Information about the Record Keeper in Fire Emblem Three Hopes. How to replay Main Quests and Side Quests?
While you can replay any Side Quest battles in a chapter as long as you remain within said chapter, once you complete a Main Quest it’s done for good. You get one shot at it per playthrough… or until you reach Chapter 5.
(1 of 2) Unlock the Record Keeper in your Base Camp,
Unlock the Record Keeper in your Base Camp, (left), and you’ll be able to replay past battles any time you wish. (right)
As soon as you enter the Base Camp in Chapter 5 you’ll be able to interact with a new NPC - the Record Keeper. The Record Keeper will allow you to engage in Auxiliary Battles, which functionally allows you to repeat almost every battle you’ve previously completed thus far, including Side Quests and Main Quests (for some reason Chapter 1 is exempted… probably so you can’t return to the beginning of the game and cheese Byleth!).
In many respects replaying an Auxiliary Battle functions like playing the battle originally, but there are a few changes to keep in mind:
You can use any character on your roster during Auxiliary Battles, not just ones you could have deployed when the battle actually occurred.
You can employ Strategies for the selected Main Quest - the same Strategies will be available in the Auxiliary Battle as were available in the original, including Recruitment Strategies.
Completing a Recruitment Strategy or killing a recruitable character will not affect your roster one way or another. If you missed a character during the original battle, you can’t pick them up later during an Auxiliary Battle, and if you recruited them earlier, killing them in the Auxiliary Battle won’t remove them from your roster.
If you’re playing in Classic Mode, characters defeated during Auxiliary Battles will be lost forever just as if they had fallen in a Side Quest or Main Quest battle. Yep, you can only lose units during Auxiliary Battles, so be careful.
You keep any XP, weapons, gold, [Support Ranks] gained from your actions during Auxiliary Battles.
If you already earned a first-clear bonus or rank bonus, you will not earn that bonus again during Auxiliary Battles.
If you achieve a higher rank during an Auxiliary Battle, you will gain any previously unearned rank rewards.
You cannot replay Extra Quests. Alas, no grinding [Monsters] in these battles to score three weapon drops, you’ll just have to settle for farming the cheap monsters in Side Quests that yield only one weapon per kill.
Replaying past battles via the Record Keeper is a good way to grind up your level, class ranks, support ranks, gold, combat arts and spell levels. Perhaps most importantly, however, it allows you to replay Side Quests and Main Quests and try to shoot for any S-Rank rewards you may have missed the first time around. Given this, you may want to focus on completing Side Missions to unlock Surveying Spots and using Strategies to recruit new characters instead of fussing over what rank you earn - you can always return later and try to get those S-Ranks via the Record Keeper… ideally with a much stronger roster of characters to make the process easier!
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