Local Enemy Bestiary¶
Enemy Name | Notes |
Barong | Weakness to Fire |
Detonator | Weakness to Ice |
Flan Blanco | Weakness to Fire |
Georapella | Weakness to Holy, high HP |
Malboro | Inflicts a myriad of status ailments, high HP |
Precepts Guard | Weakness to Holy |
Skink | Weakness to Ice |
YAC-92 | Weakness to Lightning, high HP |
YAU-71 | High HP |
YSLS-99 | None |
After having finished your missions in Besaid and Kilika, there’s a bit more you can do here. When you enter, there will be a brief scene. After, go to the first area in the headquarters and use the lift. Go past the guards and through the door to the catwalk area where you can speak with some monks to get the Electrocutioner and the Hypno Crown . Return to the entrance of the HQ and go west an area. Examine the bottom pedestal and go back to the HQ entrance again. Use the lift.
After the ride, you’ll easily find six chests down here: an Oath Veil , 5,000 Gil , four Remedies , nine Potions , five Phoenix Downs , and 5 Hi-Potions . From here, you can continue along the already-traveled path - if you need details on how to get through the area again, Chapter 2 - Hunting for Vegnagun will have it all for you. In any case, the chests are essentially refilled. You don’t have to do the whole thing with the towers in the Restricted Area though, if you don’t want to.
Be on the look out for new chests that have appeared (left). After the scenes in the Underground, pick up the Crimson Sphere 1 (right) from the floor nearby.
At the end of the area, you’ll fight a Malboro as well; it is nothing special, since you’ve been fighting them at random in other areas. The main reason is the Crimson Sphere 1 you can grab easily after the fight.
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