You’ll be able to obtain the Platinum Trophy after you’ve unlocked all the Trophies the game has to offer.
Story Related Trophies¶
The following Trophies listed below will unlock naturally by playing through the story. Refer to the walkthrough for in-depth guidance on how to take out every Boss, solve all puzzles, and find all Chests.
Trophy | Description |
Class VII Begins Anew! | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing the orienteering exercise. |
Spring Once Again | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing Prologue |
Reunion | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing Chapter 1 |
Conflict in Crossbell | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing Chapter 2 |
Pulse of Steel | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing Chapter 3 |
Radiant Heimdallr | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing Chapter 4 |
For Whom the Bell Tolls | You’ll unlock this Trophy upon completing the final Chapter |
Combat Related Trophies¶
The following Trophies listed below will unlock naturally by battling every enemy you come across on your way through Erebonia.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve come out of a 100/600 battles victorious. In order to do this you’ll want to make sure you take on every enemy you come across throughout the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve used 300 or more double/triple advantages in battle. In order to do this you’ll want to make sure you hit enemies from behind or by pressing R2 for the Assault Attack.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve used 100+ S-Crafts in the game. You’ll naturally get this by the end of the game if you take on most enemies, but if you would like it faster, then make sure to use an S-Craft as soon as it becomes available.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve finished a battle with a tactical bonus of x3.0 or higher. In order to do this you’ll want to battle a large enemy (typically found near a Red Chests) and try to beat by using one of the following methods.
Name | Description |
Vanquisher | Defeat 4 or more enemies at once |
Triple Kill | Defeat 3 or more enemies at once |
Double Kill | Defeat 2 or more enemies at once |
Overkill | Defeat an enemy with an attack that deals damage greater than 5 times their remaining HP |
Deadly Reprisal | Defeat an enemy with a counterattack |
Triple Order | Issue a Brave Order 3 times |
Triple-Teamed | Perform link attacks 3 times |
Triple Cancel | Cancel an enemy’s arts or crafts 3 times |
Triple Counter | Counterattack 3 times |
Triple Break | Inflict the break stat 3 times |
Natural Remedy | Let abnormal status ailments fade on their own 3 times |
Bag of Tricks | Use 3 items |
Battle Chain | Win a chain battle. Winning a three-battle chain doubles the bonus |
Scouter | Analyze all of an enemy’s info |
First Strike | Successfully initiate an encounter with an advantage |
Swift and Sure | Win within 3 turns |
Vengeance | Win the battle while your HP is low |
Unscathed | Win without any party members taking damage |
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve successfully inflicted break over 800 times. In order to do this you’ll want to use Crafts that have a break damage and then focus on using it until the enemy is in the break status.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve reached any two Characters Link Level to 5. In order to this you’ll want to perform link attacks whilst their in your party.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve successfully used a follow up attack 500+ times. You’ll naturally get this Trophy towards the end of the game if you make sure to perform an assist every time it becomes available.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve successfully used a Rush attack 100+ times. You’ll naturally get this Trophy towards the end of the game if you make sure to perform a Rush Attack every time it becomes available.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve successfully used a Burst attack 50+ times. You’ll naturally get this Trophy towards the end of the game if you make sure to perform a Burst Attack every time it becomes available.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve used a Brave Order 100+ times in battle. In order to get this you’ll want to make sure to always activate a Brave Order in every battle.
Bonding Trophies¶
You’ll unlock this Trophy by viewing the final Bonding Event with the following students. However, it isn’t possible to do all of them within a single playthrough, so its best to pick whoever you like on your first run and then get the rest on the second, as you will have unlimited bonding points.
Trophy | Description |
Cross Your Heart | Forged a strong bond with Juna. |
Your #1 Vand | Forged a strong bond with Kurt |
Allie-oop | Forged a strong bond with Altina |
Hot for Teacher MKII | Forged a strong bond with Musse |
Ash & Chevalier | Forged a strong bond with Ash |
Faculty Romance | Forged a strong bond with Towa |
Reinford Groupie | Forged a strong bond with Alisa |
Heart Strings | Forged a strong bond with Elliot |
Lauramour | Forged a strong bond with Laura |
Just Us | Forged a strong bond with Machias |
Emma Enchanted | Forged a strong bond with Emma |
Jusis & Me-sis | Forged a strong bond with Jusis |
High Fie-delity | Forged a strong bond with Fie |
Found with the Wind | Forged a strong bond with Gaius |
Run of the Millium | Forged a strong bond with Millium |
My Funny Valestein | Forged a strong bond with Sara |
The Royal We | Forged a strong bond with Elise & Alfin |
Optional Trophies¶

Extra Curricular Activities
Completed all quests, both at the branch campus and during field exercises.

These Trophies will unlock by achieving Instructor Rank S and Academy Rank Prestigious. In order to do this you’ll want to make sure you complete all Side/Branch Campus Quests that game has to offer. Refer to the walkthrough for in-depth guidance on how to find and complete all quests.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve filled in all 282 enemies in your Battle Book. Refer to the battle section of the guide to find out which enemies can be found in certain locations.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve found and opened every Chest Trails of Cold Steel III has to offer. Refer to the walkthrough for in-depth guidance on where to find all Chests.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve acquired every Character Note in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the character profiles section of the guide to find out how to obtain every note in the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve acquired every Book in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the books section of the guide to find out how to obtain every book in the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve acquired all Cards in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the cards section of the guide to find out how to obtain every card in the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve acquired all Dishes in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the dishes section of the guide to find out how to acquire all dishes in the game.

Teach a Man to Fish...
Completely filled the fish section in the notebook. (All 25 types of fish + Rod Lv. Max)

This Trophy will unlock once you’ve caught all 25 fish in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the fish section of the guide to find out where to find every fish in the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve reported all radio material to Munk via the Arcus II. Refer to the walkthrough of the guide to find out where all radio material can be found.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve reported all landscape photos to Vivi via the Arcus II. Refer to the walkthrough of the guide to find out where all landscape photos can be found.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve acquired all 28 Quartz in Trails of Cold Steel III. Refer to the quartz section of the guide to find out where to find every master quartz in the game.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve over one million Mira in Trails of Cold Steel III. In order to do this you’ll want to wait until the final boss in the game and then sell all of your possessions.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve got any Master Quartz to level 7. In order to do this you’ll want to keep one equipped throughout your journey and it will naturally level up through battles.
This Trophy will unlock once you’ve completed the game on Nightmare. In order to do this you’ll want finish the game on normal, then carry all of your items over to make the playthorugh a lot easier.
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