Purchase the “Icarus Dash” augment along with all of the available upgrades in its tree and make your way back to Otar’s Casino and make a save. Head inside and alert the enemies here before running back out into the sewer and take cover at a nearby corner. Hold down on the button that “Icarus Dash” is assigned to and hover the cursor over the approaching enemy until you see an image of a fist and then let loose while the enemy is at a comfortable distance. This Trophy/Achievement will only unlock at the point of a fully charged dash so reload your save and try again if you’re not successful.

Express Elevator to Hell, Going Down
Land an Icarus Landing & Strike on foes and clear out the pack with the Typhoon.

To start with, purchase the “Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis” augment (“Klipspringer Jump Mod”), the “Icarus Landing” augment and the “Typhoon Augment”. Now head back towards Adam’s apartment block (Zelen Apartments) and head towards the red restricted area (named Konicky & Hracky) and leap onto the roof. Locate the two thugs walking around below you and then leap down towards one while holding down [CIRCLE]/[B] button to activate “Icarus Strike” and immediately after hit the button that you have “Typhoon” assigned to to hit the other thug. If you don’t unlock it, reload your save and try again.
You wont start to even encounter cloaked enemies until Mission 13 and must remain cloaked yourself after performing the Takedown. Make sure you have purchased the “Cloaked Takedown Support” augment and have a sufficient amount of Energy (it may be best to use a Biocell and attempt this with a full bar to be safe). When you come across an enemy that is cloaked, save your game and then cloak yourself and approach them. You’ll be able to trigger a Takedown and provided you have enough energy left over after the Takedown, the Trophy/Achievement will unlock.
Purchase the “Remote Hacking” augment, making sure you get both the augments available and then exit Adam’s apartment (Zelen Apartments). You should see flying drones all over this area just waiting to be hacked. Make another save here before attempting this as in order to get the Trophy/Achievement you must flawlessly pass the hacking minigame, if you fail just simply load the save up and try again.
Purchase the “Tesla” augment along with all of the available upgrades and head over to Otar’s Casino again before making a save just outside. Once you’re in the casino itself and the enemies are hostile, charge up the Tesla (provided you have the ammo of course, which can be crafted with 75 parts) and once you have four targets locked on, release the button.

I Can Only Fight Enemies I Can See
Complete one Hacking Challenge with Fog Security without using a Reveal Software.

You need to hack a laptop that has “Fog Security” without using the Reveal hack software to unlock this. The first opportunity to do this is when you’re tackling M3: Getting in Top Shape where you’ll eventually make your way to Koller’s office with his laptop on full display waiting to be hacked. Gladly oblige and hack without using the previously mentioned Reveal hack software.
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