Brick Layer¶
At least it is only 20! Its not recommended using Natalia for offensive needs, but you can use bricks and aim for enemy weak spots to kill them.
One easy way to get this is to play Episode One and at one part of the game you will have to control Natalia as she goes solo and kills an enemy. You can hit restart here and farm this location to get your kills VERY easily.
Cutting Edge¶
We haven’t done this YET, but we imagine playing on casual has to help. We’ve also read that you don’t want to use the flashlight as Moira as it may cause Claire to go kick an enemy. So, play on casual and run by every enemy you can. Treat this as a no-kill speed run for Claire and Barry and you should be OK.
Line Em Up!¶
This has to best be done with Barry and his Magnum. Kind-of hard to beat that! Play through his episodes and wait for two of the normal afflicted enemies to line up and blow them away.
This is a weird one. SOME Revenant’s… SOME, mind you, have weapon arms. They can noticeably be found at the end of Barry’s chapter 1. You can farm them here by killing the Revenants that have the arms and restarting.
Unfriendly Skies¶
This trophy is also weird. Shoot down the enemies when they jump at you. The Afflicted in Claire’s story are much faster and jumpy, so farm for them there.
Like a lot of the kill trophies, you can farm this at the end of Episode One with Claire, when the respawning enemies appear right before you leave the Penal Colony.
Now Thats Teamwork!¶

Now That's Teamwork!
Have Moira stun an enemy and Claire follow up with a physical attack in the main campaign.

For a silver trophy, this one is VERY easy to get. You can likely get this without even trying.
Friend Indeed¶
This is best done while playing co-op. Or you could be evil and order your partner to stand in harms way. Either way, save your partner ten times to get this trophy.
Fish in a Barrel¶

Fish in a Barrel
Defeat five enemies with one exploding bottle or one firebomb bottle in the main campaign.

In Claire’s Episode 1, when you get to the garbage disposal area with the bugs, jump down here and run around to have all the bugs follow you. Toss a firebomb or exploding bottle at them to get your trophy.
Raiders of the Evil¶
Play through the very first mission in Raid Mode (which is to get to the medal at the end) to clear the mission. You have to kill a certain amount of zombies to get the key to proceed to the next area.
Throughout Raid Missions, you get items that have to be evaluated in order for you to use them. Evaluate one of them to get the trophy.
I Saw, I Conquered¶
Complete a Gauntlet in Raid Mode, which is finish all 6 missions in a group. Doesn’t matter with how many medallions you do end with.
Scared to Death¶
Clear Episode 2 (with both Claire and Barry).
“Run, Moira, Run!”¶
Clear Episode 2 in Countdown Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
Thats Gonna Be Fun¶
Clear Episode 2 in Invisible Mode. Check out the section for tips and tricks.
Theres a Medal for That¶
Get all medals in Episode 2. Check the Medal section for more info.
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