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Monster Hunter Rise


Ben Chard
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Tetranadon is an Amphibian monster and is a newcomer to Monster Hunter Rise. During the story, it’s first encountered in the 3 Star Quest, Can’t Stomach the Thought . It’s characterized by it’s ability to expand itself by eating the ground around it, causing it to balloon in size.


(1 of 2) Fighting Tetranadon in the Frost Islands

Fighting Tetranadon in the Frost Islands (left), Tetranadon’s profile from the in-game Hunter’s Notes. (right)

Tetranadon is another newcomer to Monster Hunter Rise and one that can pose a great threat if your armor isn’t quite up to standards by the time you encounter it in the story for the first time. Defeating Tetranadon will require you to adapt to how its form changes after eating.

This main gimmick is what the Tetranadon hunt revolves around, slowing its movement speed in the process but granting it new, deadly attacks that will deal significant damage if you’re not careful. On top of this, Tetranadon has the ability to inflict Water Blight with some of its attacks so be sure to bring along a healthy supple of Nulberries when attempting this hunt.


(1 of 2) Tetranadon’s part and elemental susceptibility

Tetranadon’s part and elemental susceptibility (left), Tetranadon’s ailment susceptibility. (right)

Parts Elements Ailments
Head, Neck and Foreleg Electric and Fire Paralysis

Attack Patterns


(1 of 3) When Tetranadon approaches you with its mouth open

This is one of the more simple attacks that Tetranadon will use and arguably the easiest to avoid/block. It will approach with its mouth open before doing a short range bite. This becomes more deadly once Tetranadon is inflated as although the range is still short, it will cause damage to the area around it, inflicting more damage in the process.


(1 of 2) Tetranadon will raise its forelegs

Tetranadon will raise its forelegs (left), before using a medium ranged tackle against you. (right)

Tetranadon will use this attack often in its natural state however the tell is easy to recognise. Tetranadon will lean forward with its forelegs in the air before dashing towards you and tackling you, this will deal moderate damage if you happen to get struck by it however noticing the tell makes it easier to simply dodge to the side.


(1 of 2) Tetranadon will gain some distance on you and raise its forelegs higher

Tetranadon will gain some distance on you and raise its forelegs higher (left), before doing a long range dash that deals major damage should you get struck by it. (right)

This is one of Tetranadon’s more damaging attacks and it can be tricky to read the tell between the medium ranged Tackle. Look for Tetranadon to gain some distance on you and then it will raise its forelegs even higher than with Tackle before doing a fast paced charge across a large area in y our direction. As it becomes enranged, it will use both this attack and Tackle more frequently and if you’re close to it when it begins, you’ll certainly be struck by the attack.

Double Swipe

(1 of 2) Tetranadon will raise its left foreleg first to swipe

Tetranadon will raise its left foreleg first to swipe (left), before following up with another from its other foreleg. (right)

This is an easy attack to avoid with an easy tell to spot. Tetrandon will get some distance from you and then raise its left foreleg before closing in to swipe with it. Don’t drop your guard after the first hit however as it’ll quickly follow up with another swipe from the other foreleg and should you be caught with both swipes, you’ll sustain moderate damage.


(1 of 2) Tetranadon will appear to bury its head in the ground to eat

Tetranadon will appear to bury its head in the ground to eat (left), this causes it to inflate, granting it new attacks. (right)

This is Tetranadon’s signature attack and despite it not dealing any damage directly, it inflates the beast, causing it to gain new attacks and deal more damage at the expense of its speed. Tetranadon will bury its head in the ground to eat and shortly after, it will inflate massively. Note however that this makes his torso a huge weakpoint as you’ll need to deal direct damage to it to force it back into its regular form.

Hand Slap

(1 of 2) Tetrandon will rise on its hindlegs with its forelegs open

Tetrandon will rise on its hindlegs with its forelegs open (left), before bringing them together to deal massive damage. (right)

Yet another Tetranadon attack that is really easy to read, but damaging should you get caught by it. It will raise on its hindlegs with both of its forelegs open and then drop down to the ground and slam them together, causing impact all around the area. This is an ideal attack to use your Wirebug to dash to either side and create an easy opening.

Jump Attack

(1 of 2) Tetranadon will jump high in the air

Tetranadon will jump high in the air (left), and come crashing down from a long range. (right)

This is one of the tougher attacks to avoid as it has massive range so you’ll need to be prepared for it no matter your distance from Tetranadon. You’ll see it use its hindlegs to propel itself into the air and then come crashing down at its target, dealing impact damage around the area that it lands and inflicting tremor. If you see it jump, be prepared to deal with the attack be it using Wirebugs, blocking or preparing a counter.

Leg Slam

(1 of 2) Tetranadon will raise one hindleg while inflated

Tetranadon will raise one hindleg while inflated (left), before slamming it down and dealing damage to the area around it. (right)

Tetranadon can only use this attack while it’s inflated however it is a difficult attack to avoid. Tetranadon will raise one of its hindlegs high and then slam it into the ground to cause a massive shockwave around it, dealing major damage and inflicting Tremor. For this reason alone, especially in High Rank, consider bringing Tremor resistance to avoid the full brunt of this attack.


(1 of 2) Tetranadon will pin you down

Tetranadon will pin you down (left), before launching you into the air. (right)

You’ll notice when you’re caught in this attack when you lose control of your character. Tetranadon will pin you down before launching you high into the air, at which point you’ll suffer damage when hitting the ground. This is less of a problem if you have a Wirebug available to you as you can simply use it in the air after it tosses you.

Rock Throw

(1 of 2) When Tetranadon goes to the ground while inflated

When Tetranadon goes to the ground while inflated (left), it will pick up a large rock and throw it at you from range. (right)

This is an attack that is difficult to avoid should you be close to it when it uses it however the tell is another easy one to recognise. Like when it eats the ground to inflat, Tetranadon will use this same animation while inflated however it will dig up a large rock in the process before gaining some distance on you. At this point, it’ll toss a large rock your direction that covers a wide range. If you’re already at long range, you can simply evade this easily but if you’re close, this will almost certainly hit you.

Tail Spin

When attacking Tetranadon’s rear, expect the Tail Spin attack.

This is Tetranadon’s least threatening attack and you’ll only see it if you’re attacking its rear or hindlegs from behind. As with most large monsters, Tetranadon will simply spin its tail to knock you back, dealing minor damage but seeing as you want to target the head, you should hardly see this.

Water Blast

(1 of 2) Tetranadon will gather some distance

Tetranadon will gather some distance (left), and then toss out a large ball of water. (right)

Tetranadon will gather some distance from you, usually when fighting in pools of water, and then proceed to produce a large ball of water (larger when inflated) and hurtle it toward you. Like most of Tetranadon’s attacks, if you’re already at long range, this is easy to avoid but becomes more difficult the closer you are. If struck, this will cause Water Blight so be ready with the Nulberries in the event you are hit.


Tetranadon is one of the tougher early hunts in the game and you’ll certianly want to have upgraded your armor a little before beginning the hunt, even if through the use of Armor Spheres. Begin by making sure you have an Electric based weapon or, failing that, a Fire based weapon (interestingly, a Paralysis weapon works well here too). With your weapon sorted, consider wearing armor that boosts resistance against water while ensuring you have Tremor Resistance especially for the High Rank version of Tetranadon. If you don’t have any resistance to Water Blight, go ahead and bring some Nulberries too so you can remove it.

The hunt against Tetranadon really plays out differently based on whether or not it is inflated or not. When in its regular form, you’ll want to focus your attacks on breaking its head and hindlegs as it will take the greatest damage, its torso is actually fairly sturdy in this regular form. Pay special attention to when it gains distance on you as it will most likely use the deadly Charge against you and you won’t want to be too close. Likewise, make sure you keep one Wirebug ready for when it uses the Jump Attack as it will be able to track you from almost anywhere so a Wirebug can be used to dash out of the way of it.

(1 of 2) Focus your attacks on Tetranadon’s torso when inflated

Focus your attacks on Tetranadon’s torso when inflated (left), to knock it to the ground and force it to lose its size. (right)

Don’t get complacent once it does inflate however, despite it moving a lot slower, it’s attacks will deal significantly more damage to you and the new ones it gains require more evasion on your part. Its head is still a large weak point when inflated but you’ll want to focus all of your attacks on its torso at this point because not only will it deal increased damage but you can force it back to its regular size, knocking it over in the process for some free hits.

Tetranadon will use its Leg Slam attack often while inflated and it will impact the ground around the leg it uses, causing Tremor to those caught up in it. Without resistance, you’re going to leave yourself open for more damaging attacks such as its modified Bite attack that will also impact a wide area around it. For the most part, focus on striking its torso while inflated and you shouldn’t have to worry about the inflated form much throughout your hunt against Tetranadon.

Material Drops (Low Rank)

Tetranadon’s Low Rank drops.

Target Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Tetranadon Hide 24%
Tetra Carapace 32%
Tetranadon Beak 8%
Aqua Sac 24%
Jumbo Bone 12%

Capture Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Tetranadon Hide 21%
Tetra Carapace 33%
Tetranadon Beak 12%
Aqua Sac 29%
Tetranadon Disc 5%

Broken Part Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Tetranadon Hide 100%
Tetra Carapace 100%
Tetranadon Beak 70%
Aqua Sac 70%
Tetranadon Disc 100%


Material Drop Rate (%)
Tetranadon Hide 44%
Tetra Carapace 32%
Tetranadon Beak 5%
Aqua Sac 19%

Dropped Items

Material Drop Rate (%)
Tetranadon Hide 30%
Tetra Carapace 70%
Shiny Nacre 50%

Material Drops (High Rank)

Coming Soon!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 March 2021
  • Last Updated
    26 May 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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