous quests, which are:
Inspect the board for new lessons and this should pop up on it, netting you the Tutor: Mio Info. Discuss this at a rest spot to start the quest.
How to Complete Extracurricular Lesson Standard Quest¶
Once you have the quest in your log, go to the marker in Colony Gamma for a scene and to meet up with Kyrie. You will be joining her for this quest, with the first part being to just follow her. Eventually, you will reach a point where you will have to make a choice between Hesitate to go that way and Go and take a look. The choice here just determines what enemies you will be fighting, as both paths lead to two battles, with one being shared between them.
The choice here will determine the enemies you fight in one of the battles
Hesitate to Go That Way¶
Instead of going down the slope, Kyrie will continue straight ahead, so keep following her. Eventually, you will run into a battle with some Volffs, all of which will be level 48. They are all normal enemies, with nothing special about them, so you shouldn’t really have much trouble with them. After the battle is over, follow Kyrie a little bit more and you will encounter a second battle. This one is a little more challenging, as you will have some Avee Volffs that are level 48, as well as a level 49 Aviga Volff. Concentrate on the normal enemies first, then go after the Aviga one when the coast is clear.
Naturally, multi-enemy battles can be chaotic, especially at the beginning when the enemies are attacking anyone, so don’t be surprised if a character or two get knocked out. Running two healers in your main party, and a Hero healer is ideal, since it gives you more wiggle room in keeping everyone alive. With that battle over, you will be able to simply follow Kyrie the rest of the way for one final scene, then the end of the quest.
(1 of 2) Depending on the route chosen, you might fight some strong Vollfs
Depending on the route chosen, you might fight some strong Vollfs (left), but you might also fight some Rhoguls (right)
Go and Take a Look¶
If you decide to go with the second option, follow Kyrie to some items on the ground and another quick scene. Continue following her to another scene, where Zakir and Mina are being attacked by Rhoguls. The Avee Rhoguls are level 49 and there’s four of them, while the Aviga Rhogul is level 50 and is slightly tougher than the others. Concentrate on the small fry first, then turn your attention to the Aviga Rhogul. Things are always hectic at the start of a multi-enemy battle, so don’t be surprised if one or two of your allies go down.
After the battle is over, follow Kyrie once more and you will eventually be attacked by some level 48 Avee Volffs. These are all regular enemies and you really shouldn’t have much trouble with them, but make sure you focus your attacks on a single enemy at a time to dwindle their numbers. Defeat all of the enemies, then it’s just more following Kyrie to one last scene, with the quest ending right after that.
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
3920 | 3680 | 3 | – |
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