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Go and meet the Cook master, Alfredo

There’s no better place to learn than the kitchen of a restaurant!

To begin your cooking story you must book lessons with Castele’s top Cook, Alfredo at his restaurant “Alfredo’s Bistro” in the Castele Shopping District .

The Shopping District is located a short distance west from the back of the Guild Office building. When you get there, you’ll be greeted by rows of grocery stalls–remember their location because you’ll be visiting them often as a Cook.

For now, follow the streets west, past the manor house and towards the large water fountain. Alfredo’s Bistro is located directly north of the fountain; straighten your hat (soup bowl?) before stepping inside.

You’re not a customer, so head behind the counter, where you can feel the heat from all the cooking. To the right of the kitchen, you’ll find your new Master, Alfredo, in the middle of cooking. He will hand you a Pretend Frying Pan , before shooing you off.

Speak to Sizzle the Cook in Alfredos Bistro

It’s a pretend frying pan, but it’s still a frying pan… right? Anyway, head to the left side of the kitchen and speak to Sizzle the plushling to find out what you should be doing.

Speak to Giles the farmer in South Castele

You’ve been tasked with cooking Carrot Soup, so it makes sense that you need Carrots . However, instead of buying them from a grocery store, you’ll be heading straight to the farm to get them fresh as fresh can be.

Time’s a wasting, so hurriedly leave Alfredo’s Bistro and run east, back towards Castele Square, then head south into South Castele . Continue south across the bridge and you’ll soon find Giles’s Farm to your right.

Giles the farmer will be more than happy to give you two Carrots .

Go back to Alfredos Bistro and speak to Sizzle

Now that you’ve got the ingredients for the Carrot Soup, return to Alfredo’s Bistro the same way you came. Then show Sizzle what you’ve found. He’ll teach you the Cooking skill and how to make Egg & Veg Cuisine .

Use your skills to make Carrot Soup

Get used to spending a lot of time cooking at this table.

After Sizzle has finished with his explanation, open the Menu and go to the “ Gear “ section to equip your Pretend Frying Pan.

Next, inspect the kitchen table near the middle of the kitchen, where Alfredo is cooking, to get started with your cooking. You’ve got all the necessary ingredients, so select Carrot Soup as your recipe from the Veg section.

If this is your first time crafting, pay attention. To begin with, there are three sections to the kitchen table, each with a specific action you can perform.

  • Left: Hold down the A button to swirl the soup with your spoon .
  • Centre: Mash the A button to dice the ingredients with your knife .
  • Right: Press the A button when the moving cursor is in the middle (over the A button icon) to fry with your pan .
    You start in the centre of the table and can move to different sections by pressing Left/Right on the D-Pad or the L/R shoulder buttons.

To make your food, you must follow the instructions indicated in the bottom-left corner of the top screen, going from left to right. The instructions are randomised and typically look something like Knife, Spoon, Spoon, Pan.

This means you must Mash A, then move left and Hold A twice, before moving right twice and pressing the A button with the correct timing. If this all sounds foreign, it will make more sense when you try it.

At the beginning, there may be only one set of instructions to create your meal. However as the recipes get more complex, there will be more and more steps that you must complete before you’re finished.

To view your progress, refer to the Completion gauge in the top-left corner. Once it reaches 100%, your food’s ready to be served!

Seeing “Great!” is a sign you’re cooking well and your stats are good.

But be warned that you’re cooking against the clock, as shown by the timer in the top-right corner. Should you fail to reach 100% completion within the time limit, your food will end up half-baked and you’ll have nothing to show. You won’t lose any materials, but we can’t say the same for your time and effort…

Anyway, this might seem like a lot to digest, but try making that Carrot Soup and everything should fit into place.

Get some Eggs in West Castele

That wasn’t so hard, was it?

While you were busy, a customer comes in praising Alfredo’s cooking and requests a sample of his best dish. Unfortunately Alfredo is a bit… busy to cook the dish, although he does have time to chuck the recipe for the Finest Fluffy Omelette your way.

Sounds like a challenge for you and Sizzle is happy to accompany you to find some Eggs to make the omelette. Leave Alfredo’s Bistro and this time exit the Shopping District via the west, into West Castele .

From here, follow the trodden path south, past the Airship Dock, then turn left across the wooden bridge. On the other side, head for the top-left corner and check out the chicken in its pen.

Get some Cows Milk in East Castele

Thanks to Sizzle’s help, you’ve got some fresh Eggs. Return to the other side of the bridge and follow the path the rest of the way south into South Castele. Once there, sprint east past the horse stable, past Giles’s farm, and into East Castele .

You’re almost done traveling; continue following the trodden path as it stretches in a north-easterly direction, stopping at the cow pen along the east side. Hopefully one of the cows there will co-operate and give you some of their milk.

See the food merchant in the Shopping District

You can buy vegetables, fish and meat (and more if you get Shopping+ Bliss Reward).

Two out of three ingredients obtained! For the last ingredient you must visit the grocery stalls in the Castele Shopping District. Earlier, we told you to note down their location, so hopefully you know where they are.

In any case, from the cow pen, exit East Castele by following the road in a north-westerly direction, into the Castele Artisans’ District. Next, run all the way west along the streets, back to Castele Square and further west into the Shopping District.

Whew, that’s a lot of exercise for a Cook and you haven’t even ate anything yet! Anyway, the food merchant you’re meant to visit is the first one to the south.

Speak to the wandering chef in Castele

Sadly the food merchant doesn’t have the tomatoes you need, but a visitor from Port Puerto might. Head west, back towards Alfredo’s Bistro and you’ll find the aforementioned visitor idling to its right.

Use your skills to make a Finest Fluffy Omelette

Score! You’ve got the Vine-Ripened Tomatoes , which means you’ve got all the ingredients you need. Go back inside Alfredo’s Bistro and approach the kitchen table to begin making your delicious omelette. Just, er, be careful of your Master on the floor.

Select the Finest Fluffy Omelette from the Egg section and let the action begin! The omelette requires more steps compared to the Carrot Soup, but besides that there’s nothing special you need to do.

Speak to Pedro the Cook

Having made the Finest Fluffy Omelette, head towards the dining area in front of the counter to serve it to Pedro and Allan.

It turns out you’ve got a real talent for cooking and you’ll be rewarded with 500 Dosh plus a lesson in Seafood Cuisine from Pedro. Allan doesn’t want to be accused of eating without paying, so he teaches you Meat Cuisine too.

Report back to Alfredo

After the commotion’s over, there’s one final surprise for the day: your Master is finally back to his senses! Speak with him to report your results and he’ll have no choice but to declare you a Fledgling Cook . The road to five stars begins!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    RPG, Social simulation
  • Guide Release
    7 September 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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