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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Lyngbakr Island

Nathan Garvin
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This page will cover how to find every collectible on Lyngbakr Island in God of War Ragnarok.

Fetch the Watchtower Key and sound a drum to summon the Lyngbakr - and with it, Lyngbakr Island - from the depths.

Lyngbakr Island is a hidden area in God of War Ragnarok that plays host to the favor The Weight of Chains. You can find more details about how to discover Lyngbakr Island on the aptly named How to Access to Hidden Area Lyngbakr Island page, but for a very brief rundown:

  • Travel to The Watchtower, a strip of land that cuts through the middle of the Bay of Bounty.
  • Destroy some rocks and climb a cliff to the west of Sindri’s shop.
  • Approach a locked door. Mimir will ask you to help him out, starting this favor.
  • Sail north to a currently unmarked island, where you’ll need to find the Watchtower Key.
  • This involves destroying two Wretch Hives, solving a lift puzzle, and killing a Bergsra Mother.
  • Return to the locked door on The Watchtower, open it, then sound a drum.
  • Sail back north to the now-elevated Lyngbakr Island.

With that out of the way, it’s time to hunt some collectibles!

God of War Ragnarok - Lyngbakr Island Collectibles Locations in Svartalfheim

Collectible Quantity
Legendary Chests 1
Lore 1
Artifacts 1
Odin’s Ravens 1
The Weight of Chains 1

Examine a Lore Marker to get the “Regarding the Removal of Resources” entry.

Where to Find All Lore on Lyngbakr Island

Lore Marker - Regarding The Removal Of Resources

Despite being the first collectible you’ll encounter on Lyngbakr Island, you’ll still have to do some work to obtain it. Climb a cliff, kill some Draugr, then head east to find a gate. Turn right (south) and destroy a fire pot on some rocks to clear the obstruction and climb through the tunnel to find the first Lyngbakr binding.

Destroy the Lyngbakr’s tether and its thrashing will dislodge some rocks, allowing you to continue exploring. Return to where you fought the Draugr and follow a wooden walkway west, then north, jumping a gap when necessary. Defeat a mixed group of Draugr and Nightmares, then climb a chain to the right (east), then immediately turn right (south) again to find the Lore Marker - Regarding The Removal Of Resources.

Jump some gaps to reach a platform housing a chest and a Kvasir’s Poems artifact.

Where to Find All Artifacts on Lyngbakr Island

Artifact - Kvasir’s Poem - We Who Remain

From the previous collectible, climb the wall to the north, then turn left (west) and jump a series of gaps to reach a platform with a chest and an Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems).

You can get a clear shot at one of Odin’s Ravens by destroying some rocks and crawling through a passage.

Where to Find All Odin’s Ravens on Lyngbakr Island

Backtrack to the platform where the Lore Marker was, then jump a gap to the east. Cross a bridge to the north and kill some Draugr, then kick down a chain and use said chain to descend. Turn left (west) and remove the second Lyngbakr binding, after which you’ll need to immediately destroy a Wretch Nest. Once the Wretch Nest is destroyed you’ll reveal a Fire Bomb pot which dispenses an endless supply of Fire Bombs.

Open a gate to the south, then return to the Fire Bomb pot and grab a Fire Bomb. With the Fire Bomb in hand, make your way back to where you fought the Draugr and Nightmare enemies (just before you climbed up to where the Lore Marker was) and turn west to find some rocks you can destroy by chucking the Fire Bomb at them.

Jump the gap that was previously blocked by the rocks, turn right (north) to find a tunnel, then when you emerge turn left (west) to find one of Odin’s Ravens standing right out in the open. Probably one of the easiest shots in the entire game, this.

The Legendary Chest technically isn’t on Lyngbakr Island. Instead, slide down a rope after destroying the third Lyngbakr tether to reach the cliff this Legendary Chest is on.

Where to Find All Legendary Chests on Lyngbakr Island

Return to the Fire Bomb dispenser and use more Fire Bombs to clear rocks to the east, then jump over to the south and make your way down until you’re overlooking a boat dock sealed off by rocks. Chuck another Fire Bomb at these dock rocks to clear the boat dock near the Lyngbakr’s tail. Get back on a boat and sail to this new boat dock, climb up and kill a series of enemies, including Draugr, Nightmares and Grims.

Once your foes are smote, climb up to the east and destroy the third tether, then slide down a rope to reach an otherwise inaccessible area. The Legendary Chest is just to the east.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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