Pedro, Im Sorry¶
Pedro is really hard, specially if you’re playing Episode 2 for the first time. You find a ton of ammo and supplies around the village when you explore it and the tough part is that you still have to deal with the afflicted that appear.
Use your bottles as Pedro and the Afflicted are together to take most of them out. If you’ve beated Barry’s Episode 2 then you already have some experience with him. Try shooting the yellow blobs around Pedro’s body and run around for your life. You need to defeat him in order to obtain some collectibles in Barry’s side so you’ve got to kill him, or ignore the collectibles and run away from him.
As the description implies, kill 20 Glasps throughout the main Campaign. Campaign are the annoying invisible enemies that appear in Barry’s chapters so have Natalia be of good use and locate them.
Conquered Fear¶
Clear Episode 3 (with both Claire and Barry).
Pedal to the Metal¶
Clear Episode 3 in Countdown Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
I Can See Undead People¶
Clear Episode 3 in Invisible Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
Sweet, Golden Medal¶
Get all medals in Episode 3. Check the Medal section for more info.
Heres My Resignation¶
During the cutscene at the end the battle against Neil, you have the option to either have Claire reach out for the gun and shoot him or have Moira crawl to get it. If you have Moira overcome her phobia you’ll get this trophy AND access to the GOOD ending of the game.
A Ripple in Time¶

A Ripple in Time
Obtain the item that lies beyond the gate in the sewers in Barry's Episode Three.

While playing as Claire in the sewers, there’s a dead end that has a lever on an upper platform. It looks like it does nothing but it gives Barry and Natalia access to a couple collectibles and this Trophy. You can follow the main walkthrough in order to get this one.
True or False¶
Clear Episode 4 (with both Claire and Barry).
Clear Episode 4 in Countdown Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
“Theres Something in Here”¶
Clear Episode 4 in Invisible Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
Im Not Leaving Without My Medal¶
Get all medals in Episode 4. Check the Medal section for more info.
What you Cant See Can Kill You¶

What You Can't See Can Kill You
Defeat six or more Glasps in the monument in Claire's Episode Four, on Normal difficulty or higher.

This one is really easy. Even though we don’t have Natalia to help us see and locate them, you can tell by other means. First of all you’ll get a Smokescreen Bottle in the area where you find the first two Glasps. Use the boxes to figure out where they area and shoot small bursts to locate them (check for the blood) and kill them.
There are 2 in the first area, 2 more in the area down the ladder and the last two are in the main tower area right before the end. I recommend using the Smokescreen Bottle with the last two Glasps… or with the last one rather.
Routes of Future Past¶
This one is really easy too. During Claire’s chapter you see a lever that activates the sluices. What you need to do is to use it (or not use it) and then finish off Barry’s chapter. Then replay Claire’s chapter and use (or not use) the sluice so you can follow it and as soon as you set foot in the sluice you get the trophy.
So basically you need to have Barry set foot in both sluices in order to get this trophy.
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