Local Enemy Bestiary¶
Enemy Name | Notes |
Agama | Weakness to Ice |
Archaeothyris | Weakness to Ice |
Balivarha | None |
Bandit | None |
Barbuta | Weakness to Lightning |
Blackguard | None |
Chocobo | None |
Flan Blanco | Weakness to Fire |
Ruffian | None |
Shell Shocker | Fairly high HP |
Taromaiti | Weakness to Fire/Holy |
Varan | Weakness to Fire |
Watcher-A | None |
Watcher-R | None |
Watcher-S | None |
Keep chasing Tobli across the Moonflow.
After the events involving the CommSpheres, speak with Buddy and choose “ You bet “ to make a Hotspot appear at the Moonflow. Now head for Moonflow and when you arrive, you’ll be on the South Bank Road. Go north for a while towards the southern dock; there will be two scenes on the way. After, you’ll have to go back along the South Bank Road until you see Tobli escape on the vehicle, meaning you need to go back to the southern dock again. Use the Shoopuf to cross the Moonflow, then go along the North Bank Road towards Guadosalam; just outside the entrance, you’ll end up stopping Tobli and finishing the mission, also netting yourself a Black Tabard Garment Grid .
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