Hebra Great Skeleton Surface Cave
In-game Description
In the Hebra Great Skeleton cave you’ll find
Luminous Stone,
Brightbloom Seeds, ore deposits, and a
Bubbulfrog. You will also meet a character named
Loone here, who will tell you a bit about the leviathan skeleton in the cave and start the
Hebra’s Colossal Fossil quest. You’ll need to extract one bone from the ice block in the northern part of the cave, and one bone from the rubble in the southeastern part, then reattach them to the skeleton before speaking with
Loone for a reward.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 4937 Y: 5386
A cave containing a number of resources and an enormous skeleton.
This is a relevant location for the Hebra’s Colossal Fossil side quest.
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