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Monster Hunter World


Nathan Garvin
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Paolumu General Information

You’ll first be forced to hunt Paolumu during the assignment Ballooning Problems, after which Paolumu is a surprisingly frequent monstter, having four more quests to its name. After the aforemention assignment, you should unlock Sorry You’re Not Invited, and if you’ve been keeping up with various capture quests you can talk to the Smart Biologist to get the quest White Monster for a White Coat. In High Rank play, after defeating the Pukei-Pukei on the mandatory expedition to the Wildspire Waste you’ll get the quest Loop the Paolumu when you return to Astera, and after defeating High Rank Paolumu you should unlock Special Arena: HR Paolumu.

General Information .
Type Flying Wyvern
Quests Ballooning Problems (4*), Sorry You’re Not Invited (4*), White Monster for a White Coat (4*), Loop the Paolumu (6*), Special Arena: HR Paolumu (6*)
Variants Low Rank / High Rank / Tempered (Threat Level 1)

Paolumu Strengths and Weaknesses

While the only weak spot on Paolumu is the head and… neck pouch… the head, wings, body and tail are all breakable.

Paolumu is weak to Fire and resistant to water.

Paolum is vulnerable to both Blast and Stun, and moderately susceptible to the other ailments, being strong against none.

Although it has wings, Paolumu is somewhere in the middle as far as its preferences for terrestrial and aerial combat goes, reserving the latter for when it grows agitated and puffs itself up with air. This isn’t so much flying as it is… hovering about, but it can still make reaching Paolumu difficult, at times, althoug hit presents a fine target for ranged characters. Bring Flash Pods if you wish to keep Paolumu on the ground as much as possible, but otherwise, there’s little you need to worry about in terms of preparation.

Paolumu Attacks

While on the ground the Paolumu isn’t too dangerous, being mostly limited to the always obnoxious “pace back and forth” attack that far too many Flying Wyverns have, tail sweeps and bites. It’s not terrible quick, and can be fairly compared to the Pukei-Pukei… perhaps not so much in its general mannerisms, but in approximate size, shape and speed.

Where Paolumu becomes interesting is when it inflates itself up by inhaling air, during which time its neck - now swelled up and resembling a balloon - it can remain flying for extended periods of time, giving it at a lofty vantage from which to attack from.

While inflated, the Paolumu is much harder to hit for ground-based characters, as it has the advantage of height, and tends to keep its distance as well… save for when it decided to fly over and slam down upon an unwary hunter. While easily dodged, if the Paolumu catches you in a vortex ahead of time, it can hold you in place just long enough to smash you. As this is its most damaging attack, it’s worth being extra wary when it’s aloft to avoid such trouble. On top of that, the Paolumu gains a ranged attack of sorts while in the air, being able to spit blasts of wind at targets, dealing considerable damage. Of course, for ranged character, a balloon-like Paolumu is a fine target… Just aim for the inflated sac and shoot it out of the sky.

Carves (Low Rank) Frequency
Paolumu Pelt * * * *
Paolumu Scale * * * * *
Paolumu Shell * * *
Paolumu Webbing * * * *
Rewards (Low Rank) Frequency
Paolumu Scale * * * *
Paolumu Pelt * * * *
Paolumu Shell * * *
Paolumu Webbing * *
Monster Bone L * * *
Nourishing Extract * * *
Carves (High Rank) Frequency
Paolumu Pelt+ * * * *
Paolumu Scale+ * * * * *
Paolumu Carapace+ * * *
Paolumu Wing * * * *
Wyvern Gem *
Rewards (High Rank) Frequency
Paolumu Scale+ * * * *
Paolumu Pelt+ * * * *
Paolumu Carapace+ * * *
Paolumu Wing * *
Monster Keenbone * * *
Nourishing Extract * * *
Wyvern Gem *

None of the materials native to Paolumu are terribly rare, with only the Wyvern Gem having the dreaded one star rarity. Fortunately, if you dislike Paolumu, you can get a Wyvern Gem from Barroth and Jyuratodus, so you need not bother excessively farming Paolumu for anything.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 February 2018
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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This guide features a full, beginning-to-end walkthrough written in an “ideal chronological order of events” format. Main quests are interspersed with side quests in the order in which they unlock, although some side quests and arena challenges may only be referenced instead of fully explained. These are typically quests that have you facing a monster you’ve already fought under similar circumstances that offer no unique reward for completion. For example, after completing most main quests you won’t be able to attempt that quest again, but you’ll usually unlock an identical side quest allowing you to hunt the same monster in the same area with the same success/failure conditions.

Monster strategies will be discussed in detail as you encounter them throughout the walkthrough, featuring elemental and status information and drop lists. The guide also features a fully detailed bestiary for those who just want information about specific monsters unaccompanied by a walkthrough. Trophy/achievement information can also be found in a separate trophy/achievement guide, although be warned: many trophies/achievements in Monster Hunter World are easier said than done.

Other features of this guide include:

  • Information on crafting/harvesting.
  • Side quests that unlock mantles, ingredients and other useful features.
  • Field Researcher quests including where to catch rare fish, how to capture small monsters, and where to locate Grimalkynes/Gajalaka.
  • Grimalkyne/Gajalaka quests.
  • How to upgrade the Ancient Tree/Harvest Box and how to unlock various fertilizers.
  • How the Elder Melder works, melding different items and decorations.
  • Where to find the Powertalon and Armortalon, and how to upgrade them into the Powercharm and Armorcharm.
  • Detailed information on how to unlock Tempered Monsters, the difference between Threat Level 1, 2 and 3 Tempered Monsters.
  • Information on Feystones, including drop rates, the differences between the types (Mysterious, Gleaming, Worn and Warped).
  • How to get Warrior’s Streamstones and Hero’s Streamstones.

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