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Item icon
Behemoth Shackle

While it certainly hasn’t stopped kings and emperors throughout…

Used in crafting.

Item icon
Black Blood

A thick, oily substance sometimes found pooling in newly formed…

Valuable. Can be traded for gil.

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Bloody Hide

When properly treated with urine, lime, salt, and a lengthy soak…

Used in crafting.

Item icon
Bomb Ember

Figuratively, the smoldering soul of a bomb given life by unknown…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Bomb King Hunt as part of the Weird Science…

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Bone Necklace

Very little rhyme and even less reason into the creation of this…

Used in Crafting

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Briar Clam Shell

When cut and polished, the spiny, Opaline shells of western Storm’s…

Used in crafting.

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Clouded Eye

To see the pattern on the surface of this spherical gem shift…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from Chirada and Suparna after beating them in the fortress…

Item icon

For centuries, these strange egg-shaped clusters of ore were…

Used in crafting.

Item icon
Coeurl Whisker

Surprisingly, dissection of a coeurl’s whisker shows it to be…

Dropped from the Coeurl boss fight during the Capital Punishment…

Item icon

Extremely similar to iron, yet darker, harder, and heavier. Whatever…

Used in crafting. You will need x2 to make the legendary weapon…

Drops from Thanatos or the Prince of Death.

Item icon
Desert Rose

Despite its rose-like appearance, this delicate sandstone formation…

Used in crafting.

Can be bought for 40 Gil at The Lazarus District Shop in The…

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Dragon Talon

Upon close inspection of a lesser dragon’s foot, one may observe…

Used in crafting.

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Earth Shard

The power of the Eikon Titan made manifest. This crystal is as…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Hugo Kupka boss fight at the end of the Capital…

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Earthen Fury

Semi-priming requires corporeal manifestation of aether contained…

Dropped from Titan after defeating him during the Into the Darkness…

Item icon

Valisthean prospectors have yet to locate a source of naturally…

Used in crafting to make the Drakeslayer’s Belt.

Dropped from the Rank B Hunt, Severian.

Item icon
Empty Shard

A nondescript fragment of a crystal long spent. While the aetherial…

Valuable. Can be traded for gil. Worth 1,600 gil each.

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Fallen Iron

Despite thousands of years having passed since its forging, not…

** Used in crafing.**

Dropped from Iron Giants.

Item icon
Fire Shard

The power of the Eikon Ifrit made manifest. This shard of crystal…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Infernal Ifrit during the Buried Memories Main…

Item icon
Frozen Tear

“And as she fought, she shed tears of ice, which shattered on…

Used in crafing.

Item icon
Gelatinous Mass

The wild flan excretes a sickly-sweet, viscous ooze that is meant…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Flan Prince (Muddy Murder) A Rank Hunt.

Item icon
Gil Bug

Contrary to popular belief, this small insect does not get its…

Valuable. Can be traded for gil.

Item icon
Gnarled Scale

Covered in countless scars, these scales tell a tale of supremacy…

Used in crafting.

Item icon
Goblin Coin

Economists are wont to argue that currency-based commerce is…

Valuable. Can be traded for gil.

Item icon
Grimalkin Hide

Grimalkins have developed spots on their skins which render them…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Grimalkin C Rank Hunt found in Dhalmekia. …

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Imperial Ink

Many have tendered explanations as to how imperial dragoons are…

Used in crafting.

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Imperial Link

Many have tendered explanations as to how imperial dragoons are…

Used in crafting.

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Lightning Shard

The power of the Eikon Ramuh made manifest. This shard of crystal…

Used in crafting to craft the Levinbolt weapon.

Drops from the Republic War Panther in the Cid the Outlaw Main…

Item icon
Liquid Flame (Material)

A flame trapped mid-dance, both aetherial and corporeal, fleeting…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Liquid Flame boss in the Fire and Ice Main…

Item icon
Magicked Ash

All creation is possible because of aether. It is what gives…

Used in crafting.

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Just as drops of molten iron fall from a smith’s oven to the…

Used in crafting.

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Minotaur Mane

A mane used in everything from helm crests to hairbrushes—primarily…

Used in crafting.

Dropped from the Minotaur enemy. The first time it will drop…

Item icon

There was a time when orichalcum was so abundant that it was…

Used in crafting to make Ouroboros gear such as Gotterdammerung.…

Can be found from the following hunts: Atlas (S Rank), Gorgimera…

Item icon
Primitive Battlehorn

As goblin communication seems limited to a painful cacophony…

Used in crafting for the Gotterdammerung.

Drops from the Gobermouch hunt.

Item icon

One of the hardest metals known to man, scarletite is highly…

Used in crafting.

Drops from the Rank B Hunt Dozmare.

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Sharp Fang

If there is one thing for which the fauna of Valisthea do not…

Used in crafting.

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A rare case in which hyperbole has played no role in the item’s…

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Valley Madder

An inconspicuous shrub commonly found growing near Mothercrystals,…

Used in crafting.

Can be purchased from the Shop in Lostwing for 20 gil a piece.…

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Whitewyrm Bone

Being fiercely territorial in nature, it is rare for dragons…

Used in crafting

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Wind Shard

The power of the Eikon Garuda made manifest. This shard of crystal…

Used in crafting.

Dropped after defeating Garuda during the Main Story.

Item icon

To most, this nondescript lump of rough-hewn stone is but a nuisance…

Used in Crafting.

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