Grinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
In-Game Description
These labyrinthine halls have broken far greater warriors.
- Destroy the Demonic Corruption (2)
- Travel to the Endless Coil
- Slay the Grinning Fiends (2)
- Travel to the Grinning Chamber
From the name of this dungeon, you could not be blamed for thinking it was going to be some kind of horrifically complicated maze. Fear not, there is nothing overly tricky about it’s map layout, all you need to know really is that it is well stocked with all of demonkind. Here you will find Fallen, Fallen Lunatics,
Succubus and Fallen Overseers aplenty, and when they get buffed to Elite, things can get a little spicy.
In the first instance, there are two Demonic Corruptions that need to be destroyed. These are static, and while fire at you, are not in themselves tricky to get rid of. Of course, naturally enough they are heavily guarded and it there you will find most of your issues with ridding the realm of them.
After a tricky trip to the Endless Coil - and you will face a few telling battles en route - you now have to cleanse the dungeon of two Grinning Fiends.
There’s a lot of chat about grinning this and that with this dungeon that adds to the lore, but isn’t really backed up by seeing anything new. The Fiends themselves are really just an Elite Fallen Shaman and a Fallen Overseer, with a mix of awkward Affixes such as Vampiric and Explosive.
Anyway, once defeated it is off to The Grinning Chamber to square off with our old demonic adversary, the Scourge of the Land once more to claim the dungeon. Once again the journey is probably more arduous than the final battle, with barely a few steps being taken before you are attacked again and again, and sometimes by quite sizable gangs, so you do need to keep your eye on your health perhaps more than normal.

Detailed Location
- The Grinning One
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