Ran'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
In-game Description
Capital of the Dhalmekian Republic. It is a thriving hub of commerce, where merchants and traders gather from across Valisthea. Its streets bustle with life, even late into the night, when the twinkle of countless lanterns illuminates the landscape. The nation’s affairs are managed from the Ministry of Law in the heart of the city, wherein sits the Parliament of Ministers.
Following the Sack of the Capital
The capital of the Dhalmekian Republic. It was once a thriving hub of commerce, where merchants gathered from across Valisthea, and people enjoyed a life of peace and prosperity under the guidance of the Parliament of Ministers, who oversaw the nation’s affairs from the safety of the Ministry of Law. Since
Ultima brought about Primogenesis, however,
Ran’dellah’s streets have been all but abandoned to
Akashic Waloeder soldiers and beastmen on the hunt for flesh.
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