Dark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
In-Game Description
A Triune ritual site. The screams echo far and wide.
Note: You won’t be able to reach this Dungeon until you finish the Main Quests that take place in the Dry Steppes.
- Collect Animus from the Animus Carriers
- Deposit Animus in the Animus Urn
- Travel to the Ancient Cavern
- Slay the Favored (3)
This sandy ravine is another that is packed full of enemies to kill and is a good place to boost your XP without explicitly farming it.
It will see you having to slay plenty of Mother’s Chosen and
Succubus, and there are a couple of large battles that can prove difficult if you are not well equipped with potions.
You will, at later difficulties at least, face a serious number of tricky Elites in here. Oppressor Elites seem to love the place for example and several are the Animus Carriers you must slay in the first instance until you get enough to fill the urn and open the barrier to the following section.
Once through you need to quickly make your way through the Ancient cavern where you will come up against three mighty Elites called the Favored. These are Oppressors so can certainly pack a punch if you are fighting close in with them, say with a Barbarian.
To make them a little more annoying, they are also all Vampiric, meaning they will replenish their Health Bar, courtesy of draining yours, which also means it takes longer to kill them off.
Once you have killed all three, and it may take quite a while as their are so many enemies waiting around every corner to harass you,. you can make your way to the final boss battle of the dungeon against the Mother’s Judgment in the Ritual Chamber.
Chances are you will have already faced up against it in an earlier dungeon, so will be away of it’s Shock attacks and ability to teleport all over the place. Come out on top of this last battle and you have completed the Dark Ravine dungeon.

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