Wolves Beasts
Journal Description
Friend of mine used to say that with all these griffins and basilisks and whatnot, good old fashioned wolves weren’t nothing to worry about… Then the damned beasts devoured half his flock.
– Yngvar, shepherd
Once upon a time wolves were the absolute rulers of the forest. Men used them to frighten children, while adults, too, trembled at the sound of their howling. Post-Conjunction monsters not only pushed wolves into the deepest wilds but also took over their place in human nightmares. Yet this does not mean the old predators ceased to be a danger. Wolves do not have a drop of magic within them, breathe no fire and spit no acid, but that in no way stops them from killing unwary travelers and hunters.
Particularly dangerous are wargs, a nasty and ferocious subspecies of wolf, and the snow-white wolves which today can only be found in the wild highlands of the Skellige archipelago.
Vulnerable Against

Interactive Map Locations

3. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A group of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs travel in a pack here.

5. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A group of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs travel as a pack here.

6. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A group of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs travel as a pack here.

7. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wars travel as a pack here.

8. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs travel here.

9. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
Level 5 Wolves and level 8 Wargs guard the treasure here alongside the Leshen.

10. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs roam here.

11. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs roam here.

12. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs roam here.

13. Kaer Morhen Map (New)
A pack of level 5 Wolves and a few level 8 Wargs roam here.

16. White Orchard Map (New)
Several wolves and a Warg are guarding some treasure here.
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