Evil Morals in Bohemia Lore Books
How the Czechs indulge in iniquity and sin.
On the Evil Morals
plaguing Bohemia
The Czechs have ceased to preserve their good name and sinfully devote themselves to hedonistic delights. The old of their ilk stuff themselves like pigs and merely idle about in their homes, whilst the young have taken to dog hunting. The noblemen have begun to do that which once behoved only servants. Where once each lord kept his house clean and orderly, now dogs lie there; where ere hunters hunted and lords would come to visit them as need be, today they have devoted themselves to this lowly art, as if they had forgotten about their own blood. Ere they would sit at a table and attend to the affairs of the land and see to the multiplication of its peace and wealth; today they are wont to share a roof with a dog of the hunt and consider conversation of dogs and hunting to be of the most honourable variety. And thus the wealth of their estates is deteriorating and the stench of their dogs shall soon kill them.
In days of yore when they set off to war, their own country they did not loot and took only from the enemy. Yet what of today? When they depart upon a military campaign, their first action is to plunder their own country. In times ere they dared not touch the property of the Holy Church and honoured it rightly. Today they have no shame in plundering churches and monasteries. Without honour they return from battle; having molested young maidens and drunk every drop of mead, they return home like drunken beasts and new injustices do perpetrate… Not a single crumb of honour is left in these once proud Czechs. And a time will come when they shall cry over their gains and then gladly return to the old ways and order.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Kuttenberg Region Map
On a bookshelf in one of the bedrooms on the second floor.
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