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Monster Hunter World


Nathan Garvin
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Anjanath General Information

Clearly one of the more popular monsters for the developers, Anjanath is one of only two monsters who feature in two assignments, one Low Rank, and the other High Rank. Colloquially known as the “pink wall”, Anjanath is a spot of frustration for many new hunters, being far stronger than anything that came before it, and frankly, many things that come after it.

You’ll first encounter Anjanath in the assignment The Encroaching Anjanath, after which you can try the monster again at any time in the optional quest One Helluva Sinus Infection. After that, you need not bother with Anjanath until you’re in High Rank mode, where, during your hunt for “??? Rathian” tracks, you’ll get the assignment Tickled Pink to break up the tedium of hunting for tracks. After completing this assignment you should unlock the quests It Can’t See You if You Don’t Move and Trespassing Troublemaker, should you care to hunt the High Rank Anjanath in the Ancient Forest or Wildspire Waste, respectively. Also, after killing High Rank Anjanath you should unock the quest Special Arena: HR Anjanath.

General Information .
Type Brute Wyvern
Quests The Encroaching Anjanath (4*), One Helluva Sinus Infection (4*), Tickled Pink (6*), It Can’t See You if You Don’t Move (6*), Trespassing Troublemaker (6*), Special Arena: HR Anjanath (6*).
Variants Low Rank / High Rank / Tempered (Threat Level 1)

Anjanath Strengths and Weaknesses

Despite being such a large monster, Anjanath’s head and tail are its only weak spots, with its head taking more damage than the tail. The head and legs are both breakable - a good thing in the latter case, because they’re such easy targets - while the tail is severable.

Since the Anjanath can breathe fire, it should be no surprise that it, itself, is resistant to Fire. To compensate, it’s also weak to Water.

Anjanath isn’t weak to any ailments, but it is resistant to Blast. Apart from that, they’re all moderately effective.

Anjanath is a powerful melee combatant, having attacks that deal light, medium and heavy damage, and it’s capable of responding to foes at its flank, rear, and especially its front. Keeping your Defense up to snuff is mandatory for if you want its damage output to be manageable - especially Low Rank Anjanath, where your gear is highly restricted and your options to mitigate this are few. Getting a good meal to boost your HP and Defense are also recommended. When enraged (as exposed by its evident frills), Anjanath will also start breathing fire. Most of these fire attacks - including a brief flare around the mouth - can set you on fire, but a concentrated fire blast can also deal massive damage. Every bit of Fire Resistance will help, and hitting the magical twenty point mark will prevent you from being immolated.

Elements .
Fire X
Water * * *
Thunder * *
Ice * *
Dragon *
Ailments .
Poison * *
Sleep * *
Paralysis * *
Blast *
Stun * *

Anjanath Attacks

The Anjanath is likely the first real problem monster in the game for most hunters, being tirelessly aggressive, hard-hitting and incredibly durable. As if that’s not enough, its persistent roaring and the fact that it can perform short charges (for all intents and purposes, simply walking right over would-be hunters) can keep attackers constantly off-balance, and it moves just enough to present a tricky target for some of the slower weapon types to score a decisive hit.

This Brute Wyvern also boasts a versatile - but definitely front-heavy - offense, attacking with bites, kicks, tail sweeps and charges, including a short rush and an absurd, ground-rending, mouth-plowing assault which deals tremendous damage. While it’s definitely more formidable in close-quarters combat, you shouldn’t feel too safe at a distance, either, as the Anjanath is capable of leaping great distances and crushing any hunters that happen to be where it lands.

If that’s not all bad enough, with the Anjanath is roused to anger, it’ll extend its frills and become even more aggressive, and showcase another weapon - fire breath. It can spew fire in a mighty blast, or sweep-scorch a wide area. The former can one-hit-kill even well-equipped hunters, so you definitely want to be anywhere but in front of it when its frills are up. If you get caught on fire, dodge roll three times to put it out (rolling in water will do so instantly).

Carves (Low Rank) Frequency
Anjanath Pelt * * * *
Anjanath Scale * * * * *
Anjanath Fang * * *
Anjanath Nosebone * * *
Anjanath Plate *
Rewards (Low Rank) Frequency
Anjanath Pelt * * * *
Anjanath Scale * * * *
Anjanath Nosebone * * *
Anjanath Tail * *
Anjanath Plate *
Monster Bone L * * *
Flame Sac * * *
Carves (High Rank) Frequency
Anjanath Pelt+ * * * *
Anjanath Scale+ * * * * *
Anjanath Fang+ * * *
Anjanath Nosebone+ * * * *
Anjanath Plate *
Anjanath Gem *
Rewards (High Rank) Frequency
Anjanath Pelt+ * * * *
Anjanath Scale+ * * * *
Anjanath Nosebone+ * * *
Anjanath Tail * *
Anjanath Plate *
Monster Keenbone L * * *
Inferno Sac * * *

The Anjanath’s drops are similar to those of Rathian - the Low Rank version drops an Anjanath Plate, both as a very rare carve and reward, and as a bonus for breaking the head or carving the tail. High Rank Anjanath will not drop the Anjanath Plate as often (you don’t get it as a reward for breaking the head or carving the tail), but it can also yield an Anjanath Gem, a compontent for more than a few weapons and charms. While a very rare carve or reward, you can also get it by breaking the head or carving the tail of High Rank Anjanath.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 February 2018
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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This guide features a full, beginning-to-end walkthrough written in an “ideal chronological order of events” format. Main quests are interspersed with side quests in the order in which they unlock, although some side quests and arena challenges may only be referenced instead of fully explained. These are typically quests that have you facing a monster you’ve already fought under similar circumstances that offer no unique reward for completion. For example, after completing most main quests you won’t be able to attempt that quest again, but you’ll usually unlock an identical side quest allowing you to hunt the same monster in the same area with the same success/failure conditions.

Monster strategies will be discussed in detail as you encounter them throughout the walkthrough, featuring elemental and status information and drop lists. The guide also features a fully detailed bestiary for those who just want information about specific monsters unaccompanied by a walkthrough. Trophy/achievement information can also be found in a separate trophy/achievement guide, although be warned: many trophies/achievements in Monster Hunter World are easier said than done.

Other features of this guide include:

  • Information on crafting/harvesting.
  • Side quests that unlock mantles, ingredients and other useful features.
  • Field Researcher quests including where to catch rare fish, how to capture small monsters, and where to locate Grimalkynes/Gajalaka.
  • Grimalkyne/Gajalaka quests.
  • How to upgrade the Ancient Tree/Harvest Box and how to unlock various fertilizers.
  • How the Elder Melder works, melding different items and decorations.
  • Where to find the Powertalon and Armortalon, and how to upgrade them into the Powercharm and Armorcharm.
  • Detailed information on how to unlock Tempered Monsters, the difference between Threat Level 1, 2 and 3 Tempered Monsters.
  • Information on Feystones, including drop rates, the differences between the types (Mysterious, Gleaming, Worn and Warped).
  • How to get Warrior’s Streamstones and Hero’s Streamstones.

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