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Elden Ring

How to Find and Complete the Gatefront Ruins in Limgrave

Nathan Garvin
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Information and walkthrough for the Gatefront Ruins location in Elden Ring, including details about how to get the Map: Limgrave, West, the Ash of War: Storm Stomp the Whetstone Knife and the Spectral Steed Whistle.

How to Find the Gatefront Ruins

The Gatefront Ruins can be found northeast of the Church of Ellah, just follow the road and you’ll get there.

(1 of 2) You can loot two carriages for a “Lordsworn’s Greatsword”,

You can loot two carriages for a “Lordsworn’s Greatsword”, (left), and a “Flail”. (right)

Best Loot in the Gatefront Ruins

Item Location
Ash of War: Storm Stomp Find some stairs in the center of the ruins, which descend into a cellar. Loot a chest in the cellar to get this item.
Flail Loot a chest on the back of the southernmost carriage.
Lordsworn’s Greatsword Loot a chest on the back of the northernmost carriage.
Map: Limgrave, West Follow the road north from the Church of Ellah into the Stormgate Ruins. Where the road forks you’ll find a monument - the map is at the monument’s base.
Spectral Steed Whistle Rest at the Gatefront Site of Grace. You’ll get this item automatically during your talk with Melina.
Whetstone Knife Find some stairs in the center of the ruins, which descend into a cellar. Loot a chest in the cellar to get this item.

(1 of 2) Around a dozen Godrick Soldiers lurk around the Gatefront Ruins - most of them are easily backstabbed.

Around a dozen Godrick Soldiers lurk around the Gatefront Ruins - most of them are easily backstabbed. (left), At night you can also find Giant Bats just outside the ruins. (right)

Enemies in the Gatefront Ruins

Enemies Runes Drops Notes
Giant Bat Runes_Elden_Ring.png57-887 Golden Rune -
Godrick Soldiers Runes_Elden_Ring.png64-77 Bolt x5, Brass Shield, Godrik Soldier Gauntlets, Godrik Soldier Greaves, Godrik Soldier Helm, Lordsworn’s Bolt x5, Lordsworn’s Straightsword, Smithing Stone (1), Tree-and-Beast Surcoat, Warpick Drops Vary by Enemy Armament
Godrick Knight Runes_Elden_Ring.png260 Gilded Greatshield, Godrick Knight Armor, Godrick Knight Gauntlets, Godrick Knight Greaves, Godrick Knight Helm, Partisan Drops Vary by Enemy Armament
Wolf Runes_Elden_Ring.png66 Lump of Flesh, Thin Animal Bones -

How to Complete the Church of Ellah

The Gatefront Ruins straddle the road connecting the Church of Ellah (south) with the [Stormgate] (northwest), and constitute little more than crumbling stone buildings and ramshackle shelters erected by the [Godwick Soldiers] which are encamped here.

There are about a dozen Godrick Soldiers - including their leader, a [Godrick Knight] - in these ruins. Fortunately most of them are fairly easy to sneak up on, a fact you should use to your advantage to thin the herd. The Knight patrols the eastern stretch of the road, while a Godrick Soldier with a horn patrols the western road; if you let the latter blow his horn it’ll alert most of the camp, so be sure to kill him stealthily.

Other than the soldiers, you can find two [Wolves] in the southern section of the ruins and some [Giant Bats] along the southern road at the edge of the ruins - these bats will thankfully only show up at night.

Search near a monument to obtain the “Map: Limgrave, West”.

Make your way along the road through the ruins, and at the intersection where the road forks, continue northeast to find a monument. At the base of this monument you’ll find the Map: Limgrave, West, which will reveal the details for the western part of Limgrave, hence making the map of the current area much more useful.

Along the road to the northwest and southeast are two large carriages, both of which are guarded by one stationary Godrick Soldier, plus others which may be patrolling nearby. If you can kill the soldiers, you can loot the northern carriage for a Lordsworn’s Greatsword and the southern one for a Flail.

(1 of 2) Find some stairs leading underground,

Find some stairs leading underground, (left), which leads to a cellar housing a chest, wherein you’ll find the “Ash of War: Storm Stomp” and the “Whetstone Knife”. (right)

Finally, if you can clear the southern ruins enough to snoop around you’ll find some stairs descending down into the earth. No need to be apprehensive this time - no eldritch horror awaits. Instead you’ll find a chest containing the Ash of War: Storm Stomp, and the Whetstone Knife. The former is an augment you can install on armaments (in the case of this particular Ash of War, weapons) and the latter is the tool that grants you the ability to customize weapons with Ashes of War.

Rest at the Gatefront Site of Grace to obtain the “Spectral Steed Whistle”.

How to Get the Spectral Steed Whistle

Follow the road into the Gatefront Ruins and at the fork turn northeast towards the Stormgate. Off to the right you should spot the Gatefront Site of Grace. The first time you rest here you should be approached by a woman named Melina, who will give you the Spectral Steed Whistle.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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