Oldstones Scosglen Dungeon
In-Game Description
Khazra infest the ruined holdfast, ignorant of its curse.
- Return the Stone Carving to the Pedestal
- Travel to the Underground Thicket
- Destroy the Construct
- Collect Animus from Animus Carriers
- Deposit Animus into the Animus Urn
- Defeat the
Khazra Abomination
Oldstones is a dungeon where you will fight mostly Goatmen and Thorn Beasts. The final boss of the dungeon is the Khazra Abomination, a massive, corrupted, goatman who uses its powerful claws to swipe at players. It leaves poison pools in its wake so ideally, bring some Poison resistance but mostly, just don’t stand in them.

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