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Elden Ring

All Locations in Limgrave

Claire Farnworth
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This page contains everything you need to know about the locations in the Limgrave area of Elden Ring.

All Locations and Quests in Limgrave, Elden Ring

Limgrave has 28 unique areas (29 if you include Stormveil Castle) and many more Sites of Grace to discover. The majority of these locations contain a sub-boss at the end of the location or they are home to NPCs and merchants. You can find the full list below:

Location Description
Bridge of Sacrifice Amongst the busy paths along the southern part of Limgrave, players can choose to cross the bridge into Weeping Peninsula or continue on another route on the path.
Church of Dragon Communion Can only be reached by passing through the underground depths of the Coastal Cave. The Dragon Altar is located here.
Church of Elleh Just north of the Cave of Knowledge in Western Limgrave. You can find a smithing table, Merchant Kalé and Witch Renna (night) here.
Coastal Cave The Coastal Cave is found in Western Limgrave, on the southern portion of the western beach. This cave leads to the Church of Dragon Communion. A pair of Demi-Human Chiefs lie in wait inside.
Deathtouched Catacombs In the northern part of Limgrave. It can be reached by heading west from Saintsbridge. The Black Knife Assassin boss can be found within.
Divine Tower of Limgrave In the far reaches of northern Limgrave, enroute to Stormveil, interact with a purple portal on a side route which will teleport you to the Divine Tower.
Dragon-Burnt Ruins At the center of Agheel Lake, guarded by the boss Flying Dragon Agheel.
Eternal City Found in Southern Limgrave. The entrance can be found by using an elevator inside a building in southern Limgrave.
Fort Haight At the far east of Limgrave and after finding Kenneth Haight. He will ask you for help clearing his fort. The Half Crescent boss is located here.
Fringefolk Hero’s Grave The tutorial area of Elden Ring. Soldier of Godrick boss is fought at the end.
Gatefront Ruins Just north of the Church of Elleh, on the path towards Stormveil Castle. The Tree Sentinel boss prowls the area between here and the Church of Elleh.
Groveside Cave Just north of the Church of Elleh and near the Gatefront Ruins. Inside you can find the Beastman of Farum Azula boss.
Highroad Cave In the far north of Limgrave, east of Deathtouched Catacombs. You can find Guardian Golem boss here.
Limgrave Tunnels Found in Agheel Lake North, just south of the Site of Grace here. The Stonedigger Troll boss lies in wait.
Mistwood The eastern region of Limgrave and a vast forest full of enemies and items. The NPC Kenneth Haight and a Nomadic Merchant can be found here.
Mistwood Ruins Located in Eastern Limgrave among dense vegetation. An underground cellar is used to access them.
Murkwater Catacombs North east of Agheel Lake, follow the water to find the Catacombs. Inside waits the Grave Warden Duelist boss.
Murkwater Cave In the middle of the Murkwater River, near Bloody Finger Nerijus’s spawn. Patches the Untethered NPC can be found inside.
Siofra River In eastern Limgrave just north of the Minor Erdtree. Access the lift inside the well to enter the River.
Smoldering Church At the far northeastern edge of Limgrave, near the border to Caelid. Follow the main road east of Summonwater Village. The Invader Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater spawns as you approach.
Stormfoot Catacombs Found by heading northwest from the Church of Elleh. Erdtree Burial Watchdog is the boss of this location.
Stormgate Follow the road from Gatefront Ruins. Enemies litter the path that leads to the Stormhill area.
Stormhill The northwest central region of Limgrave, Stormveil Castle lies on the western reaches.
Stormhill Evergaol On the western edge of Stormhill, a summoning altar can be found. Examine it to get a prompt to enter the Evergaol. Inside you will be confronted by the boss Crucible Knight.
Stormhill Shack A resting place found just after passing through Stormgate. A Site of Grace can be found here along with the NPC Roderika.
Third Church of Marika At the eastern edge of Limgrave, within the Mistwood.
Waypoint Ruins Found in the southeast part of West Limgrave. Sorceress Sellen can be found here as well as the Mad Pumpkin Head boss.
Summonwater Village Found in the northeast part of Limgrave and mentioned by D, Hunter of the Dead. The Tibia Mariner boss can be found here.

Bridge of Sacrifice

A bridge connecting Limgrave to the Weeping Peninsula in the south. Traverse the bridge to reach the Weeping Peninsula or turn around to continue your journey through Limgrave.

Church of Dragon Communion

Found across the water on an island in the southwest part of Limgrave, you must pass through the underground passage Coastal Cave to reach the island. If you have defeated Flying Dragon Agheel, you can use the Dragon Altar to learn one of three incantations: Dragonclaw, Dragonfire or Dragonmaw.

Church of Elleh

(1 of 2) Merchant Kalé is found here.

Merchant Kalé is found here. (left), Church of Elleh Site of Grace. (right)

A crucial place during the early stages of your quest, the Church is home to a smithing table where you can upgrade your equipment, the NPC Merchant Kalé and just outside, you can meet Witch Renna at night. The mighty Tree Sentinel boss patrols the area just beyond the Church.

Coastal Cave

A small cave that leads to the Church of Dragon Communion. If you have spoken to the NPC Boc, you can also find him here as well as the pair of Demi-Human Chiefs.

Deathtouched Catacombs

A dungeon found in the north of Limgrave filled with undead enemies and the Black Knife Assassin boss. The unique item Deathroot can also be found within.

Divine Tower of Limgrave

To open the way to the Tower, you will need to find the Crescent pieces to unlock the door.

Dragon-Burnt Ruins

Scattered across the waters of Lake Agheel and guarded by the fiercesome boss Flying Dragon Agheel, the Dragon-Burnt Ruins contain numerous items as a reward for successfully traversing them.

Eternal City

Located in southern Limgrave, you must find the elevator inside a building here to reach the Eternal City.

Fort Haight

You can reach Fort Haight after interacting with the NPC Kenneth Haight who tasks you with clearing the fort. At the top you can find the Dectus Medallion (Left), one half of the piece needed to unlock the door to the Divine Tower of Limgrave.

Fringefolk Hero’s Grave

Acting as Elden Ring’s tutorial dungeon, you can find numerous starting items here as well as the boss Soldier of Godrick. If you chose the keepsake Stonesword Key, you can remove the fog inside to access a further area. Be warned, it is not a beginner area!

Gatefront Ruins

Gatefront Ruins

You may wish to make your way to this place very early in the game as you can find the Map Fragment Map: Limgrave, West here. Beware the Tree Sentinel boss that patrols nearby. The place is heavily guarded with many enemies but you can find plenty of unique items here, especially among the wagons.

Groveside Cave

(1 of 2) Groveside Cave

Groveside Cave (left), The Beastman of Farum Azula lurks inside. (right)

North of Church of Elleh, inside you will find a den of Wolves and the boss Beastman of Farum Azula.

Highroad Cave

Northeast from the Saintsbridge Site of Grace in northern Limgrave, inside you can find the boss Guardian Golem as well as many items including Smithing Stones.

Limgrave Tunnels

(1 of 2) Limgrave Tunnels

Limgrave Tunnels (left), Limgrave Tunnels Miner Enemy (right)

One of the best areas for Smithing Stones, the tunnels are filled with Miners so bring a piercing weapon or magic. At the end of the dungeon is the Stonedigger Troll boss.


A vast forest area in East Limgrave, the Mistwood is home to the entrances to Fort Haight, the Siofra River and the Mistwood Ruins. The NPCs Nomadic Merchant and Kenneth Haight can also be found here as well as numerous rare items including a Golden Seed, Ash of War: Bloody Slash, Ash of War: Ground Slam and various Nomadic Cookbooks.

Mistwood Ruins

Hidden among the forest of Mistwood, to discover the Ruins you must first interact with an antique spectral tree that will summon a spirit who will show you the way to the entrance.

Murkwater Catacombs

(1 of 2) Murkwater Catacombs Entrance

Murkwater Catacombs Entrance (left), Murkwater Catacombs (right)

Found just northeast of Lake Agheel, the Murkwater Catacombs is full of traps, goblins and contains the boss Grave Warden Duelist.

Murkwater Cave

Found in the middle of the Murkwater river, the Murkwater Cave contains the NPC Patches the Untethered who will fight you after opening a chest inside.

Siofra River

You can access the Siofra River via either the Siofra River Well located in Mistwood or from the Deep Siofra Well in Caelid. Home to many enemies including the bosses Ancestor Spirit and Dragonkin Soldier, this area contains a map fragment Map: Siofra River as well as a Stonesword Key, Ash of War: Square Off and the Sorcery Great Oracular Bubble.

Smoldering Church

Guarded by the Invader Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater and bordering the region of Caelid, the Smoldering Church houses a Site of Grace, the talisman Sacred Scorpion Charm, a Missionary’s Cookbook and a Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook.

Stormfoot Catacombs

Northwest of the Church of Elleh, the Stormfoot Catacombs contains the boss Erdtree Burial Watchdog and the Spirit item Wandering Noble Ashes.


A heavily-fortified area that leads to the Stormhill region, Stormgate is home to a giant Troll, a Teardrop Scarab that drops the Ash of War: Carian Glintsword when slain and the Arrow’s Reach talisman.


The large northwestern region of Limgrave, Stormhill leads to several sub-areas: Stormhill Shack, Deathtouched Catacombs, Divine Tower of Limgrave and the Stormhill Evergaol. You can find the Bell Bearing Hunter boss, a Golden Seed, and a Stonesword Key here.

Stormhill Evergaol

Accessed via a summoning altar in the western side of Stormhill, upon entry you will encounter the Crucible Knight boss.

Stormhill Shack

Pass through Stormgate to reach the area. In a shack you can find the NPC Roderika and on a dead body there is the incantation Litany of Proper Death. A Stonesword Key is also found near the Site of Grace.

Summonwater Village

In the northeast part of Limgrave, along the main road. As you approach you will be warned by the NPC D, Hunter of the Dead. The Village contains the boss Tibia Mariner and the Green Turtle Talisman which can only be found by using a Stonesword Key.

Third Church of Marika

Located in the far east of Limgrave, you will encounter Melina here and you can also find a Flask of Wondrous Physick and Crimson Crystal Tear.

Waypoint Ruins

(1 of 2) Waypoint Ruins

Waypoint Ruins (left), Waypoint Ruins Cellar Entrance (right)

Head southeast from the Gatefront Ruins and use Torrent to jump over the blocked area beyond the Flower enemies. The Ruined Cellar leads to the Mad Pumpkin Head boss and upon defeating it, the NPC Sorceress Sellen who sells a number of Sorceries.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
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