Luminous Stone Deposit Treasure
In-game Description
This deposit contains quite a bit of luminous stone. Crack it open to get at the easily processed rocks within.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside the Mount Floria Cave. As you head up to the higher floor, this Luminous Node can be found against the wall.

3. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Hebra South Summit Cave.
Luminous Stone can be acquired from ore deposits in the cave.

4. Hyrule Surface Map
In Mount Dunsel Cave. At the back of the platform after climbing on it above the pool of water.

5. Hyrule Surface Map
In Mount Dunsel Cave. Near the right wall where the two
Shock Likes are.

9. Hyrule Sky Islands Map
Nine Luminous Stone Boulders on this floating island you can access via the balloon platform near the
Flux Construct II platform.

11. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside the Cape Cales Cliffbase Cave. Against the wall opposite the ship.

15. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Ulria Grotto South Cave through the second blocked pathway.

24. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Mount Nabooru South Cave.
There’s a hole in the ceiling nearby. Ascend near it to get up.

27. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Pikida Stonegrove Northwest Cave.
In the cavern with the Bubbulfrog.

31. Hyrule Surface Map
At the Ancient Zora Waterworks.
In the area with the Stone Talus (Luminous).
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