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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Nathan Garvin
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You completed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided without killing a single soul. Bosses are people, too.

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You must play through the entirety of the game while never killing a single enemy, you’re free to do non-lethal Takedowns and use the Stun Gun however. You can also fail this if you hack a turret and target it to kill an enemy so be very careful not to do this (It may be best to avoid getting the augment altogether so you don’t accidently do this).

You may find it easier to achieve this Trophy/Achievement on your run through the “I Never Asked for This” difficulty as you’ll want to avoid any contact with enemies while running through it as quickly as possible. Alternatively, if you’re following the Walkthrough in this guide from beginning to end, you will also obtain Pacifist.

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Foxiest of the Hounds

You triggered zero alarms during an entire playthrough.

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You need to go through the game without ever triggering a single alarm or causing a situation that will cause an alarm. Be sure to save your game on many save slots as you go through each area so that if you trip one, you can simply reload and try again. One thing to note is that during your time at the G.A.R.M facility during Mission 13, you will have the choice to call Alex or Miller, make sure you choose Alex or you will trip an alarm later on in the mission.

There are two ways in which you can tell if you’ve tripped an alarm, one being the “Smooth Operator” bonus for completing an objective without triggering an alarm (provided there are alarms in the first place). The other is the tutorial that will pop up about tripping alarms when you trigger one for the first time, if you never see this tutorial then you know you’re good. Finally, like above, if you’re following the Walkthrough in this guide form the beginning to end you will obtain the Trophy/Achievement.

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Cross enemy territory like a ghost, raising no hostile reaction from anyone.

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An easy Trophy/Achievement and one in which you will have multiple opportunities to get. If you’re on a stealth playthrough (or following the Walkthrough) then you’ll naturally get this at some point. An easy one to get this on is Mission 3 when you’re on your way to meet up with Koller. Taking the door to the left of the main doors of the Time Machine bookstore (behind the dumpster) and traversing the vent to come out into the building, from there exit the room, activate the cloak and head left behind the enemy and into the door there. From here enter the vent and follow it all the way up into Koller’s office and obtain the Ghost status.

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Tablet Collector

Collect and read every unique eBook.

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In order to obtain this Trophy/Achievement, you will need to read all 75 of the game’s eBooks. These do not carry over across playthroughs so you must collect all of them over the course of a single playthrough. Here is how many you can find in each area:

Area Number of eBooks
Dubai 1
Southern Prague 27
Northern Prague 29
Golem City 12
G.A.R.M 3
London 3

A full list of eBooks and their locations (in the same order as they are found in the walkthrough) can be found below.


#1: eBook: Tales of the Arabian Front

Dubai, Penthouses (Level 2) - You’ll find this book in the northern of the two penthouses, upstairs near the signal booster.

#2: eBook: How Not to Get Yourself Killed

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 4) - In Adam’s Apartment, search the floor of the bedroom north of the bed to find a hidden stash, inside of which is this book.

#3: eBook: Juggernaut Collective - (Interpol Case File #679310)

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 4) - In Adam’s Apartment, on a table in the living room.

#4: eBook: In Terror Firma - (Part 1)

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 4) - In Adam’s Apartment, on a counter in the kitchen, near a computer.

#5: eBook: The Machinegod

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 4) - Apartment #41, on a counter in the kitchen.

#6: eBook: An Appeal to Basic Humanity

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 2) - Apartment #23, on a counter in the kitchen, near a pizza box.

#7: eBook: The Juggernaut Collective - (Manifesto)

Southern Prague - In a “Courtyard” north of the “Vincent Van Aug” shop and the “Police Checkpoint”, you’ll find this book on the arm of a sofa.

#8: eBook: Contemporary Art Review

Southern Prague - In an apartment above the “Police Checkpoint” (Helena Volin’s Apartment), on the floor behind some over-turned shelves.

#9: eBook: World’s Most Wanted - (The Dvali Family)

Southern Prague, The Time Machine (Level 1) - In Koller’s underground workshop, in the north-eastern corner on a table near the bed.

#10: eBook: Flesh and Chrome - (Parker and Linwood)

Southern Prague, The Time Machine (Level 1) - In Koller’s underground workshop, go through a duct behind a painting near the elevator, turn off a gas valve, then search in a locker to find this eBook.

#11: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 7: Crouching Dragon)

Southern Prague, The Time Machine (Level 3) - In the “Manager’s Office” room, on a desk along the western wall.

#12: eBook: The Social Monitor - (The New Mystics)

Southern Prague, The Time Machine (Level 2) - In the “Backstore” room, on a desk along the eastern wall.

#13: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 5: The Fall of the American Empire?)

Souther Prague - In an elevated apartment (Floos and Mel’s Apartment) north of the Capek Fountain landmark, just south-east of the “Vincent Van Aug” shop. The eBook is on a table along the northern wall of the apartment, near a sofa.

#14: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 8: Africa)

Southern Prague - In the “Praha Minimarket” store south-east of the Capek Station, on a counter to the north-east near a vending machine.

#15: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 4: The Australian Conflict)

Northern Prague - In an apartment (Marta Babik’s Apartment) west of the Palisade Station, on a table near the bed.

#16: eBook: The Long Mean While Chapter 27

Northern Prague - On the patio of an elevated apartment (Oleg Drago’s Apartment), south-east of the Palisade Station.

#17: eBook: Family Values

Palisade District, Sewers (Level 4) - In Oleg’s Casino, on the upper level near Oleg’s office. You’ll find this eBook on a small round table near a couch.

#18: eBook: Per Aspera Ad Astra

Southern Prague - In an elevated apartment (Franki Valek’s Apartment) north of the “Zelen Apartment Complex”, near the “Konicky & Hracky” toy workshop. The eBook is on a bed.

#19: eBook: A City Designed for You!

Southern Prague - In the “Konicky & Hracky” toy workshop, in Milena’s office on a dresser.

#20: eBook: Toys That Kill

Southern Prague - In the “Konicky & Hracky” toy workshop, on the lower floor in the room with the laser grids and camera, on a windowsill to the west.

#21: eBook: Radko Perry Bursts Onto Local Political Scene

Southern Prague - In the “Radko Perry Campaign Headquarters” building, on the upper floor on a table along the northern wall.

#22: eBook: Church of the Machinegod

Southern Prague - In an elevated apartment (fronk.CZ’s Apartment), south-west of the “Radko Perry Campaign Headquarters”, south-east of the “Pawn Shop”. You’ll find this eBook on a glass table.

#23: eBook: R.U.R. (act III of Karel Capek’s play continued…)

Southern Prague - In the basement of the “Vincent Van Aug” building, on the floor of the stage.

#24: eBook: R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots)

Southern Prague - In the basement of the “Vincent Van Aug” building, on a chair.

#25: eBook: The Social Monitor - (The Shame of Aug Ghettoes)

Northern Prague, Monument Station (Level 1) - Near the Aug train car, on the arm of a chair.

#26: eBook: New Regulations for Augmented Citizens

Southern Prague - Svobody Beer, on the bar.

#27: eBook: The Next Three Decades - (Fall of an Empire)

Southern Prague - In the basement of the Svobody Beer shop, behind the locked door (CODE: 1015), on a table.

#28: eBook: Top 10 Tech… Abandoned Technologies

Southern Prague, Sewers (Level 4) - In the Richard’s cult compound (accessed during “SM02: Cult of Personality” ), in Richard’s room, on the divan.

#29: eBook: Santeau - Rise of a Corpo-Nation - (Birth of a Giant)

Northern Prague - Rose’s Garden, on the bottom floor of the apartment, on a counter near a window.

#30: eBook: The Czech Republic Enters the 21st Century

Northern Prague - On the roof of Rose’s Garden, on a mattress.

#31: eBook: Ruzicka’s Vision for the Future

Northern Prague - In the “Autodily” store, on a small, round red table.

#32: eBook: Ruzicka’s Augmented Platform Crumbles

Northern Prague - In the “Tourist Center” east of the Monument Station (jump through a window alongside the door). You’ll find this eBook on a desk in the ticket office room.

#33: eBook: Modern Business Review - (Corporatocracy is NOT a dirty word)

Northern Prague - In the basement of the “L.I.M.B. Clinic”, on a table.

#34: eBook: Tech-A-Tete-Magazine

Northern Prague, Libuse Apartments (Level 3) - Apartment #96, on a counter in the kitchen.

#35: eBook: The Next Three Decades - (World Police)

Northern Prauge - In an apartment (Eugen Weisse’s Apartment) above the “Coffee Shop” building, on a desk near a microscope.

#36: eBook: U.N. Resolution 3507 (2029)

Northern Prague, TF29 (Level 1) - In the “Holding Cells” area, outside of the two cells, on a metal folding chair.

#37: eBook: The Long Mean While Chapter 1

Northern Prague, TF29 (Level 1) - In the “Forensics” area, in Daniel Fletcher’s office. This eBook is leaning against some conventional books.

#38: eBook: In Terror Firma - (Part 2)

Northern Prague, TF29 (Level 1) - In the “Shooting Range” area, enter the business end of the shooting range and pick this eBook off of a chair.

#39: eBook: Task Force 29 - Mission Statement

Northern Prague, TF29 (Level 2) - In the “Counter Terrorism Unit” area, on a desk.

#40: eBook: Modern Business Review - (Hacks of Aggression)

Northern Prague, TF29 (Level 2) - In the “Director’s Office” area, on Miller’s desk.

#41: eBook: Collapse of an Industry - (Last Man Standing- Tai Yong Medical)

Northern Prague - In the “Ludvik’s Lounge” shop (south-east of Palisade Property Bank), on a counter near the window.

#42: eBook: Bob Page - Anatomy of a Prodigy

Northern Prague, Palisade Property Bank (Level 8) - From the entrance to the bank head sout hand search some charis to find this eBook.

#43: eBook: Jus in Bello - (Part 3: The Fall of Belltower)

Northern Prague, Palisade Property Bank (Level 8) - From the entrance to the bank head west up some stairs, then search a table between two chairs to find this eBook.

#44: eBook: Palisade: Property & Data Protection

Northern Prague, Palisde Property Bank (Level 9) - Solve the mechanical puzzle in the CEO’s Office to reveal a secret chamber, inside of which you’ll find this book on a counter.

#45: eBook: Palisade: Clients & Services

Northern Prague, Palisde Property Bank (Level 7) - In the “Executive Services” office, on a desk.

#46: eBook: The Sleepwalking World

Ruzicka Station (Level 2) - North-east of the “Main Hall” is a “Bookstore”, inside of which is a chalk outline of a body. This eBook is near the hand of the chalk outline.

Golem City

#47: eBook: Pride in Prejudice

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 3) - In the “Mir Flats” area, in an apartment (Hermanis Petrauskas Apartment, the door of which is marked #00125), you’ll find this eBook on a small desk near some Searchable Containers.

#48: eBook: Flesh and Chrome - (Chapter 9: Thumper)

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 3) - Past “The Narrows’ (marked on your map as “Detention Center”), in a room marked “Materska Skola” in neon lights (translates to “Kindergarten”). This eBook is on a desk. This room is near the stairs that lead up to “Stedry Market”.

#49: eBook: Santeau - Rise of a Corpo-Nation - (Growth)

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 4) - In the “Stedry Market” area, you’ll find this eBook on a table in the south-eastern corner of the market, near butcher’s shop.

#50: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 1: Overview)

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 5) - Go up the stairs south-east of the elevator in Stedry Market and turn south-east to find some tiny apartments. You’ll find this eBook on a bunk-bed in the south-western most apartment.

#51: eBook: Promise of a Better Life!

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 3) - North-east of Entity’s Shop, on a table near a crate of vegetables.

#52: eBook: Collapse of an Industry - (Part 1: Falling Star - Sarif Industries)

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 2) - At the south-eastern most edge of “The Narrows”, in an office on the Stedry Market end of the restricted area. You’ll find this eBook on a card-covered table.

#53: eBook: Two Bloody Cheeks

Golem City, The Utelek Complex (Level 5) - Go up two flights of stairs from Entity’s Shop to reach an apartment (James Fletcher’s Apartment, the door of which is marked #150252). You’ll find the eBook inside, on a desk near a computer.

#54: eBook: The Sleepwalking World - (Wake Up! The Aug Incident is Just the Beginning)

Golem City, RVAC Row (Level 4) - In the room marked “Dormitory”, you’ll find this eBook on a wooden crate.

#55: eBook: The Inconvenient Aug - (Chapter 17: One Future For All Humanity)

Golem City, RVAC Row (Level 2) - In an “L”-Shaped room south of (and above) the security room. You’ll find this eBook on a desk along the northern end of the room. To find this room, just look for the Camera icon on your map - it’s the only room with a camera in it on this level.

#56: eBook: The Inconvenient Aug - (Chapter 12: The Illusion of Technological Solutions)

Golem City, RVAC Row (Level 2) - In a room between a Turret and some stairs, occupied by two ARC Soldiers. You’ll find this eBook on a desk.

#57: eBook: Talos Rucker: An Autobiography

Golem City, Ty Zahrada (Level 6) - In Talos Rucker’s office, on a desk to the south-west, near the door leading to the elevator.

#58: eBook: The Inconvenient Aug - (Chapter 2: Hope and Uplift - Potential Unrealized)

Golem City, Ty Zahrada (Level 6) - In Talos Rucker’s office, go through the door to the west (use the “Talos Rucker Keycard” to gain access). The eBook is on a sofa along the western wall. To get the “Talos Rucker Keycard”, respond to him by picking the dialogue options “Turn the Tables”, “Patronize”, “Justify” and “Turn the Tables”.

Prague at Night

#59: eBook: A., I

Northern Prague, Libuse Apartments (Level 2) - Apartment #85 (Johnny Gunn’s Apartment), on the floor of the bathroom, lying next to a mop bin. You can only get this book after returning from Golem City. You’ll come here during the quest “SM10: The Harvester” , but you do not need to start this quest to get this eBook.

#60: eBook: Collapse of an Industry - (L.I.M.B.)

Northern Prague - In an alley south-east of the “Redlight District” (the alley which leads to the Dvali “Apartments”) you’ll find an elevated apartment (Nada Birak’s Apartment). Inside you’ll find this eBook on crate.

#61: eBook: Borderline Magazine

Northern Prague, Dvali Apartment (Level 3) - Apartment #95, in the shelf of an entertainment center, near the button that opens up the security room.

#62: eBook: The Next Three Decades - (A New Russia?)

Northern Prague, Dvali Apartment (Level 3) - Apartment #94, on an entertainment center under a large television, along the eastern wall.

#63: eBook: The Singularity Church of the Machinegod

Southern Prague, Church of the Machinegod (Level 2) - Apartment #90, on a table along the northern wall.

#64: eBook: Global Politics Review [2029 Edition] - (Chapter 6: South America’s Rise to Power?)

Southern Prague, Church of the Machinegod (Level 2) - Apartment #91, on a table in the middle of the large, central room.

#65: eBook: The Sleepwalking World - (Wake Up! Tectonic Weapons Cause Earthquakes and More)

Southern Prague, Church of the Machinegod (Level 2) - Apartment #92, in the bathroom, on a mattress.

#66: eBook: AJ09-0921 Patient X

Northern Prague, Palisade Property Bank (Level 1) - in the “Corporate Vaults” area, in the VersaLife Vault, on a desk near a computer. You can ONLY get this eBook if you complete “M12: The Heist” and skip “M11: Confronting the Bomb-Maker” .

G.A.R.M. Facility

#67: eBook: Billion Dollar Daydreams

G.A.R.M. Facility (Level 3) - In the crane control room along the south-eastern edge of “Hangar 1” you’ll find this eBook on a desk.

#68: eBook: City as Product

G.A.R.M. Facility (Level 3) - In the security room on the north-western end of “Hangar 1”, on a desk near a Newspaper.

#69: eBook: Jus in Bello - (Part 4: The Rise of Tarvos)

G.A.R.M. Facility (Level 1) - In a tent occupying the north-western corner of “Hangar 2”, on a table along the nothern end of the tent.

Prague in the Rain

#70: eBook: In the Footsteps of the Harvester

Southern Prague, Zelen Apartments (Level 3) - Apartment #31, on a crate in the south-western corner of the living room. You must have completed “SM10: The Harvester” and started “SM11: The Last Harvest” to get this eBook.

#71: eBook: Tai Yong Medical Report

Northern Prague - In the “Lekarna Pharmacy” store, in the upstairs apartment (Nicholas Cipra’s Apartment). Move a refrigerator to reveal a hidden cubby, inside of which is this eBook.

#72: eBook: The World’s Most Wanted - (The Dvali Family)

Northern Prague, Dvali Theater (Level 1) - In the “Manager’s Office” area (where Radich Nikoladze dwells), on a black couch.

Apex Centre

#73: eBook: Tarvos: Mission Statement & Company Bio

Apex Centre (Level 7) - In the security room west of the elevator, on a desk.

#74: eBook: Port in a Storm

Apex Centre (Level 1) - In the reception area where a party is ensuing, where you need to dispatch eleven guards and obtain the “Security Keycard”. You’ll find this eBook on a couch near some stairs on the lowest level of the reception area.

#75: eBook: Santeau - Rise of a Corpo-Nation - (Future Vision)

Apex Centre (Level 2) - After meeting up with Miller, you MUST choose the option to save the delegates first. In the room where the delegates are you’ll be able to grab this eBook off one of the round tables in the room. If you went after Marchenko first, the game will end after you meet the delegates, preventing you from picking up this eBook.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    29 September 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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Two years after the events of “The Aug Incident” in Human Revolution, in the year 2029, Adam Jensen is faced with the full weight of his decisions. After augmented people were forced to violently strike those around them due to a hijacking incident, Jensen feels like he failed. In the aftermath of strong public opposition against augmented humans, the world has become divided and “augs” are forcibly separated from all those who aren’t. Jenson is once again thrown into a tumultuous situation and desperately tries to rectify past mistakes.

Version 1.1:

  • Full coverage of the main campaign.
  • All side missions and collectibles covered.
  • Vital combat mechanics and stealth/evasion tips.
  • Master your hacking skills.
  • Trophy/achievement road map and guide.
  • HD screenshots from your friends at Gamer Guides!
  • Full eBook locations mini-guide.
  • “I Never Asked For This” achievement difficulty information.
  • Breach Mode details and achievement information.

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