This page contains a list of all the achievements/trophies in Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition, and information about how to obtain them.
Medal of Honor¶
Story-related, cannot be missed.
Medal of Heroism¶
Complete the mission on Feros. Story-related, cannot be missed.
Distinguished Service Medal¶
Complete the prologue mission on Eden Prime. Story-related, cannot be missed.
Council Legion of Merit¶
Complete the mission on Virmire, which you’ll gain access to after completing two of the previous three core missions: Therum, Feros and Noveria. Story-related, it cannot be missed.
Honorarium of Corporate Service¶
Complete the mission on Noveria. Story-related, it cannot be missed.
Lift Mastery¶
Use the Lift ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Throw Mastery¶
Use the Throw ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Warp Mastery¶
Use the Warp ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Singularity Mastery¶
Use the Singularity ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Barrier Mastery¶
Use the Barrier ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Stasis Mastery¶
Use the Stasis ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Damping Specialist¶
Use the Damping ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
AI Hacking Specialist¶
Use the AI Hacking ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it, but unlike most other abilities, it actually has to be used to take control of a hostile synthetic for the usage counter to increment. Turrets, drones and geth are all valid targets, but many enemies are immune to the lower ranks of this ability, requiring significant investment into the Hacking talent, as compared to other talent trees. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Electronics Specialist¶
Use the Overload ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Sabotage Specialist¶
Use the Sabotage ability 25 times. Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it. Anything that can take damage (even destructible crates and non-hostile wildlife) are valid targets. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
First Aid Specialist¶
Use First Aid to heal 50 times. To use this ability (and hence increment its usage counter), you must 1) have some Medi-gel (which is consumed upon use) and 2) have a squadmate (including Shepard) with health damage. Use this ability every time you have full Medi-gel and have sustained health damage and you’ll unlock this achievement before long. For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Neural Shock Specialist¶
Use the Neural Shock ability 25 times (Medicine talent tree). Its usage counter will increment if Shepard uses it, or if you command a squadmate to use it, but the target has to be an organic enemy (although apparently targeting the Mako also works, for some reason). For more details on grinding this achievement, see the Achievement Roadmap.
Meritorious Service Medal¶
Complete the mission on Ilos. Story-related, it cannot be missed.

ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries

To unlock this achievement you’ll need to “find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries” in a single playthrough. Your codex is wiped clean if you start a new playthrough (with a new Shepard or New Game+ with an old Shepard). Most of these aren’t a problem, as you can pick them up by talking to various characters on the Citadel, but a few - like the codex entries gained from Nihlus and from Ashley early on - are. On the plus side, there aren’t very many of these codex entries, and most of them can be obtain very early in the game (before you leave the Citadel for the first time), so while missing it sucks, it’s not a massive, game-spanning timesink. You’ll find a full list of these Codex Entries and where to acquire them on the Achievement Roadmap.
To earn this achievement, you must complete the majority of assignments and missions in the game. Missions you’ll have to complete to get to the end of the game, but assignments are optional, and are the only missable part of this achievement… and mostly only because if you ignore said assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for a list of all the assignments in the game.
Medal of Exploration I¶
See Medal of Exploration III, below.
Medal of Exploration II¶
See Medal of Exploration III, below.
Medal of Exploration III¶
You’ll get this achievement for landing on any eight uncharted worlds. Most of the solar systems in the game have at least one place of interest where you can dock or land, either boarding some other spacecraft or, somewhat more commonly, landing on a planet. You’ll likely earn this achievement while working on Completionist, as you’ll land on most of the uncharted planets in the game in the process of completing some assignment or another. Whether that assignment is gained ahead of time in another location, or found while exploring and scanning planets is irrelevent as far as earning this achievement goes - you’ll likely need to do quite a bit of both to find enough planets to land on. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for a list of all the assignments in the game.
Soldier Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Ashley in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
Sentinel Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Kaiden in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
Krogan Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Wrex in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
Turian Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Garrus in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
Quarian Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Tali in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
Asari Ally¶
You’ll earn this achievement for having Liara in your active party when you resolve any five missions or assignments. Check out the Achievement Roadmap for information on how to grind this out.
The description for this achievement is somewhat misleading, as you actually have to fill the Paragon (blue) or Renegade (red) bars up to 75%, not “accumulate 75% of total possible Paragon or Renegade points” - there’s actually far more Paragon/Renegade points to earn in the game than it requires to fill either bar. If you want to ensure you unlock this achievement, you’ll want to complete as many assignments as possible (making this another achievement you’ll likely obtain during your hunt for Completionist) and whenever you get the chance stick to either the top right (Paragon) dialog options or bottom right (Renegade) dialog options and pick Charm (blue) or Intimidate (red) responses whenever they pop up. To ensure you have access to Charm/Intimidate choices (and hence, can gain the Paragon/Renegade points from selecting them) you’ll need to invest some talent points into Charm/Intimidate.
There are also two infinite Paragon/Renegade exploits in the game; a Paragon-only exploit you can take advantage of to max out your Paragon meter on Eletania, and another exploit you can use to max out both your Paragon and Renegade meters on Noveria. The Eletania exploit has no requirements save restraint, while the Noveria exploit requires you to be able to access a Charm 5/Intimidate 5 dialog option.
Spectre Inductee¶
Complete the mission on your first visit to the Citadel. Story-related, it cannot be missed.
You have two opportunities in each playthrough to earn the Charismatic achievement: One is during the mission on Virmire, where you’ll have to pass a Charm or Intimidate check during the confrontation with Wrex. Both of these options will require 8 ranks of Charm or Intimidate. The other opportunity is during the final mission of the game, Race Against Time. When you confront Saren in the Council Chambers, pass a series of Charm/Intimidate checks (you’ll require at least 9 ranks in either for this) to talk him out of a fight.
Search and Rescue¶
Complete the mission on Therum. Story-related, cannot be missed.
Colonial Savior¶
Complete the DLC assignment Bring Down the Sky. This is an optional assignment, so you must complete it before heading to Ilos, at which point you’ll be locked into the endgame. What choices you make during this assignment do not matter, just that you finish it.
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