This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel once you have met the council for the first time.
(1 of 2) Make your way to the Upper Wards and head towards the Upper Markets
Make your way to the Upper Wards and head towards the Upper Markets (left), reporter Emily Wong will request your assistance. (right)
How to Begin¶
There are two ways to go about accepting this Assignment however, if you wish to get the maximum rewards from it, be sure to begin the Assignment before dealing with Chora’s Den as part of the main Missions. Alternatively, if you failed to accept it before then, you can acquire the necessary item and turn it in to both begin and finish the Assignment, albeit for less rewards.
To begin the Assignment, make your way to the Upper Wards and you’ll spot a reporter by the name of Emily Wong as you pass through towards the Upper Markets. Stop and speak with her to learn she’s investigating crime on the Citadel and asks for your assistance in tracking down some evidence.
Look for Information¶
At this point, you’ll have to progress the story until you storm Chora’s Den with Wrex and Garrus and eventually take out Fist in his office. You won’t have time to dawdle following your encounter but once the following sequence is complete, be sure to head back to Chora’s Den and into Fist’s office to locate the Opitcal Storage Disc on the ground near Fist’s desk.
(1 of 2) Return to Fist’s office after the events with Tali to find this disc on his computer
Return to Fist’s office after the events with Tali to find this disc on his computer (left), use Charm or Intimidate to score more Credits. (right)
Deliver Information¶
With the OSD in hand, make your way back to Emily Wong just in the Upper Wards, outside the stairs leading to Flux and converse with her. If you spoke to Emily Wong before obtaining the Disc, you’ll be presented with two options:
- Saying “I can offer more.” (2 points of Charm) will result in more Credits and earn +2 Paragon.
- Alternatively, saying “You owe me more.” (2 points of Intimidate) will also result in more credits and earn +2 Renegade.
If you took down Fist before ever speaking to Emily Wong, you won’t get these options so be sure to begin the Assignment first. You must complete this Assignment to accept Emily’s follow-up, Planting a Bug later in the game.
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