Carrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
In-Game Description
The defilers of this land were cursed to wander it forever.
- Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal (2)
- Defeat the
Tomb Lord
Do not be fooled into thinking Carrion Fields is a quick dungeon to complete, simply because it has few objectives than nearly every other dungeon in the game. While you only need to complete the one objective to spawn the Dungeon Boss it involves a lengthy trawl around one of the most varied ones we have seen in Diablo IV.
Just check out the amount of different enemies you will come across once inside, we aren’t sure there is another dungeon like it in the game, and that certainly makes it worth having a look into.
The two Bloodstones are located at opposites sides of the map, in very different locations, and must be returned to the Pedestals in the center. One of the Bloodstones is found in the area marked as the Webbed Den, which should give you an idea of the kind of enemies you are going to have to battle in there. And lots of them spider fans,
The second Bloodstone is in the area known as the Hungering Darkness, and yes that means it’s cannibal time, with Maniacs, Cleavers and Executioners all in abundance, along with a few other enemies we don’t see as often such as the Bloodjaw, Fanatic and Ravager.
This leads to a rather frantic fight to clear the area and pick up this Bloodstone. It’s a tough one, be ready.
Once you have made your way back the place both Bloodstones on their pedestals, the Tomb Lord statue in the center of the area will break apart and the big man himself will appear as the final boss of the dungeon.

Detailed Location
- The Scarred Coast
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