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Pokémon Legends: Arceus


Sophia Hayes
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This page lists all the Berries in Pokémon Legends: "Arceus" IconArceus, what they do and where you can find them.

What are Berries?

Berries can be used to heal or to lure Pokémon towards you.

Picture Name Effect Location
aguavberry.png Aguav Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokémon that hates bitter flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.
aspearberry.png Aspear Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure its frostbite. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Vulpix" IconVulpix Shop Jubilife Village
cheriberry.png Cheri Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure its paralysis. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Shinx" IconShinx, "Luxio" IconLuxio, "Luxray" IconLuxray, "Elekid" IconElekid, "Electabuzz" IconElectabuzz Shop Jubilife Village
chestoberry.png Chesto Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure its drowsiness. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Zubat" IconZubat, "Golbat" IconGolbat, "Mime Jr." IconMime Jr., "Mr. Mime" IconMr. Mime, "Gastly" IconGastly, "Haunter" IconHaunter, "Gengar" IconGengar
figyberry.png Figy Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokémon that hates spicy flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.
hopoberry.png Hopo Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its PP. If a wild Pokémon eats one of these Berries, that Pokémon’s reactions will be dulled. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Abra" IconAbra, "Kadabra" IconKadabra, "Zorua" IconZorua Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village
leppaberry.png Iapapa Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokémon that hates sour flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.
leppaberry.png Leppa Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore 10 PP to one of its moves. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Togepi" IconTogepi, "Togetic" IconTogetic, "Togekiss" IconTogekiss, "Cleffa" IconCleffa, "Clefairy" IconClefairy Shop Jubilife Village
lumberry.png Lum Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure any status conditions it may have. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Burmy" IconBurmy, "Wormadam" IconWormadam, "Cherubi" IconCherubi, "Cherrim" IconCherrim, "Petilil" IconPetilil, "Lilligant" IconLilligant
magoberry.png Mago Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokémon that hates sweet flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.
nanabberry.png Nanab Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to a third of its max. A wild Pokémon will be calmed if it eats one of these Berries. Carried by Pokémon "Aipom" IconAipom, "Shellos" IconShellos Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village
oranberry.png Oran Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by 20 points. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Rowlet" IconRowlet, "Cyndaquil" IconCyndaquil, "Oshawott" IconOshawott, "Bidoof" IconBidoof, "Bibarel" IconBibarel, "Pichu" IconPichu, "Pikachu" IconPikachu, "Chimchar" IconChimchar, "Buneary" IconBuneary, "Lopunny" IconLopunny, "Barboach" IconBarboach, "Turtwig" IconTurtwig, "Piplup" IconPiplup Shop Jubilife Village
pechaberry.png Pecha Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure its poisoning. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Stunky" IconStunky, "Skuntank" IconSkuntank, "Tentacool" IconTentacool, "Tentacruel" IconTentacruel Shop Jubilife Village
pinapberry.png Pinap Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to a third of its max. Catching a wild Pokémon that has eaten one of these will yield more Exp. Points. Carried by Pokémon "Gastrodon" IconGastrodon Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village
rawstberry.png Rawst Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to cure its burn. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Carried by Pokémon "Ponyta" IconPonyta, "Rapidash" IconRapidash, "Growlithe" IconGrowlithe, "Arcanine" IconArcanine, "Magmar" IconMagmar Shop Jubilife Village
razzberry.png Razz Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to a third of its max. A wild Pokémon will become easier to catch if it eats one of these Berries. Berry Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Eevee" IconEevee, "Vaporeon" IconVaporeon, "Jolteon" IconJolteon, "Flareon" IconFlareon, "Espeon" IconEspeon, "Umbreon" IconUmbreon, "Leafeon" IconLeafeon, "Glaceon" IconGlaceon, "Sylveon" IconSylveon, "Happiny" IconHappiny, "Chansey" IconChansey Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village
sitrusberry.png Sitrus Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. You can also throw this Berry near wild Pokémon to draw their attention. Grandtree Arena, Carried by Pokémon "Dartrix" IconDartrix, "Decidueye" IconDecidueye, "Quilava" IconQuilava, "Typhlosion" IconTyphlosion, "Dewott" IconDewott, "Samurott" IconSamurott, "Munchlax" IconMunchlax, "Raichu" IconRaichu, "Monferno" IconMonferno, "Whiscash" IconWhiscash, "Grotle" IconGrotle, "Torterra" IconTorterra, "Prinplup" IconPrinplup Shop Jubilife Village
wikiberry.png Wiki Berry A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokémon that hates dry flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.
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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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