Wraiths Specters
Journal Description
Finish all your business before you die. Bid your loved ones farewell. Write your will. Apologize to those you’ve wronged. Otherwise, you’ll never truly leave this world.
– Paule Vikar, peasant healer, advice to a dying man
Clerics and scholars are forever debating whether spirits do in fact journey to another world after death, one where eternal joy or suffering awaits. Both groups agree, however, on what happens to spirits who, for one reason or another, remain in our world after their body breathes its last: they transform into wraiths. To hear their mournful howls, one can surmise this is not a fate to be envied.
Vulnerable Against
Interactive Map Locations

3. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A level 23 Wraith is fought in the cave beneath the signal tower after activating the portal.

4. White Orchard Map (New)
A level 6 wraith is guarding this Place of Power. Defeating it will let you boost your Axii sign’s power.
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