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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

5/20 - Field Exercises Day 1 (Morning)

Ben Chard
Shane Williams
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5/19 - Explore the train

#Key Information (Train)

Items Location
Knight (Vantage Masters Card) Derfflinger Car 4 - Beat Kurt

(1 of 2) Challenge Kurt to a game of Vantage Masters in the train to acquire the Knight Card

Challenge Kurt to a game of Vantage Masters in the train to acquire the Knight Card (left), then head outside and speak to Major Michael to get his Character Note. (right)

Before you can begin on your Field Exercises, you’ll need to speak to some students in the Derfflinger. Head into Car 3 to speak with Randy and then proceed into the next Car and go into room 04-A to chat with Kurt, challenge him to a game of Vantage Masters to gain the Knight Card upon winning. Continue along to Car 4 to speak with Altina and then go into Car 5 to talk to Juna. Finally, return to 02-B in Car 2 to rest up for the challenging day ahead.

Field Exercises, Day 1 (Morning)

#Key Information

Side Quests Client AP
The Great Crossbell Bake Off Bennet 3(+2)
Audits & Ends Crossbell Police 4
Epstein Tech Support The Epstein Foundation 4
Branch Campus Quests Client AP
Mishy Merch Louise 4
Sub Events Location
Black Records 2 Ursula Road - Chest
Landscape Photo #3 Ursula Road
New Character Notes Location
Major Michael EX Camp
Maya EX Camp
Items Location
Imperial Chronicle - Issue 4 (Book) EX Camp - Stark (100 Mira)
The Life of Tomatonio - Part 2 (Book) Crossbell City - East Street - Acacia Apartments
The Immoral Hero - Part 2 (Book) Crossbell City - Central Square - Times Department Store (1000 Mira)
Heartless Edgar - Chapter 4 (Book) Crossbell City - Station Street - Lyd
Gloom (Master Quartz) EX Camp - Tita (4000 Mira)
Katze (Master Quartz) Complete the “Epstein Tech Support” Quest
Blue Glass Wind Chime (Elliot Gift) Crossbell City - East Street - Stall (2500 Mira)
Orbal Dryer (Towa Gift) Crossbell City - Central Square - Orbal Store Genten (2000 Mira)
Orca Floatie (Altina Gift) Crossbell City - Central Square - Times Department Store (2000 Mira)
Camellia Lipstick (Laura Gift) Crossbell City - Central Square - Times Department Store (2500 Mira)
Da-Colm (Vantage Masters Card) Crossbell City - Central Square - Orbal Store Genten - Beat Wendy
New Recipes Location
Fresh Tomato Noodles Crossbell City - Harbor - Ozelle (1000 Mira)
Dragon Fried Rice Crossbell City - East Street - Long Lao Tavern & Inn (1100 Mira)
Cafe Macchiato Crossbell City - Central Square - Vingt-Sept Cafe (1000 Mira)
Honey Bagel Crossbell City - West Street - Bakery Morge (1100 Mira)
New Fish Location
Type #6 - Azelfish Ursula Road
Type #10 - Puffer Ursula Road, Crossbell City - Harbor

Once you’ve gotten up and made your way out onto the field, you’ll want to speak with Major Michael for a Character Note and then purchase the Imperial Chronicle - Issue 4 from Stark. Talk to Pablo beside him to purchase the four new weapons he has available and then upgrade them with your U-Materials. Now make your way over to the students that are gathered up and speak with Maya to obtain her Character Note. Finally, head into Car 5 and purchase the Gloom Master Quartz from Tita, this gives your Attacks/Crafts the chance to inflict random ailments.

Explore Ursula Road

Head into Car 1 and accept the Branch Campus Quest: Mishy Merch from Louise. She’ll want you to give her a Retro Mishy Strap. You’re unable to complete this Quest yet as you’ll need to visit Crossbell City first. Before exiting, show Louise the Profile Notes to acquire 3x Vitality Droplets for having 35 entries, then show Tatiana the Book Notes and you’ll gain a Magic Droplet for having 9 entries. Finally, talk to Valerie and give her the Battle Notes to acquire a Power Droplet.

  • Ursula Road 1
Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Ripper Noa 2632 ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆ E - 80, WA - 100, F - 180, WN - 100 Beast Flesh, Tear
Forest Mosquito 2734 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ E - 60, WA - 120, F - 180, WN - 100 Hearty Powder, Fishing Bait
Green Raccoon 4206 ☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 110, WA - 60, F - 180, WN - 110 Beast Flesh, Curia Balm
Sepith Bison 11407 ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 120, WA - 40, F - 120, WN - 180 Beast Flesh, Rock Tripe

(1 of 3) Follow the path to the left to find a Chest with Black Records 2

Once you’re in Ursula Road, take the right path first and then take another right to find a Chest that contains All Sepith x50, drop down and take the next left and follow it along to find another Chest which has Black Records 2 inside, send this to Rosine via the Arcus II. Proceed further along the main path and take the next right to find a Fishing Spot alongside a Landscape Photo and a Chest that contains a Teara R, this gives you HP+400 as well as a medium heal. Before leaving, send the picture for Vivi via the Arcus II and then catch yourself an Azelfish. Go through the north exit to enter Crosbell - Station Street where you’ll view a scene.

Patrol Crossbell City

Head into Orchis Tower and go into the General’s room for a few cutscenes, then go back outside and make your way over to the Crossbell Harbor, here you’ll want to take the right path first to investigate the Heiyue Trading Ltd. Building. Now go to the eastmost point of the Harbor to view another event, then continue around to the left to find a Fishing Spot, here you can catch yourself a Puffer. Make your way into the RF, Crosbell Branch to speak with Receptionist Addison.

(1 of 2) Go into the Acacia Apartments to find the The Life of Tomatonio - Part 2 Book

Go into the Acacia Apartments to find the The Life of Tomatonio - Part 2 Book (left), then head into Lao Tavern & Inn to purchase the Dragon Fried Rice Recipe. (right)

Go back outside and purchase the Fresh Tomato Noodle Recipe from Ozelle, before taking the Southwest Exit into East Street. Firstly, make your way into Acacia Apartments to find the The Life of Tomatonio - Part 2 Book on the Bookshelf in the room to the left, then exit the building and purchase the Blue Glass Wind Chime Gift for Elliot from the Southeast Stall. Finally, head into Long Lao Tavern & Inn to purchase the Dragon Fried Rice Recipe from Finn.

Side Quest: Audits & Ends

Audits & Ends Start Location.

Make your way to the Stall in front of Neinvalli Exchange and purchase two Dried Salmons, then head into Neinvalli Exchange to purchase the Retro Mishy Strap for the Mishy Merch Branch Campus Quest. Take the West exit into Central Square and speak with Captain Kate to accept the Audits & Ends Side Quest. Go into the Genten Orbal Store to speak with Chaco and Wendy, then challenge Wendy to a game of Vantage Masters, upon winning you’ll obtain the Da-Colm Card.

Go back to East Street and enter the Business Owner’s Association to view a cutscene. Finally, return to the Harbor and speak with Ozelle to complete the Quest. You’ll gain Smoke Grenade and Battle Scopes x10 for your reward.

(1 of 2) Enter the Times Department Store and purchase The Immoral Hero - Part 2

Enter the Times Department Store and purchase The Immoral Hero - Part 2 (left), then go into Vingt-Sept Cafe to acquire the Cafe Macchiato Recipe (right)

Head into the Genten Orbal Store and purchase an Orbal Dryer to give to Towa as a gift along with a Mechanic Mishy. Enter the Times Department Store and purchase an Orca Floatie as a gift for Altina as well as The Immoral Hero - Part 2 Book. Before going up to the second floor, purchase the Bracer Mishy. Speak to Lucca Boutique and purchase the Camellia Lipstick as a gift for Laura.

(1 of 2) Go to Station Street and talk to Lyd to acquire the Heartless Edgar - Chapter 4

Go to Station Street and talk to Lyd to acquire the Heartless Edgar - Chapter 4 (left), then enter Morges Bakery to obtain the Honey Bagel Recipe (right)

Go into the Vingt-Sept Cafe and purchase the Cafe Macchiato Recipe from Hoisdorf, now take the South exit to Station Street and talk to Lyd to acquire the Heartless Edgar - Chapter 4 Book. Make your way into West Street and then enter the Bellheim Apartments, take the stairs down to the floor below to meet Juna’s Parents. Head back out onto the street and enter Morges Bakery to speak with Oscar and acquire Golden Bagel x4 along with the Honey Bagel Recipe.

Side Quest: The Great Crossbell Bake Off

The Great Crossbell Bake Off Start Location.

Speak with Bennet in the Morges Bakery to accept the quest and she’ll want you to make 3 Unique Dishes (7 For the Extra 2 AP). Head into the Times Department Store and speak with Gladys to purchase any ingredients you may need, then follow this list in order to complete the task.

  • Recipe #1 - Chunky Potato Salad (Juna)

  • Recipe #2 - Pile of Onion Rings (Elliot)

  • Recipe #3 - Fluffy Chiffon Cake (Fie)

  • Recipe #4 - Southern Punch (Rean)

  • Recipe #5 - Hearty White Stew (Laura)

  • Recipe #6 - Juicy Ham Sandwich (Kurt)

  • Recipe #7 - Cafe Macchiato (Altina)

Once you’ve created all the dishes, head back to Bennet and speak to her three times to give her all of the dishes for the following rewards, Tear Balm, EP Charge I, Reviving Balm, Power Potion, Shield Potion, Mind Potion, Mira Bagel x4, and finally Scent.

Explore Geofront’s F Sector

Return to the RF Group - Crossbell Branch and speak with the Receptionist to view a scene, then speak to Tio after to head down into the Geofront AF Sector Junction. Follow the path around and take the lift down into the F Sector and you’ll gain the S-Craft Excel Breaker for Juna.

  • Geofront F Sector 1
Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Rozu 2738 ☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ N/A E - 140, WA - 100, F - 120, WN - 80 Globby Fat, Clear Gelatin
Dovon 2847 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 80, WA - 100, F - 140, WN - 120 EP Charge I, U-Material
Neo Roach ☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ E - 120, WA - 100, F - 80, WN - 160 Chitinous Shell, Fishing Bait
Great Geenew 11841 ☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ E - 140, WA - 120, F - 100, WN - 80 Globby Fat, Nemesis Arrow

Follow the path ahead and take the first right you come across to enter a small room with a Chest that contains Effort, this give you a 70% chance to cook a superb dish when equipped. Continue down the main path and go right again to find a Chest that contains Curia Balm x5 and S-Tablet x5.

(1 of 2) Follow the path ahead and take the first right into a small room with a Chest that contains the Effort Quartz inside

Follow the path ahead and take the first right into a small room with a Chest that contains the Effort Quartz inside (left), now head up the stairs to the right of the bridge to find another Chest with Dark Hair - Kurt. (right)

Take the left path and use the Operating Panel to activate the bridges, now head up the stairs and go right to find a Chest with Dark Hair - Kurt inside. Continue going West and keep to the left wall to find another small room with the final Chest of this area, inside will be a Marble Bracelet, this will prevent Mute when equipped. Keep along the main path and go into Geofront’s F Sector 2.

  • Geofront F Sector 2

Follow the path along and then head down the stairs on the right to find a Chest that contains All Sepith x50, now go through the vent to the other side. Take the left path first to find a Chest that is holding a Brave Seed, then go the other way to find yourself on a thin path, here you’ll want to go left to find a Chest with U-Material x5 and the Operating Panel. Drop back down and go through the vent to the east, take the right path to find a Chest with Bagua Shoes inside, these useful Shoes will increase a multitude of stats and the EVA+ on them makes them ideal for Kurt.

(1 of 3) Battle through the enemies

Take the other path and use the Operating Panel to get across the bridge, now cross the bridge on the left and take the stairs up on the right to find a Chest with a Water Bell inside, this reduces delay to half when performing any Water Arts. Continue following the path and you’ll stumble across the final Chest with the Moebius Master Quartz. This Master Quartz is all about increasing the effectiveness of your items such as their potency and Item Range (at Level 3+). Head into the room ahead to face the boss of this dungeon, Magic Knight Heavy Ruby.

Boss: Magic Knight Heavy Ruby

Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Magic Knight Heavy Ruby 35568 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ E - 100, WA - 150, F - 100, WN - 50 Rage

Before you begin attacking this enemy you’ll want to use a Battle Scope on him first, then activate Juna’s Brave Order Sledgehammer which will increase your Break Damage by 300%, now use an S-Craft to quickly put him into the Break Status. Activate the Wind Blade Brave Order next to delay the Knight’s turn and then keep using normal attacks to build your BP back up. Before the Knight gets a turn you’ll want to use any S-Crafts available to finish off his remaining HP.

If he manages to break free he’ll begin to charge up an attack, here you’ll want to quickly Impede it, however, if you’re unable to do so you can activate Tio’s Brave Order Aeon Shield to deflect all incoming damage.

  • Nightmare Strategy

You’ll almost definitely want Tio in your party for this battle, at the expense of Altina most likely. The tried and tested strategy of using Sledgehammer followed by Wind Blade once the enemy is broken is as useful as ever however should you find yourself in a situation where you have the BP to spare (or you’re on a Zero Order turn bonus), make full use of Tio’s incredibly useful Aeon Shield Brave Order, this will boost your CP by 80 and cast Reflect for four turns. As for Magic Knight Heavy Ruby, be wary of when it Enhances, you’ll want to make sure you have the CP to force it into Break as quickly as possible as it attacks quick and it’s attacks can and will most likely make a huge dent into your HP.

Upon defeating the Magic Knight you’ll complete the quest, obtain the Katze Master Quartz (has a chance to absorb magic attacks) and return to the EX Camp for a short briefing on the tasks to come.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    19 February 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Shane Williams

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Join Rean on an adventure through Erebonia, where you’ll embark on new journey as a Thors Branch Campus Instructor. Here you’ll explore many locations, face old/new enemies, and find many treasures that give you an advantage in battle as well fancy clothes to help you look the part.

The guide for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will include all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring where to find all Side/Branch Campus Quests, Chests, Books, Cards, Recipes and more. Including in depth guidance on how to beat every boss as well as how to solve and conquer all dungeons.

Inside Version 1.1

  • 100% Walkthrough
  • Trophy Guide/Roadmap
  • Characters
  • Appendix
  • Fish Locations
  • Vantage Master Cards Locations
  • Recipe Locations
  • Book Locations

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