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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Vanaheim - Pilgrim's Landing

Nathan Garvin
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How to find every collectible in Pilgrim’s Landing, a region of Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarok.

How to Find Pilgrim’s Landing

After completing the main quest The Reckoning you’ll be tasked with making your way to a new Mystic Gateway southwest of Freyr’s Camp. Once you reach your destination you’ll be given a choice - continue exploring the western half of Vanaheim or return to Sindri’s House and continue the main questline. Assuming you chose the former, use Sonic Arrows to clear an obstruction and continue sailing down the river. Sail down the winding river and you’ll reach the River Delta, whereupon you’ll find some ruins on an island. Turn right (southwest) and follow the coast until you find a beach - Pilgrim’s Landing.

(1 of 3) Find a ghost at Pilgrim’s Landing to start the favor “Cure For the Dead”.

When you land you’ll need to defeat some Reavers, after which you can talk to a spirit to start the favor Cure For the Dead, which counts as one of this location’s collectibles. See the linked page for more details about how to complete said favor, but a lot of the collectibles for Pilgrim’s Landing will be collected as you work on said favor, so there’s no reason not to take care of both at the same time.

Pilgrim’s Landing Collectibles in Vanaheim

Collectible Quantity
Legendary Chests 1
Lore 1
Berserker Gravestones 1
River Delta Favors 1

Lower the first drawbridge and defeat some Reavers, after which you can read the Lore Marker - Dead on Arrival at your leisure.

Where to Find All Lore in Pilgrim’s Landing

You’ll find one bit of Lore - a Lore Marker - on Pilgrim’s Landing. As with most collectibles in this area, it’s found on the island ruins.

Rune Marker - Dead on Arrival

Almost all the collectibles in this region are on the island ruins. To get there, you’ll need to head east and climb a ledge to find a raised drawbridge. Use Freya’s sigil magic on a burning brazier to the left of the drawbridge to clear some brambles, then throw the Leviathan Axe through two targets on either side of the drawbridge to lower it.

Once the bridge is down, continue forward and kill more Reavers, including a pair of Cursed Nokken that’ll heal your enemies if you don’t deal with them, first. Smite your foes, then search to the northwest to find the Rune Marker - Dead on Arrival.

Where to Find All Legendary Chests in Pilgrim’s Landing

To reach the lone Legendary Chest in Pilgrim’s Landing, you’ll need to make your way north from where you fought the group of Reavers and Cursed Nokken. Blocking your way you’ll see another raised drawbridge… which means another puzzle.

(1 of 6) Use the Leviathan Axe to cut loose a brazier-bearing device.

Legendary Chest - Grip of the Fallen Alchemist

To lower the second drawbridge, make your way to where you fought the Reavers and Cursed Nokkens, then look up and to the east to spot a device with two braziers on it chained to a distant tree. The goal is to light a brazier on the right side of the drawbridge to the north, but you’ll have to transport flames a good distance to reach your goal, using three other braziers to facilitate your pyromania.

To solve the puzzle, follow these steps:

  • Throw the Leviathan Axe at the target to free the brazier-bearing device.

  • Use the Blades of Chaos to swing the device to the right, this will light the right brazier.

  • Use Freya’s sigil magic to create two sigils on the device - one to the left, one in the center - then have Freya use her sigil magic on the (lit) right brazier to transfer the flame. This will light up the left brazier.

  • Pull the brazier-bearing device to the left using the Blades of Chaos. This will light a brazier atop some stonework to the left.

  • Use Freya’s sigil magic on the aforementioned brazier to clear the nearby bramble, which extends all the way to the drawbridge.

  • Break the targets next to the drawbridge to lower it.

After lowering the second drawbridge you can loot a Legendary Chest to obtain the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist.

With all that done you can finally cross the drawbridge, where you’ll find a Legendary Chest containing the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist.

(1 of 2) Use the Hilt of Skofnung on the Berserker Gravestone on Pilgrim’s Landing,

Use the Hilt of Skofnung on the Berserker Gravestone on Pilgrim’s Landing, (left), to summon Hvitserkr the Bold. (right)

Where to Find the Berserker Gravestone at Pilgrim’s Landing

Berserker Gravestone - Hvitserkr the Bold

Before you can activate Berserker Gravestones, you must find the Inert Hilt of Skofnung, which you’ll acquire automatically during the main quest The Word of Fate. You can use the hilt to activate Berserker Gravestones any time you’re free to explore afterwards, although waiting to improve your gear might be a wiser course of action. When you’re ready for a fight, row back to Pilgrim’s Landing - the Berserker Gravestone is right out in the open, and interacting with it will summon [Hvitserkr the Bold]. Defeat him to clear this “collectible”.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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