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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

How to Level Job Rank Fast - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Nathan Garvin

When you defeat enemies, you’ll earn both Experience and Job Experience. The former levels up your character, while the latter increases the Job Rank of their currently active job. While your character’s level is more determinative of their overall power, yielding larger and more persistent bonuses, their Job Rank also grants supplemental stat boosts and unlocks new skills, making both important to raise. This page will discuss how leveling your Job Rank works, including what stats and skills carry over between jobs and which do not, and the fastest way to increase your Job Rank in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

  • Do you keep Job Rank stats when you switch jobs in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?: Generally you do not, the stat gains unlocked by increasing Job Rank typically only apply when that job is active, and are lost when you switch to another job. The passive stat boosts listed in each job’s skill list, however, are permanent and carry over between jobs.

(1 of 3) Different jobs have different stat growth rates,

Character Level Stats and Job Rank Stats - Infinite Wealth

When your character level increases, you’ll gain a significant boost to your stats. These stat gains are both significant (averaging around +20 HP and +3-4 in most other stats), permanent (all jobs benefit from these stat gains), and somewhat variable between characters, for a dash of extra flavor. Ichiban is a high all-rounder, "Chitose" iconChitose has high Agility, "Nanba" iconNanba has high Magic and Willpower but low Attack and Defense, "Adachi" iconAdachi has high Health Points and Defense but low Mental Points, Magic and Agility, and so on. Increasing Job Rank also improves your stats, but your stat gains per Job Rank are much, much smaller than what you get when your character level increases. Between each character’s natural growth rates and the supplemental stats they get from increasing their Job Ranks there’s a fair bit of variability between the stats between characters, and with the same character when they have different jobs active.

The growth rates of each job are as follows:

"Action Star" iconAction Star 5 3 4 3 1 2 3
"Aquanaut" iconAquanaut 2 4 3 3 3 3 3
"Assassin" iconAssassin 3 2 4 2 3 3 4
"Breaker" iconBreaker 3 3 3 2 3 2 5
"Chef" iconChef 3 3 4 2 4 2 3
"Desperado" iconDesperado 2 5 4 2 3 2 3
"Detective" iconDetective 5 2 4 4 2 3 1
"Dragon of Dojima" iconDragon of Dojima 5 1 5 3 3 2 3
"Freelancer" iconFreelancer 3 3 5 4 1 3 3
"Geodancer" iconGeodancer 2 4 3 2 5 2 3
"Heiress" iconHeiress 3 3 3 2 3 3 4
"Hero" iconHero 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
"Homeless Guy" iconHomeless Guy 2 4 1 2 5 4 3
"Host" iconHost 2 4 2 1 5 4 3
"Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper 3 3 1 3 4 4 3
"Idol" iconIdol 3 4 2 2 4 3 3
"Kunoichi" iconKunoichi 2 4 3 2 3 2 5
"Linebacker" iconLinebacker 4 2 3 5 1 3 4
"Night Queen" iconNight Queen 4 3 5 3 2 1 3
"Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer 4 4 5 1 3 1 3
"Samurai" iconSamurai 3 3 5 4 2 2 2
"Sujimancer" iconSujimancer 3 3 1 3 5 4 3
"Tennis Ace" iconTennis Ace 4 3 4 3 1 3 4

Are Stat Increases from Job Ranks Permanent?

You keep all the stat gains you make when leveling up regardless of what job you have active, but stat gains earned when your Job Rank improves only apply to that job. For example, if Ichiban increases his "Hero" iconHero Job Rank, the stat gains earned will not carry over if he switches his job to "Freelancer" iconFreelancer.

There is one exception to this rule, however. If you check a job’s skill list, you’ll notice the odd stat boost sprinkled in among the skills. After Job Rank 30, the skills dry up and the stat gains dominate the rest of the skill list. For example, this is Ichiban’s Hero job skill list:

Rank Unlock
1 Bat "Breaker" iconBreaker
1 "Hero" iconHero’s Wisdom
3 Grand Liner
5 "Hero" iconHero’s Flair
6 "Hero" iconHero’s Healing
8 Mega Swing
10 MP +5
12 "Hero" iconHero’s Blessing
15 Tornado Liner
16 HP +10
18 "Hero" iconHero’s Encouragement
20 Giga Swing
22 "Hero" iconHero’s Guts
24 Essence of "Buster" iconBuster Geyser
26 HP +10
28 MP +5
32 HP +10
37 Willpower +5
44 Attack +5
51 Magic +5
58 Defense +5
65 HP +10
72 MP +5
79 Agility +5
86 Defense +5
93 Willpower +5
99 HP +10

Unlike the stat bonuses gained for increasing your Job Rank, the stat bonuses listed on a job’s skill tree are permanent and carry over between jobs. If you add it up, then, Ichiban will gain the following stats for maxing out his Hero job’s Job Rank:

Job Rank 99 "Hero" iconHero Stats
HP +50
MP +15
Attack +5
Defense +10
Magic +5
Willpower +10
Agility +5

These gains aren’t massive, they amount to around two extra character levels of growth. But when you have 7-12 jobs for each character that can all be maxed, that adds up to quite a lot of stat points. Grinding out all these Job Ranks is a massive grind, but fortunately, you don’t need to do this if you’re on the more casual side of the gaming spectrum - these extra stat bonuses only really become necessary when you’re dealing with postgame content. That said, there are some tricks you can use to expedite the chore of increasing Job Ranks…

(1 of 2) You can boost the Job Experience you earn by equipping certain accessories.

You can boost the Job Experience you earn by equipping certain accessories. (left), One accessory will increase your Job Experience gains by 1.2x, and a second by 1.4x. (right)

Job Experience Boosting Accessories - Infinite Wealth

One of the easiest ways to increase your Job Experience gains is to equip specific accessories that achieve the desired effect. Most classes have an accessory that increases Job Experience earned to 1.2x when equipped, and since you can equip two accessories on a character, doubling up on these accessories will effectively increase Job Experience you gain from each fight to 1.4x. These accessories are as follows:

Job Job Rank Accessory Location
"Action Star" iconAction Star "Rings of the Master" iconRings of the Master Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Aquanaut" iconAquanaut "Infrared Goggles" iconInfrared Goggles Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Aquanaut" iconAquanaut "Infrared Goggles" iconInfrared Goggles Complete Substory #18
"Assassin" iconAssassin VIP Sunglasses In a gold safe in the Commercial District of Yokohama, in the corner of the parking garage where the "Can Quest" iconCan Quest minigame is located.
Bar Maid "Mysterious Blush" iconMysterious Blush In a gold safe in the Bar District of Yokohama
"Breaker" iconBreaker "Def Boom Box" iconDef Boom Box Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Breaker" iconBreaker "Def Boom Box" iconDef Boom Box Complete Substory #13
"Cabbie" iconCabbie "Kaiser's Change Holder" iconKaiser’s Change Holder Complete Substory #27
"Chef" iconChef "Court Tongs" iconCourt Tongs Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Desperado" iconDesperado "Antique Coin" iconAntique Coin Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Desperado" iconDesperado "Antique Coin" iconAntique Coin Complete Substory #30
"Detective" iconDetective "Vintage Notebook" iconVintage Notebook In a gold safe in the Cultural District of Hawaii, between the "Art Walls" iconArt Walls and "Night St" iconNight St.
"Dragon of Dojima" iconDragon of Dojima "Dragon God's Amulet" iconDragon God’s Amulet Rescue 5 people from "Yokohama Underground" iconYokohama Underground
"Dragon of Dojima" iconDragon of Dojima "Dragon God's Amulet" iconDragon God’s Amulet Complete Yokohama Memoir #49 (Chapter 12)
"Gangster" iconGangster "Worldly Cigar" iconWorldly Cigar Complete Yokohama Memoir #48 (Chapter 12)
"Geodancer" iconGeodancer "Hibiscus Hair Band" iconHibiscus Hair Band Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Geodancer" iconGeodancer "Hibiscus Hair Band" iconHibiscus Hair Band Complete Substory #30
"Hitman" iconHitman "Bullet of Memory" iconBullet of Memory Defeat the Seiryu Clan Lieutenant in Seiryu HQ at the end of Chapter 12
"Homeless Guy" iconHomeless Guy "Old Fountain Pen" iconOld Fountain Pen Found in a gold safe along Yokohama Blvd. in Yokohama. The gold safe is down some stairs leading underground just north of the "Wette Kitchen (Isezaki Rd.)" iconWette Kitchen (Isezaki Rd.) restaurant
"Host" iconHost "Fancy Business Card" iconFancy Business Card Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper "Gorgeous Rubber Gloves" iconGorgeous Rubber Gloves Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper "Gorgeous Rubber Gloves" iconGorgeous Rubber Gloves Complete Substory #36
"Idol" iconIdol "Dreamy Signature" iconDreamy Signature Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Kunoichi" iconKunoichi "Scroll of Secrets" iconScroll of Secrets Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Linebacker" iconLinebacker "Commemorative Football" iconCommemorative Football Purchase from Treasure Select Pawn in Anaconda Shoping Center
"Night Queen" iconNight Queen "Ecstasy Rope" iconEcstasy Rope Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama
"Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer "Animal Bone Necklace" iconAnimal Bone Necklace Randomly found in suitcases in Hawaii
"Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer "Animal Bone Necklace" iconAnimal Bone Necklace Complete Substory #29
"Samurai" iconSamurai "Golden Inro" iconGolden Inro Randomly found in suitcases in Yokohama.
"Samurai" iconSamurai "Golden Inro" iconGolden Inro Complete Kamurocho Memoir #38
"Tennis Ace" iconTennis Ace "Champion's Grip" iconChampion’s Grip Purchase from Treasure Select Pawn in Anaconda Shoping Center

Most of these JEXP boosting accessories can be found in suitcases around Hawaii and Japan, although the drops are random (or in their respective optional dungeons). If you want a more guaranteed way of earning these JEXP boosting accessories, some can be found for completing Substories. It should be noted that you’ll find JEXP boosting accessories for "Hawaiian" iconHawaiian jobs ("Action Star" iconAction Star, "Aquanaut" iconAquanaut, "Desperado" iconDesperado, "Geodancer" iconGeodancer, "Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper, "Linebacker" iconLinebacker, "Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer and "Tennis Ace" iconTennis Ace) around Honolulu, while the jobs you unlock later in Japan ("Breaker" iconBreaker, "Chef" iconChef, "Host" iconHost, "Idol" iconIdol, "Night Queen" iconNight Queen and for some reason "Kunoichi" iconKunoichi) will have their JEXP boosting accessories in Japan. Exclusive jobs have rarer JEXP boosting accessories, and these tend to come out of gold safes.

(1 of 3) Taking inspiration from Dragon Quest, you can find Metalworm enemies in dungeons like the Hawaiian Haunt.

Job Experience Farming - Metalworms

The stronger the enemy, the greater the reward. Not a novel or complicated concept and it largely holds true for the foes you’ll face in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. In Chapters 8 and 9 enemies will get strong across the board and, unless you’ve delved into the depths of the Hawaiian Haunt, these new, stronger foes are far more profitable to farm. This includes Experience, Job Experience and money.

Still, “just play the game more” isn’t the advice anybody is looking for and like with many roleplaying game aspects in Like a Dragon: Infinite wealth, inspiration was clearly drawn from Dragon Quest. In Dragon Quest, finding and defeating rare metal slime enemies would yield massive experience gains, but the monsters are notoriously flighty and, being made of metal, difficult to damage. In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth you have Metalworm enemies instead of metal slimes. Like metal slimes, Metalworms are prone to fleeing after about two turns and are difficult to damage, being resistant to all elements. If you’re barely struggling against normal enemies in the same area or unwilling to spend MP on damaging skills, you might not be able to defeat them before they flee. If you do defeat them, however, they’ll yield massive amounts of Job Experience - around 2,000 JEXP at Lv18 and 60,000 JEXP at Lv50.

The earliest place to find Metalworms is in the Hawaiian Haunt dungeon, which unlocks near the end of Chapter 5. Defeating these enemies is a great way to boost Job Experience, but they’re fairly rare - expect to only encounter one or two every five levels or so. While a great way to grind out Job Experience (especially with Job Experience boosting accessories equipped!), the deeper you delve into the dungeon, the less separation there is between Metalworms and normal enemies. Metalworms are always a superior source of Job Experience, but when normal enemies are yielding 10,000 JEXP per battle (and fights against special enemies are worth 20,000+ JEXP), it’s not quite as special anymore.

So, to summarize, find and equip accessories that boost Job Experience growth and hit optional dungeons like the Hawaiian Haunt. If you can chase down Metalworms or other high-value enemies, great! If not, high-level enemies tend to give tons of JEXP, so you should be able to get your Job Rank up pretty quickly.

For more information about unlocking jobs and earning Job EXP, check out the following pages:

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Should be noted that as of the current patch (4th Feb) permenant stat bonuses DO NOT carry over between jobs, you can see this yourself by adding up the stats manually. So don't bother leveling other jobs just for stats yet.

It may be fixed in a patch or it could be intentional and they didn't update the tutorial box, won't be the first time they copy pasted a help box and forget to update it.

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Just checked. You're right. Good catch!

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Should be noted that as of the current patch (4th Feb) permenant stat bonuses DO NOT carry over between jobs, you can see this yourself by adding up the stats manually. So don't bother leveling other jobs just for stats yet.

It may be fixed in a patch or it could be intentional and they didn't update the tutorial box, won't be the first time they copy pasted a help box and forget to update it.

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Just checked. You're right. Good catch!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 January 2024
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2024
    Version History
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth allows you to experience both of Hawaii and Japan’s culture from Ichiban’s point of view while also trying to take down some of the most powerful criminals on the side. This guide for Infinite Wealth contains the following:

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