A Picture for the Closed Stable II Side Quests
In-game Description
Piaffe, the owner of
Gerudo Canyon Stable, wants to decorate the establishment with a painting of a giant sword, which is said to be found in the
Gerudo Highlands.
Maybe there’s a way to take a picture of it and show it to Piaffe.
You can receive this quest from Piaffe at
Gerudo Canyon Stable after completing
Piaffe, Packed Away and the
Lightning Temple.
After completing that quest, he’ll mention the stable association left behind two picture frames. If you’ve progressed the story enough, Piaffe will unwrap the frames. Otherwise, keep playing.
Examine the two unwrapped frames to trigger this quest and a similar quest.
For this quest, you should head over to the Gerudo Summit, north of the desert. You can get there by launching from Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower and gliding north.
Near the south side of the summit, you’re looking for a massive sword, with a Frost Gleeok nearby. Unless you want to pick a fight, approach from as far south as possible.
If you play it safe, you should be able to take a picture of the giant sword without alerting the Gleeok. If you’re spotted, take a picture then scram like a paparazzi with their pants on fire.
Afterwards, return to the stable and show your picture to Piaffe. You’ll receive 1 Pony Point and some food.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Need to complete Piaffe, Packed Away and the Lightning Temple.
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