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Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

Pasqal Build Rogue Trader: Support Operator Bruiser Build

Craig Robinson

"Pasqal" iconPasqal is your retinue’s Tech-Priest, offering delightful techy insights whenever possible and reminding you of cold, hard calculations of how everyone is inferior, a heretic, or just downright idiotic. His humorous quips aside, our Tech-Priest offers some interesting build choices, with the character making for a great bruiser with its tech, medicae, and "Forge World" iconForge World options. Furthermore, Pasqal has some amazing talents to fully support Melta and Plasma weapons, making him an anti-armor menace. Stack these pieces together, and Pasqal can become a tough cookie to crack, dealing some serious damage in the process. So, that’s exactly how we are going to build Pasqal in Rogue Trader, taking advantages of these ranged weapon types, while still offering players solid melee tankiness and combat with his "Power Axe" iconPower Axes of pain.

A guide to a Pasqal Operator Build, speccing into buffs and debuffs, and enhancing his own crit strike potential.

Pascal Build in Rogue Trader

The important thing to note about the Pasqal build is that it is essentially a bruiser build, which has damage capabilities in melee and range. You’ll start the build off using your starting gear’s Power "Omnissian Axe" iconOmnissian Axe, but, by the late point of Chapter 1, you’ll start finding Plasma and Melta weapons to use at ranged on Rykad Minoris, and you’ll find more upgrades for both your melee and ranged weapons in places like Kiava Gama ("[Mezoa-Pattern] Plasma Gun" icon[Mezoa-Pattern] Plasma Gun), trader reputations, colony projects, side, and main story content.

These ranged weapons will become a more important part of your build, especially when you unlock Bounty Hunter, and can start range critting enemies, nuking armor, and enemy dodge chance. You’ll be using these ranged attacks and Bounty Hunter Prey marks to build your critical hit and critical damage through the course of the fight, while selecting low-threat enemies to generate Temporary Wounds, improving your tankiness as a bruiser.

When you reach the level 20 spot, you can start looking into Dual-Weapon Combat, and begin to use ranged weapons and melee damage consistently through fights when required. This is when the bruiser side of Pasqal can take shape. Feel free to buff his tankiness with skills like "Stronghold" iconStronghold from a Master Tactician, Pascal’s "Machine Spirit Banishment" iconMachine Spirit Banishment, Officer buffs through "Voice of Command" iconVoice of Command, or Wall of Ferrocrete from a Vanguard. From here, Pascal is in a position to nuke melee threats and shoot ranged targets with incredibly high damage and high armor penetration, all the while debuffing an enemy’s armor and dodge to enable his allies to also hit more frequently. From here on out, Pasqal only gets more from this and becomes even more tankier.

As for his more general playstyle, Pasqal is still an Operative, so he can play support by building Weaknesses on enemies through various passive talents and his active skill. Feel free to use "Expose Weakness" iconExpose Weakness to lower their dodge and armor, or to increase your damage, depending on what you need to do. Additionally, keep "Machine Spirit Communion" iconMachine Spirit Communion up, as that will greatly buff your allies like Argenta’s Build, who use "Rapid Fire" iconRapid Fire and Burst Fire builds to maintain their accuracy while lowering enemy Dodge reduction to make it easier for your ranged damage allies to kill enemies.

Operative build

Order Unlock 1 Unlock 2
1 "Analyse Enemies" iconAnalyse Enemies
2 Tech use
3 "Expose Weakness" iconExpose Weakness
4 Dismantling Attack Passive Learning
5 "Ballistic Skill" iconBallistic Skill Pinnacle of Weaponry
6 "Tide of Excellence" iconTide of Excellence "Ballistic Skill" iconBallistic Skill
7 "Perfect Spot" iconPerfect Spot Optional
8 "Comprehensive Analysis" iconComprehensive Analysis Persistence of the Forge
9 Dismantling Attack 3 Logic
10 Logic "Intelligence" iconIntelligence
11 Overcharge Protocols Optional
12 "Precise Attack" iconPrecise Attack "Plasma Weapon Expert" iconPlasma Weapon Expert or "Melta Weapon Expert" iconMelta Weapon Expert
13 Manipulator Push "Intelligence" iconIntelligence
14 "Perception" iconPerception "Nimble" iconNimble
15 Dismantling Attack 2

When you reach level 12, you will likely find some form of Plasma or Melta Weapon. Select whichever option you prefer, as it doesn’t really matter. Melta is better for closer-range builds, while Plasma is a bit more friendly for popping ranged targets. Typically, Meltas have 5 range with a cone blast radius extending its damage range slightly. Meanwhile, Plasma Rifles typically have a range of ten and have single-shot attacks. You can do a few more combos with Plasma over Melta, so we’ll recommend running Plasma over Meltas, which you’ll read more about later in the Bounty Hunter section, but it’s not a big deal if you fancy Meltas over Plasma.

Bounty Hunter Build

Pasqal loves jumping into combat, making enemies bleed, and rinsing them of all of their dodge and armor, exposing them to himself and his allies.

Order Unlock 1 Unlock 2
1 Hunt Down the Prey
2 "Piercing Shot" iconPiercing Shot
3 "Pierce and Ruin" iconPierce and Ruin
4 Wild Hunt
5 AP Increase + "Perception" iconPerception Dual Weapon Combat
6 "Perception" iconPerception Filtering Protocols
7 "Claim the Bounty" iconClaim the Bounty
8 "Pierce the Armour" iconPierce the Armour Optional
9 "Perception" iconPerception "Power Weapon Expert" iconPower Weapon Expert
10 "Aiming Protocols" iconAiming Protocols
11 Optional "Weapon Skill" iconWeapon Skill
12 Wild Hunt 1
13 Machine Spirit Scan Protocols
14 Optional "Ballistic Skill" iconBallistic Skill
15 I Will Not Die "Ensnare the Prey" iconEnsnare the Prey
16 Prediction Protocols
17 "Perception" iconPerception Optional
18 Skirmish Protocols
19 Duelling Mastery
20 Wild Hunt 2

When you get your first AP increase, you can now opt for a new niche type of combat. One of Pasqal’s benefits is that he can equip two, two-handed weapons, which work with Dual-Weapon Combat. Using both a ranged weapon and your melee in combat will cost between 3-4 AP, with the plasma combo costing 3, and Melta costing 4. However, Pasqal gets one AP in return when you have Filtering Protocols. It means that he can use both his weapons in the same turn, and then still have a few AP spare to use "Piercing Shot" iconPiercing Shot or some other Operative debuffs you need to throw out. You can even use Manipulator Push to throw any enemies blocking you from shooting this turn too, thanks to the bonus AP you get. If you can use your ranged weapon to then kill an enemy with "Claim the Bounty" iconClaim the Bounty, you can get more AP, which is handy if Pasqal ever gets the Officer’s ultimate, Finest Hour, for throwing even more attacks at an enemy. It’s also worth mentioning that going melee at this point allows you to take full advantage of the talent you cannot respec called Passive learning, since this talent shrinks to 2 cell radius after the first turn.

Essentially, your rotation here will look something like this, depending on the circumstance.

  1. "Melee" iconMelee attack - 1AP
  2. Mechanical Push - 2 AP
  3. Shoot Plasma - 2 AP
  4. Gain 1 AP
  5. Claim the Bounty - 1 AP

This is if you find yourself in a spot where you can melee and shoot, and don’t need to do anything this turn. This is your combo and you can only use it in those moments. In other turns, stick to Analysing and creating Weakness, shooting your ranged weapon, and pressing Piercing Shot for crit farming synergy. Also, remember to maintain Machine Spirit Communion every 4-6 turns, depending on your "Intelligence" iconIntelligence Bonus or tactics you need to shake up. When you’re going melee, you can also use Machine Spirit Banishment in place of Claim the Bounty if you need more defensive tanking. You may also cast Analyze Weakness for a 30% damage buff next turn if that is something you are interested in. There’s a choice depending on the situation you’re in. Either way, no matter what your options are, you are always working with some form of Bounty Hunter skill, Operative passive, or unique Pasqal passive to delete enemies or debuff enemies.

Another thing to note is the Overcharge Protocols talent, as this is a very important talent for Pasqal’s damage. You took this in the Operative skill line, so, you’ll be making more use of it now you have this part of the build’s powerspike enabled. It increases his damage with those Plasma and Melta types by 10% every time he fires one. However, you will lose those damage bonuses if you don’t attack for one round. But considering you use both weapons each turn, you are now in a spot where you can easily build up damage momentum. You can also use Claim the Bounty for an extra attack if you have the AP spare to use it. Combine that damage amplification with guaranteed crits from Piercing Shot on prey. Your damage will go through the roof. Not to mention all the stripped armor you have from your Operative’s exploits and armor stripping you’re doing. Yeah, enemies are dying for Pasqal. There’s no two ways about it.

Overall, you have a nice and varied playstyle for dishing out damage and shredding armor at range, then becoming a bruiser and tanking things when needed with your dual combat melee and map control tools.

Exemplar Build

In the Exemplar tree, you are mainly looking to pick up talents like Know it All, "Destroyer" iconDestroyer, and "Flesh Wounds" iconFlesh Wounds. These talents are the most synthetic with Pasqal, since you get more anti-armor, anti-dodge, better hit, better crit, and crit damage. It is extremely flexible for the positions you’re putting Pasqal in. Meanwhile, Fleshwounds is a great choice if you find you’re using Pasqal more to tank enemies and use that bruiser playstyle. Destroyer is an all around good damage increase since you’re likely hitting several targets in the course of combat, whether picking them off with range or going in melee. So, pick whichever one you want first and that’s more fitting for your composition.

As for the other talents you’re largely picking up any other beneficial Bounty Hunter talents that increase your crit potential, defensiveness, or further armor shred. Your plasma and power weapons will likely hit around the 80-100% armor penetration at this point in the game and deleting bosses in the later stages, which is the great thing about Pasqal and the build options he has. When you have Operative talents, feel free to get things that make "Analyse Enemies" iconAnalyse Enemies cost 0, or spread more easily among other enemies and other debuffs you need for your squad.

With that said, this concludes the Pasqal build guide in Rogue Trader, and with it, you have a solid support Bruiser, capable of shredding armor, dealing heavy damage, critting enemies, and granting allies meaty buffs to clear the hordes of Xenos and Heretics! We also recommend taking "Strength" iconStrength training and Heavy armor here, so you can then later grab the final heavy armor proficiency from the Forge World talent and become the giga metal chad Pasqal always wanted to be.

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I don’t get it? How is it possible to have Ballistic on 70 with Level 14 on Bounty Hunter when you only choose 2 times on total Ballistic?

Through equipment?

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Hello. Maybe its need to check, but im unable to equip two ranged (even different types - plasma and melta) weapon on Pasqal in the latest version. Dual-Weapon Combat perk is active.

Now he have 2 different slots: hand slot for axe and one manipulator slot for ranged weapon.

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Ahh yeah, so it's a balance change. Owlcat plz...

Erm, until I get a chance to play through again, I'd recommend grabbing some other nice common talent already mentioned in the guide or grabbing some other form of Home World or Pasqal Talent in its place.

Hopefully, things are still going well for you in your new playthrough Gvin!

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From now one Pasqual can pick to the hand only one or two hand meele weapon and to the manipulator - one or two hand ranged.

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Hello! Its a new playthrough: Iwe startet to play from.. about 1.1.40 version.

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Hey mate. We had something similar happen in the review build of the game that stopped his unique feature of having two weapon slots in the same row. Before we update the guide, can you please let us know if this has happened to Pasqal after a recent update, randomly started happening, or you just got Pasqal in a new save?

If it's a new playthrough and it's like that, then it means it's a balance change from Owlcat, and we need to update this guide again. If you're partway through the save, then it's likely it's a bug, and we are not aware of a fix for it.

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The Operator Level 4 Slot no longer is Comprehensive Analysis, but Passive Learning.

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Thanks for the heads up. It appears that the review build version and the new version of Pasqal are night and day different, so I shall make more tweaks again. For example, he didn't have Machine Spirit Banishment in the review patch. which is insane because that ability is so good :|

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this guide uses death world talents for him when he has access to forge world ones

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Thanks for the heads up mate. I appreciate this, as I wouldn't have noticed otherwise -_-.

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Oh Owlcat must have changed his home world background then from the review build. It's time to rewrite another build guide. :(

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I don’t get it? How is it possible to have Ballistic on 70 with Level 14 on Bounty Hunter when you only choose 2 times on total Ballistic?

Through equipment?

User profile pic

Hello. Maybe its need to check, but im unable to equip two ranged (even different types - plasma and melta) weapon on Pasqal in the latest version. Dual-Weapon Combat perk is active.

Now he have 2 different slots: hand slot for axe and one manipulator slot for ranged weapon.

User profile pic

Ahh yeah, so it's a balance change. Owlcat plz...

Erm, until I get a chance to play through again, I'd recommend grabbing some other nice common talent already mentioned in the guide or grabbing some other form of Home World or Pasqal Talent in its place.

Hopefully, things are still going well for you in your new playthrough Gvin!

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From now one Pasqual can pick to the hand only one or two hand meele weapon and to the manipulator - one or two hand ranged.

User profile pic

Hello! Its a new playthrough: Iwe startet to play from.. about 1.1.40 version.

User profile pic

Hey mate. We had something similar happen in the review build of the game that stopped his unique feature of having two weapon slots in the same row. Before we update the guide, can you please let us know if this has happened to Pasqal after a recent update, randomly started happening, or you just got Pasqal in a new save?

If it's a new playthrough and it's like that, then it means it's a balance change from Owlcat, and we need to update this guide again. If you're partway through the save, then it's likely it's a bug, and we are not aware of a fix for it.

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The Operator Level 4 Slot no longer is Comprehensive Analysis, but Passive Learning.

User profile pic

Thanks for the heads up. It appears that the review build version and the new version of Pasqal are night and day different, so I shall make more tweaks again. For example, he didn't have Machine Spirit Banishment in the review patch. which is insane because that ability is so good :|

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this guide uses death world talents for him when he has access to forge world ones

User profile pic

Thanks for the heads up mate. I appreciate this, as I wouldn't have noticed otherwise -_-.

User profile pic

Oh Owlcat must have changed his home world background then from the review build. It's time to rewrite another build guide. :(

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Owlcat Games
  • Platforms,
    PS5, Steam, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2023
  • Last Updated
    16 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium, there is only war. The Imperium of Man, ruled by God-Emperor of Mankind from atop his Golden Throne, is a vast interstellar empire with countless armies. Despite the Imperium’s apparent strength, however, its enemies are even more numerous and threats to mankind both surround the Imperium and gnaw at it from within. Where the constantly strained military might of the Imperium can’t reach, humanity must find other champions, and blessed with holy Warrants of Trade, Rogue Traders have almost unlimited authority to operate in the unconquered reaches of the galaxy beyond the Imperium’s direct influence. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of Rogue Trader von Valancius, you’ll have to secure your holdings in the Koronus Expanse, establish and develop new colonies, investigate the conspiracy that led to your ascension and fend off threats, internal and externals, humans, xenos and worse…

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