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Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Frenzied Noble Kleavor

Vincent Lau
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This page includes strategies for fighting Frenzied Noble Kleavor in Pokémon Legends "Arceus" IconArceus (PLA).

(1 of 2) Kleavor: Lord of the Woods.

Kleavor: Lord of the Woods. (left), Kleavor may be imposing, but remember to dodge and you should do alright. (right)

During the main story, you’ll be tasked with quelling the fury of Kleavor, the Noble Pokémon that protects the Obsidian Fieldlands.

Kleavor’s Info

Kleavor is a newly added evolution for "Scyther" IconScyther, existing alongside "Scizor" IconScizor.

Pokémon Level Type
Kleavor 18 pokemon_pla_type_bug.pngpokemon_pla_type_rock.png

Kleavor’s Weaknesses & Strengths

Kleavor is weak to Water, Rock and Steel. Conversely, it resists Normal and Poison

Kleavor’s Attacks

Versus You

When facing Kleavor head on, there are three attacks to watch out for.

(1 of 2) Kleavor will spread its arms diagonally.

Kleavor will spread its arms diagonally. (left), Its eyes will gleam, then it’ll lunge forward. (right)

Beware when Kleavor stands still and spreads its arms out, in a diagonal line. After a short while, its eyes will gleam and there will be an audible cue. As soon as this happens, press the Y button to dodge sideways. Otherwise, you’ll be hit by its lunge attack.

(1 of 2) Gusts of wind begin appearing around Kleavor.

Gusts of wind begin appearing around Kleavor. (left), This signals a whirlwind attack. (right)

Sometimes, a circle of wind will begin forming around Kleavor, while it winds up for an attack. When you see the wind appear, move outside of the wind ASAP. Soon afterwards, Kleavor will perform a spinning whirlwind attack on the spot. This attack is quite easy to avoid, so long as you don’t dilly-dally.

(1 of 2) Rarely, Kleavor will arch backwards and lift its scythes up.

Rarely, Kleavor will arch backwards and lift its scythes up. (left), It’ll then hit the ground, creating a line of rock pillars. (right)

On rare occasions, Kleavor may lift its head up and swing its scythes backwards. When this happens, keep an eye on Kleavor, while maintaining your distance. Kleavor will then roll forwards and slam its scythes ahead. But that’s not the main attack. Instead, a series of jagged rocks will launch towards you in a straight line. As soon as Kleavor slams the ground, dodge sideaways.

Versus Pokémon

When sending a Pokémon to fight Kleavor, the Noble will use these moves:

(1 of 2) Stealth Rock deals little damage, but inflicts damage over time.

Stealth Rock deals little damage, but inflicts damage over time. (left), Air Slash is pure damage. (right)

  • Stealth Rock: Deals Rock-type damage and leaves behind splinters that inflict additional damage each turn.
  • Double Hit: Boosts the damage of Kleavor’s next attack by 50%.
  • Air Slash: Deals Flying-type damage.
  • Aerial Ace: Deals Flying-type damage. Weaker than Air Slash, but never misses.

Battling Kleavor

Recommended Pokémon

(1 of 2) Oshawott can use Aqua Jet (in Agile Style if necessary) to sneak in multiple attacks.

Oshawott can use Aqua Jet (in Agile Style if necessary) to sneak in multiple attacks. (left), Afterwards, it can wallop Kleavor with Water Pulse. (right)

The key for an easy victory is to prepare a strong Water or Rock-type. If you chose "Oshawott" IconOshawott as your starter, you’ve got a strong advantage. Another Water-type option is "Buizel" IconBuizel, which you can catch towards the south of Horseshoe Plains. For Rock-types, there’s "Geodude" IconGeodude, dotted around Deertrack Heights.


To stop Kleavor, you must throw Forest Balms at it, until its frenzy gauge is depleted. Throwing balms works the same as throwing Poké Balls. So you hold ZR and release to throw the balm. To make things easier, you’ll have infinite balms.

Obviously, the Lord of the Woods won’t just let you pelt it with balms. So get ready to dodge whenever Kleavor is about to attack.

(1 of 2) If Kleavor lunges into a wall, it’ll become stunned.

If Kleavor lunges into a wall, it’ll become stunned. (left), This is your chance to send out a Pokémon to fight. (right)

Initially, the main attack to look for is the lunge. You want to dodge after seeing its eyes gleam/when you hear the gleaming sound effect. Dodge too early and you’re liable to get hit. After Kleavor lunges, if it hits a wall, it’ll be stunned (dizzy stars will surround its head).

While Kleavor is stunned, you should send out a Pokémon to hurt it. There’ll be a prompt below the frenzy gauge. Press the X button to switch from balms to your Pokémon, then unleash your strongest Water or Rock-type. At this point, the action will switch to a standard Pokémon fight.

(1 of 2) When Kleavor’s HP reaches 0, it will drop its guard.

When Kleavor’s HP reaches 0, it will drop its guard. (left), During this window, your balms are more effective! (right)

Inflict enough damage and Kleavor will drop its guard (it will look like it’s collapsed). In this state, your balms will be more effective than usual, so keep lobbing them non-stop! After a while, Kleavor will recover and the cycle repeats.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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