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Icon Title Objectives Description Detailed Location In-Game Description Screenshots Video Quest NPC General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Related Quests Region Location Rarity/Type
Item icon
Traces of Iron

Find Asyfa in the Iron Wolves Encampment Speak to Asyfa …

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Found in Tarsarak, in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan.…

A man from Tarsarak wants to repay an Iron Wolf mercenary for…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Shadow of Alcarnus

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Speak to the frightened traveler and then slay 12 fly demons…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Payment Past Due

Search for the Miner’s Lockbox in Rezam’s Excavation Return…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Tarsarak, in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan

A man named Nageed asked me to retrieve a lockbox from the mines.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Timely Correspondence

Show the Waterstained Letter to Aih’Setal

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Head to the Forgotten Ruins, located to the northwest of the…

I found a letter addressed to the innkeeper in Gea Kul. I should…

XP and GoldGlowing Khazra Offering (Cache)

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Unusual Ore

Bring the Unusual Ore to an Iron Wolf Blacksmith

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

There is a chance to obtain the Unusual Ore for Ore Veins located…

I found a strange chunk of ore. A blacksmith among the Iron Wolves…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Spotted Mushroom

Bring the Spotted Mushroom to Veroka.Return the Spotted Mushroom…

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Found while gathering a Lifesbane in Harkan’s Oasis, Southern…

I found a strange mushroom while gathering herbs. Veroka, the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

Follow the Mirage Destroy the buried effigies

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Amber Sands region in Kehjistan…

I found a strange, mirage-like figure in the desert. It seemed…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Unsafe Travels

Find a Ghost Palm Speak to Mahjoob

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, go to the Tar Pits, found in the center…

Mahjoob, a desert guide, was attacked by a pack of fly demons.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches
"Road to Ruin" iconRoad to Ruin Kehjistan Side Quest
"The Only Cure" iconThe Only Cure Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

Give Naglaa a Healing Potion Speak with Naglaa Destroy…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

In Act VI, go to the Searing Expanse in the Amber Sands region…

I’ve discovered a traveler in the desert. She seems to be injured,…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Symbol of Faith

Find the Zakarum holy symbol in Tomb of the Saints Retrieve…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Zakarum Chapel found to the…

Priest Amr told me of a relic used to honor the dead kept withing…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Guardians of the Pit

Slay skeletons to draw out their champion. Slay the Champion…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

You can start this quest by talking to Heddam in the Iron Wolves…

Despite a reward, no one has challenged the Champion of the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Butcher's of the North

Slay cannibals outside of Zakarum Chapel (35) Return to Zarshala…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Zakarum Chapel in the northwest…

Cannibals from the northern Dry Steppes have bled into the area…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Pilgrim's Footsteps

Follow the pilgrim’s journey

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Searing Expanse in the Amber…

I found an old account of a pilgrim’s journey, “Walk the road…

Random Elixirs, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Road to Ruin

Accompany Mahjoob Speak with Mahjoob Slay the onslaught…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

You must be on Act VI and have completed the Unsafe Travels…

His wounds worsening, Mahjoob needs to get to his safehouse.…

XP and Gold

"Unsafe Travels" iconUnsafe Travels Kehjistan Side Quest
"The Only Cure" iconThe Only Cure Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Only Cure

Inspect Mahjoob Speak with Mahjoob Go inside Mahjoob’s…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, complete both the Unsafe Travels and…

The wound Mahjoob received from the fly demon has festered. I…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"Unsafe Travels" iconUnsafe Travels Kehjistan Side Quest
"Road to Ruin" iconRoad to Ruin Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
In Desperate Times

Ask for the watcher’s help. Open the Mysterious Chest. …

+20 Kehjistan Renown.

In Desperate Times Diablo 4 Walkthrough Must complete Act VI…

I found a book about Caldeum’s defense with an interesting…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Pinch of Poison

Collect Scorpion Venom Glands in Kehjistan (15) Return to…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

The proprietor of the Watering Hole in Gea Kul asked me to collect…

Curative Cache, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Speaking Stone

Find the mysterious shrine

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

A fisherman in Gea Kul is insisting a local shrine spoke to him.…

XP and Gold

"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest
"Izel of the Vizjerei" iconIzel of the Vizjerei Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Weapon of a Wolf

Return the sword to an Iron Wolf.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

The Iron Sword can be found by defeating the numerous enemies…

Barez, an Iron Wolf at the Palace Library, may be interested…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Voice from the Past

Retrieve the Vizjerei Vessel in the Conclave Return to Izel…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

The fisherman in Gea Kul was correct - there is a talking shrine.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Speaking Stone" iconThe Speaking Stone Kehjistan Side Quest
"Izel of the Vizjerei" iconIzel of the Vizjerei Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Izel of the Vizjerei

Retrieve Izel Take Izel to overlook Caldeum Take Izel to…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

Izel has been freed from the shrine and now resides in the vessel…

Seal of the Vizjerei, XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches
"The Speaking Stone" iconThe Speaking Stone Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Final Straw

Take a Bag of Oats from the basket Find Neema Untie Neema…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

Basef’s camel is missing. He recommended taking along Neema’s…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Wolf's Honor

Speak with Asa by the Forgotten Ruins Retrieve Alim’s Belongings…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Asa of the Iron Wolves has asked for my help recovering the equipment…

Tala’s Fanged Blade, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
An Errant Flock

Accompany the Traveler. Speak with the Traveler. Defend…

+30 Kehjistan Renown

This quest can be initiated in the small Southern Expanse area…

A mysterious armed man has asked for my assistance escorting…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
To Serve Again

Bring the Iron Wolf Armor to Barez.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest is started as a drop from defeating enemies in the…

I found a lost piece of Iron Wolf armor. The Iron Wolves never…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
On the Hunt

Search for Dawood Speak with Dawood Defeat Malik and his…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Haddad, the Iron Wolf Captain, has asked that I be on the lookout…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Seeking Refuge

Collect Lost Supplies Speak with Tamiyyah Speak with Haddad…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the southwest…

A group of travelers have found some misfortune at the edge of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
More Value Than Gold

Speak with Asa at the oasis’ shore Investigate the oasis’…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Something is polluting the Iron Wolves’ water supplies. Haddad…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Head of the Snake

Speak with Haddad in Dahlgur Interrogate the bandit Speak…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, complete the On the…

The Triune cultist was carrying a medallion. Perhaps it can tell…

XP and Gold

"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Moment of Peace

Speak with Asa back at Camp Speak with Dawood

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, complete the On the…

With the cultists stopped, the Iron Wolves may have a moment…

Iron Wolf Cuirass, XP and Gold

"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Way of the Three

Enter the Mysterious Gateway. Investigate the Cave. Speak…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

In the Gates of Hell, at the bottom of some stairs is a large…

I have accomplished what the Triune Cult and the Cathedral of…

XP and GoldChallenge: The Way of the ThreePiece of Rare Unique…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Zakarum's Plight

Gather water from the nearby oasis Bring water to Tameon…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

An exhausted Zakarum novitiate has asked me to bring him some…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sealed Khazra Offering

Harvest death anima from the Khazra

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

While defeating Khazra in Kehjistan, there is a chance that…

I found a khazra offering sealed by powerful magic. To open it,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Strayed from the Path

Slay the Knights Penitent Return to Ciniss

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Tarsarak in the Scouring…

The Knights Penitent culled the town of Tarsark looking for heretics.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache

Harvest death anima from cultists and demons

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Tarsarak in the Scouring…

I found a cache sealed by powerful death magic. To open it, I…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Late Shipment

Bring the Battered Shipment to Aih’Setal

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Defeat Bandits in the Southern Expanse region of Kehjistan and…

I found a shipment addressed to the Innkeeper in Gea Kul. I should…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

Search for Hader in Caeldum Investigate passageway Search…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head inside the Prison of Caeldum…

The old letter found on the tortured corpse said there was to…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Deadly Trade

Find Shahos Collect Khazra Glands (20) Return to Shahos…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Gea Kul in the Southern…

I found a work notice asking for mercenaries. I should seek out…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
When the Tide Comes In

Dig out Yasir Speak with Yasir Find Yasir a weapon Take…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Gea Kul in the Southern…

On the beaches of Shipwreck Cove, I found a man buried up to…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Strange Remedies

Collected Digested Gutweed (12)

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to the Iron Wolves Encampment…

Asyfa of the Iron Wolves is in need of an oceanic plant that…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Endless Fortune

Return the journal to Ostaf.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest is started by finding an Old Journal which can only…

A treasure goblin dropped a journal belonging to Ostaf. I believe…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Acts of Atonement

Speak with Edgar. Ask about Suna in Gea Kul. Tell Edgar…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest follows the “An Errant Flock” side quest—head to where…

Edgar has extended an offer to meet him in Gea Kul. Edgar…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Justice Delayed

Speak with Suna in Gea Kul. Meet Edgar at Caldeum Overlook.…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest follows the Acts of Atonement side quest. Speak to…

Osric has found where the refugees are hiding: the Caldeum…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
An Unlawful Order

Meet Edgar in Caldeum Bazaar. Find Osric’s hideout. Enter…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest continues immediately after finishing Justice Delayed,…

Edgar has decided he must end the thread Osric poses to the…

XP and GoldRare Unique Polearm: Edgar’s Penance.

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

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