Simply complete 25 Canvas of Prayers quests. There are plenty of them and most are not too difficult to complete. Have a look at the Canvas of Prayers section in the guide for details of them.

Angel of Salvation
Proof of clearing 25 side quests. It is a great feat to lead so many souls to salvation.

You must complete 25 side quests (not Canvas quests) to unlock this achievement. There are just over 40 side quests in the game so it is not too difficult to complete.

Deliverer of Salvation
Proof of clearing 5 side quests. It is a fine beginning, but the journey is still long.

This will be one of the first trophies you unlock if you complete the very simple side quests at the beginning of the game. Complete 5 of them to unlock it.
You will unlock this when you have collected 30 different garb. You will find many by completing quests and special events like the Ultimate Lair as well as from the Outerworld Service and DLC.
You will unlock this easily during the natural course of the game as you upgrade your skills. Go to a sorcery shop and select Synthesis and then start strengthening your abilities.
Kill 300 enemies in battle. Easily achieved during the course of the game so no grinding is necessary.
Beat 500 enemies over the course of one playthrough. This trophy should unlock at just over the half-way mark (Day 7 or so) if you diligently kill each enemy as it comes along. You don’t have to grind for the trophy so don’t go out of your way unless you want to.
Kill 100 enemies in battle. You will achieve this fairly early on in the game.
Use 50 EP in a playthrough. If you farm enemies at all, you will surpass this total very quickly. You can use 8 in one battle when you have filled out the meter later on and EP is easily acquired in Chaos Infusions or defeating the Large-Scale enemy types.

Novice Artist
Proof of customizing the color of one of your garb. Let your true colors shine through.

Change the colour of one garb. This can be done as soon as you unlock schemata customisation at the beginning of Day 1 in the Ark.

Novice Stylist
Proof of customizing your first schema. Continue on this path to find your own style.

Customise your first schema. This can be done at the start of Day 1 in the Ark when customisation unlocks.
Upgrade your first ability via Synthesis when it unlocks during the main game.

Perfect Passenger
Proof of riding upon all of the great monorail lines that cross this shrinking world.

To unlock this, you must travel on all the monorail links at least once. You will likely do this naturally as you travel from place to place but just keep it in mind, particularly if you prefer to use Teleport a lot of the time.
Perform a Perfect Guard for the first time. This can be done easily with the Anubys enemies during the Prologue

Seeing Stars
Proof of staggering enemies 50 times with fearsome attacks. Do not ever let them rest!

Stagger 50 enemies. If you aim to exploit each enemy you come across, you should naturally complete this as you progress through the game.
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