Lizard Lariat
Proof of hunting down more than 30 lizards in the shifting sands of the Dead Dunes.

You need to find the Bandits out in the desert who may have information on the Holy Clavis. They have been digging for a long time and know the desert incredibly well so are best placed to tell you. The settlement, Ruffian, is in the far north of the Dead Dunes at the waypoint marker.
You may get distracted by the awesomeness that is sand surfing but don’t waste too much time doing that. Do you see the sandstorm in the distance? That is blocking the shortcut through to the Bandit Camp so you’ll have to go the long way around. Pick up any treasure spheres you find in the Giant’s Sandbox but don’t go wildly out of your way.
Also, look out for any Red Cactuar Stones to activate as these help you traverse the desert instantly and will save you a lot of time. Head up to the sandstorm to activate the Cactuar Stone there but you can go no further so turn back and go around to the Grave of the Colossi. Use Chronostasis before you go rushing off because this section can waste a lot of time.
When you enter the narrow path through the ruins, look for a shiny object on the left side. This is a Pilgrim’s Crux that can be used on the monuments at the sandstorm to stop the storm. They can also be used to open doors in the ruins so always pick them up if you see them. Gurangatch spawn a lot here so take advantage of this and get your EP to max.
Pilgrim’s Crux are needed for many doors in the Temple Ruins later down the line. Always pick them up.
Keep Chronostasis active until you reach the camp. Coming out of the ruins over to the west, you will see another sandstorm. Run up to the monument and use the Pilgrim’s Crux to stop it. You can now access an area needed for a sidequest and some good items. Run up to the skeleton surrounded by Goblots. Fight them off to acquire the Arithmometer and finally, open the sphere using 4 EP to obtain the Silk Scarf . Coming here now saves you time later and you might as well since it’s on the way.
The body surrounded by Goblots has the Arithmometer. This is needed for a side quest a little later on.
Touch the Cactuar Stone at the Grave of the Colossi Shrine before running a bit further north and west to find the Earth Eater Notes inside a ruin. Grab the Serenity Sachet at the entrance to Ruffian and then head into the camp proper. If you turn south at the crossroads, you will find a Corsair Scarf . You can jump down from here to reach the camp.
First thing’s first, touch the Cactuar Stone to unlock Ruffian as a destination. If you talk to some of the residents, they’ll tell you that you need to speak to Adonis before you do anything else though feel free to visit any shops. Head to the bar to find Mal who will buy any Soul Seeds you may have picked up. When you reach a certain number of seeds, you will be rewarded with a Hero’s Potion for your efforts.
If you run past the inn and through to the hallway ahead, you’ll find Adonis, the man wearing a red suit. He’ll give you a task you must complete before you can join the gang and meet the boss. You must kill the Gurangatch at the God’s Wrath sandstorm and acquire the Crux it drops. When you’re ready, go outside and use the Cactuar Stone to teleport to the “Near God’s Wrath” stone.
If you head up the stairs inside the camp in Ruffian, you can find the Gurangatch Notes in a corner. If you haven’t achieved a full Libra screen by now, then these will help.
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