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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Skill Inheritance Explained - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Nathan Garvin
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is a job-based roleplaying game, with the various gender-segregated jobs determining, at least in part, a character’s stats, weapon selection and combat role. Most importantly, a character’s current job determines what skills they have access to, as each job has its own exclusive roster of skills, be they buffs, debuffs, debilitative skills, physical damage, magic damage, healing or the odd outlier skill that doesn’t fit into any of the categories above. While being able to switch jobs is all well and good, if you were limited to switching jobs and living with whatever skills each job had, it wouldn’t be very dynamic. Fortunately in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth you can not only swap between jobs regularly, but you can “inherit” skills from one job and retain access to them even when you switch to another job. This page will discuss skill inheritance, including how to unlock skills, how to unlock job inheritance slots, and how to inherit ultimate skills.

(1 of 2) To assign “inherited” skills, just visit any Alo-Happy changing room.

To assign “inherited” skills, just visit any Alo-Happy changing room. (left), Only skills you’ve unlocked are eligible to be inherited - increase your Job Rank to unlock skills. (right)

Unlocking Job Skills - Infinite Wealth

Defeating enemies will earn you Experience, which increases your character level, as well as Job Experience (JEXP) which will increase your Job Rank. Each job has its own Job Rank, and these are not shared between characters, and Job Rank is only accumulated for the job a character currently has active. You not only need to level up different characters, but you also have to increase the Job Rank for numerous jobs per character, as well.

As your Job Rank increases, you’ll get access to more skills and perhaps the odd passive stat boost. You can check when these unlock by going into the menu, selecting the “Party” option, then “Jobs”. After this, select a character and press the DualSense-ButtonTriangle / Xbox-ButtonY button to see the currently active job’s skill list. You can toggle between other unlocked jobs that character has access to with DualSense-R1 / DualSense-L1. Most jobs follow the same basic scheme, with the earlier Job Ranks being front-loaded, skill-wise. Ultimate skills will usually unlock at JR24 and JR30, and JR30 is often the last skill that will unlock with the other Job Ranks (up to JR99} being reserved for passive stat boosts.

Increase your Job Rank to unlock skills in combat. Any skill unlocked in combat will also be a candidate for Skill Inheritance.

Unlocking Skill Inheritance Slots

When you unlock the ability to change jobs in Chapter 5, you’ll also unlock the ability to inherit skills. Granted, you probably won’t have much to inherit at this time, since you’ll be switching out of each character’s exclusive job(s) and branching out into what few jobs you’ll be able to initially unlock. This can, if anything, make it easier for skill inheritance to slip the player’s mind.

As mentioned earlier, you can only inherit skills you have access to, which basically means you have to increase each job’s Job Rank. Once that’s done, you’ve got other prerequisites to meet, namely skill inheritance slots. Go to any "Alo-Happy" iconAlo-Happy building and interact with the changing room and you’ll get two options: “Change Jobs” and “Skill Inheritance”. Select the latter and then pick any character and you should notice that each character has six Skill Inheritance slots. If you’re still early in the game, most of them will probably be locked.

Unlocking Skill Inheritance slots for your party member requires you to increase their [Bond Level], with more slots unlocking the higher said Bond Level grows, as follows:

Skill Inheritance Slot Bond Level
1 - General Skills Bond Lv. 10+
2 - General Skills Bond Lv. 30+
3 - General Skills Bond Lv. 40+
4 - General Skills Bond Lv. 50+
5 - General Skills Bond Lv. 70+
6 - Ultimate Skills Bond Lv. 100+

In the case of Ichiban, he’ll unlock new Skill Inheritance slots every time one of his [Personality Traits] reaches Lv5.

(1 of 2) Skill Inheritance slots are unlocked by increasing Bond Level (for companions) or Personality Traits (for Ichiban).

Skill Inheritance slots are unlocked by increasing Bond Level (for companions) or Personality Traits (for Ichiban). (left), You can assign up to five general skills and one ultimate skill, and you retain access to all the skills from your active class, as well. (right)

Skill Inheritance - How to Assign Skills

Once you’ve unlocked Inheritance Skill slots and skills you actually want to assign to them, it’s just a simple matter of using the Alo-"Happy" iconHappy dressing room. The first five skill slots are for general skills - the majority of skills you unlock, in other words. The sixth and final skill slot is for ultimate skills, as noted by the rainbow coloration next to both the Skill Inheritance slot and of the skill’s icon. So every character can eventually have access to any five normal skills they’ve unlocked and any one ultimate skill, as well as all of their active class skills.

Generally, it is a good idea to ensure you have a healing skill, an AoE skill, and a magic damage skill. Having access to useful buffs, a revival skill, skills that inflict specific debilitations and a grapple skill can also come in handy, but this will depend on what you’re fighting and what weapon you have equipped.

For more related gameplay information check out the following pages:

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 January 2024
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2024
    Version History
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth allows you to experience both of Hawaii and Japan’s culture from Ichiban’s point of view while also trying to take down some of the most powerful criminals on the side. This guide for Infinite Wealth contains the following:

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