Go and meet the Magician master, Jinx¶
The school of magic lies outside the busy part of Castele.
As a prospecting Magician, you’ll want to first visit the Magician master to learn the art of magic.
From Castele Square, head east into the Castele Artisans’ District, then continue all the way east into East Castele . After the scenery change, head across the bridge and follow the dirt path around. Before long, you should spot the School of Magic to your left.
Bravely step inside and you’ll come face to face with Jinx, the Magician master, and Hazel, another student like you.
After your initial sur-purr-ise (sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves), you will be given a Novice’s Staff , then told to speak to Hazel outside for further instructions.
Go and speak to Hazel, the magic instructor¶
Leave the building the way you came and Hazel will be waiting patiently to your left.
She will teach you about the basic concepts of magic, but if you want to progress further you’ll need to borrow some help of the supernatural kind.
Head to the woods in East Castele¶
From the outdoor classroom, head in a south-easterly direction until you see a signpost with a picture of a tree. To its right is the entrance to the woods and Hazel will be found waiting a little further in.
Search for spirits in the woods of East Castele¶
Hazel will kindly teach you the Magic skill , although it’s of no use until you find some spirits.
First, head further into the woods, past the grass arch. Just ahead is a small pond and a curious exclamation mark bubble–inspect it to find a Spirit of Water .
Next, follow the path north and there will be another exclamation mark bubble on top of a tree trunk. Aha! It’s a Spirit of Earth .
Go and see Hazel in East Castele¶
As a Magician, you can control the elements and target enemy weaknesses.
With both spirits in tow, return to Hazel. She will show you how to use the spirits’ power and you will learn Water Magic and Earth Magic .
Equip your Novices Staff¶
Now it’s time to whip up some sorcery. But first, if you haven’t already, equip your Novice’s Staff by opening the Menu and navigating to the Gear section. Then speak to Hazel again.
Destroy the Practice Dummy!¶
Alright, now to see if you’ve got the potential. Hazel will summon a Practice Dummy that you can eagerly blast with your newly-acquired magic spells.
To begin with, press the A button to equip your staff. Then press the A button again to cast magic. By default you will cast Water Magic, since it’s the only offensive magic you’ve got.
Chase after the Spirits of Fire!¶
Having shown the Practice Dummy who’s boss, Nox, a rather obnoxious little Magician, appears to ruin your fun.
Except he ends up biting more than he can chew, as his summoned Spirits of Fire go out of control. Silly boy, playing with fire.
Head back towards the small pond in the woods, then follow the other path east.
Defeat the Spirits of Fire!¶
Fight spirits with spirits. Seems natural enough.
There are three Spirits of Fire that you need to calm down. Luckily you’ve got Hazel to assist you and your Water Magic is also effective against these spirits.
So take your time blasting the unruly spirits. If you take considerable damage, press Down on the D-pad (with your staff equipped) to swap from Water Magic to Earth Magic, which heals you. Then to swap back again, press Right on the D-pad.
Succeed and the Spirits of Fire will deem you worthy, allowing you to wield Fire Magic .
Go back to Hazels house in East Castele¶
With that little trouble sorted, hop on back to Hazel’s house, which is the School of Magic you visited earlier.
Turns out there’s a ghost problem and you’re the lucky Novice tasked with driving the ghost away.
Head to the choir hall in West Castele¶
The first part of the solution would be to identify the ghost’s haunting ground and that’s the choir hall in West Castele. Outside, follow the dirt path south, then west towards South Castele. Next, continue to follow the path all the way west, into West Castele.
Once there, the choir hall is just a few paces north. Inside, Collinsworth will tell you more about the ghost’s habits and hands you a SP Potion , should you need it. He also mentions a travelling Magician visiting Castele. Maybe they could offer you some advice?
Speak to the travelling Magician in West Castele¶
Exit the choir hall and follow the path west and around, past the Airship Dock. At the very end, before the entrance to the Castele Shopping District, there’s a curious individual sitting in front of the waterfall.
This individual, Esmerelda, suggests that you find a Spirit of Wind to complete your magical arsenal and that one may be lurking nearby…
Find the Spirit of Wind¶
Spirits of Wind like breezy spots, like next to an airship.
Head back south, but this time turn left into the Airship Dock. After stepping onto the platform, go around towards the suitcase with the exclamation mark bubble on top. Hmm, we wonder what’s inside? Yup, it’s a Spirit of Wind !
Go and see Esmerelda, the travelling Magician¶
Return to Esmerelda and you’ll learn Wind Magic as well as charged magic attacks for all four magic types. Whoa, nothing can stop you now!
Go back to the choir hall in West Castele¶
Oh yes, that ghost… Now that you’re ready and prepared, run back to the choir hall and speak to Collinsworth.
Speak with Collinsworth, then look for Hazel¶
If it’s daytime, he will ask you if you want to stay until nightfall: of course you do!
Once it’s nighttime, leave the choir hall and follow the path west again, but this time go west across the wooden bridge before the Airship Dock. Despite the dark, you should spot Hazel standing by the fields… and something… else.
Defeat the Spook!¶
It’s a ghost! Hazel is pretty dang scared, but she has a reputation to live up to. You too.
You will be informed that Spooks are weak to Wind Magic , so after equipping your staff with A, press Left on the D-pad to set your magic to Wind Magic. If you want, you can also practice the charged magic attacks by holding A , then releasing after the chime.
Report back to Jinx!¶
After busting the ghost, Collinsworth will reward you with 500 Dosh (ooh, shiny!). With that, it’s probably time to call it a day (well, it is the middle of the night now).
Run all the way east, back to Jinx’s School of Magic and report the fruit of your labour to Jinx. As a result, you will rank up from Novice Magician to Fledgling Magician . Meow!
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