Level I Locks Locks
Level I Locks can be picked after you learn the Alohomora spell as part of the main quest. Gladwin Moon is the character who will teach it to you.
Note that Level II Locks and
Level III Locks require a higher level of the spell that can be obtained by returning
Demiguise Statues to Moon.
How to Unlock
Once you have the spell you can approach a Level II Lock and interact with it to bring up the lock picking screen where you must move the tumblers around until they click into place and release the bolt. The procedure to open Level II Locks is identical to Level I locks.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hogsmeade Map
This Level I Lock is on the door next to t he old man sat in a chair.

2. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
There is a cottage immediately behind the Floo Flame. Here you will find a Level I lock to open with your Alohomora spell.

3. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
There is a cottage behind a wooden gate with a Level I Lock on the door. Open it with your spell.
Inside you will find a Collection Chest.

4. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Level I Lock can be found on the door of the small round cottage on the hillock close to the merchant.

5. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Directly next to the Merchant, Inside you will find a Collection Chest and a regular chest.

6. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Inaside the Korrow Ruins is a vault door with a Level I lock on it.

7. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Enter the gate and go up the hill to the crooked house with the pumpkins in the garden. There is a Level I Lock there that protects a Demiguise Statue.

8. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
As you make your way through the hamlet you will come to a larger house behind a wooden gate with an arch. It has a Level I lock on the door. Inside the house is a chest containing a wand handle.

9. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
A Level 1 Locked door with a chest behind it is on the right hand side of Honeydukes.

10. Hogsmeade Map
A Level 1 Locked door with a chest behind it is on the right hand side of Honeydukes.

11. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
This Level I lock on the cottage door hides a Demiguise Statue.

14. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Cottage contains a Demiguise Statue behind the locked door.

15. Hogsmeade Map
Head to the very top of The Three Broomsticks and you will find a Level I Lock on the door to a private room. Inside you will find a Demiguise Statue and a few chests.

16. Hogsmeade Map
Behind The Three Broomsticks is a house with a Level I Lock. Inside is a Demiguise Statue.

17. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Behind The Three Broomsticks is a house with a Level I Lock.

18. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
A Level I lock protects this cottage that has a chest inside.

19. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
This Level II Lock protects another a Demiguise Statue.

20. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Opening the lock on this cute thatched cottage will give you access to the Demiguise Statue within.

21. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
The small cottage directly opposite the merchant is locked with a Level I lock.
There is a Wand Handle in a chest upstairs.

22. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Close by the Floo Flame you will find a cottage with a Level I Lock on it that contains two chests.

23. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
A couple of general gear chests lie being this locked door.

24. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Level I Lock on the cottage with the lantern outside. There is a single chest inside.

25. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Unlock the Level I Lock on this cottage to find a chest inside. Also don’t miss the bag you can search up in the rafters of the building.

26. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
The Level I Lock protects a Demiguise Statue and a Wand Handle.

27. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
At the top of the hill you will find a house with a Level I Lock on it that contains two chests, including a Wand Handle.

28. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
A rare locked chest that contains the treasure map for the Cursed Tomb Treasure.
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