West Gerudo Underground Ruins Surface Cave
In-game Description
The West Gerudo Underground Ruins is a cave found underneath the north-westernmost skeleton in the
Gerudo Desert.
The entrance is a bit hard to find. Near the center of the skeleton, there’s a small hole in the floor. This hole is blocked by destructible rocks that you can destroy using Bomb Flowers etc.
Inside, there are lots and lots of rocks to destroy. To guide you, follow where the swords/arms of the statues are pointing. To begin with, you should head west, then south.
Be prepared to be stuck here for a long time. You’ll likely go through over a dozen weapons to reach the end. To help you, you can grab the swords from the statues or ones found from destroying rocks. Fuse Rocks from the rubble to these swords.
Bomb Flowers fused to
Arrows can also help break the tedium. You could even toss some
Time Bombs around. Or perhaps you could build some kind of mining device with Zonai Devices.
Your reward at the end is the rare Vah Naboris Divine Helm, which provides Shock Resistance.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Underneath the skeleton, near the center, there’s a hole in the ground.
Use Bomb Flowers etc. to destroy the rocks blocking the hole.
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