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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

All Missable Items - Chapter 7 Crisis Core Reunion

Matt Chard
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If you want to get 100% in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you’ll need to get all the collectibles. Unfortunately, a lot of these can be missed, and some of them will require you to think outside the box. Thankfully, this page will list every missable collectible in Chapter 7 including items that are still considered useful, but are not needed to get the 100%.

Zack has a disappointed look on his face when Aerith tells him she would like a better wagon.

Every Missable Collectible in Chapter 7 List

This will show you everything that you can miss in Chapter 7 in a chronological order.

Point of No Return

This is the last chapter that you can freely run around Midgar and the surrounding areas. If you have missed anything, now is the time to do it. Follow our Chapter missable pages below to double-check you have everything.

All Missable Mail in Chapter 7

In Crisis Core, you’ll receive mail to your flip-phone periodically updating you with news as well as other stuff. There are 102 Mails altogether, and unfortunately you’ll need to get one mail from each sender, which means that you’ll need 100 of them if you want the Mail Completionist trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Mail Completionist

Received mail from all senders.

Trophy icon

Mail: Kunsel - I see everything

You’ll get this mail automatically at the start of Chapter 7.

Mail: Cissnei - You’re not busy, are you?

You’ll get this mail automatically at the start of Chapter 7.

Mail: Shinra News - Personnel Announcement 0207

You’ll get this mail automatically as you approach the Sector 5 Slums - Market.

Mail: Silver Elite - The memory of silver winds

Talk to the Sephiroth fan behind the slide in the Sector 6 Slums - Park.

Mail: Kunsel - Falling Apart

You’ll get this mail automatically as you approach Sector 8.

Mail: Luxiere - Change in chain of command

You’ll get this mail automatically as you approach Sector 8.

Mail: Study Group - Thought on “the gift of the goddess”

You’ll get this mail automatically as you enter Sector 8 - LOVELESS Avenue.

(1 of 5) These mail are automatically added as you walk forward in Sector 8 - LOVELESS Avenue.

Mail: Reporter - Investigation reveals Shinra’s lies!

You’ll get this mail automatically as you enter Sector 8 - LOVELESS Avenue.

Mail: Shinra News - Space development report

Approach the receptionist in the Shinra Building to receive this mail.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – Now accepting applications

This mail will be give to you automatically after you join Zack’s fan club.

Mail: Shinra News – Analysis of the simultaneous attacks

You’ll get this mail at the Sector 5 Slums - Church entrance after you’ve constructed the first Flower Wagon.

Mail: Shinra News – Budget report

You’ll get this mail at the Sector 5 Slums - Church entrance after you’ve constructed the first Flower Wagon.

All Missable Flower Wagon Parts in Chapter 7

(1 of 2) You can find the tools for the wagon to the left of the church.

You can find the tools for the wagon to the left of the church. (left), After you have all the story wagon parts, you’ll find the manual outside the church. (right)

Flower Wagon Part (Used Tools)

This is story-related, and you’ll find the Tools outside the Sector 5 - Church.

Flower Wagon Part (How to Build a Wagon)

This is story-related, and you’ll find the Tools outside the Sector 5 - Church.

Flower Wagon Part (Old Lumber)

In the Sector 5 Slums - Market area. Interact with the wooden planks near the green RV. The man standing next to the RV will ask you a question. Answer “Seventh Heaven”. This is story-related, so you won’t be able to miss it.

(1 of 3) Check the pieces of wood near the RV.

Flower Wagon Part (Worn Tire)

Talk to the man by the truck in Sector 8 - LOVELESS Avenue. This is story related.

All Missable Fan Clubs in Chapter 7

Zack Fan Club

Inside the Shinra Building, head over and talk to the receptionist. This will allow you to join your own fan club.

Apparently the receptionist in the Shinra Building is the chairwoman of your fan club!

All Missable Side Missions in Chapter 7

Mission: 3-2-2 – Take Back the Carrier

This Mission will be automatically unlocked as soon as you can reach a Save Point at the beginning of Chapter 7.

All Missable Trophies/Achievements in Chapter 7

Fan Club Aficionado

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Fan Club Aficionado

Joined every fan club.

Trophy icon

You’ll only get this trophy/achievement if you’ve joined all the fan clubs in the game. The last one will be Zack’s fan club which you can join by talking to the receptionist in the Shinra Building. This is only available if you talked to Cissnei in Junon during Chapter 6, after the minigame. If you didn’t, you will miss the trophy/achievement for this playthrough.

Fan Club Savior

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Fan Club Savior

Helped every fan club continue their activities.

Trophy icon

First, head to Sector 8 - Fountain, and take the left path (from the entrance) where you’ll find the Genesis fan by the railing. Talk to her, and tell her to “Merge with a rich fan club”. Now head to LOVELESS Avenue, and talk to the other Genesis fan to the north then make your way back to the first Genesis fan in the Fountain area.

(1 of 2) South of the Fountain in Sector 8, talk to the Genesis Fan by the railing, and tell her to merge.

South of the Fountain in Sector 8, talk to the Genesis Fan by the railing, and tell her to merge. (left), In LOVELESS Avenue, head north, and convince the other Genesis fan to help out the first fan. (right)

Once you’ve finished speaking to her, talk to the small boy who is running up and down the road behind her, and he’ll tell you his mom is missing. Head over to the Sector 1 Station - Platform, and once you enter, there’ll be a woman in a black top, and grey skirt standing by the wall in front of you. Talk to her, and when you get a choice, choose “A mother without honor is nothing but a monster”.

(1 of 3) Now talk to the boy behind the Genesis fan near the Fountain.

Now make your way back to the little boy in Sector 5 - Fountain, and speak to the mother again. She’ll tell you that she’s going to bring back the Keepers of Honor fan club, and she will run it with her boy. After you’ve finished talking, you’ll get the trophy/achievement.

Midgar Full of Flowers

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Midgar Full of Flowers

Constructed every flower wagon type

Trophy icon

(1 of 2) After you’ve made the first wagon via the story, you’ll need the parts for two more wagons to get the trophy/achievement. This is the second wagon you can make.

After you’ve made the first wagon via the story, you’ll need the parts for two more wagons to get the trophy/achievement. This is the second wagon you can make. (left), The third wagon looks more like a weapon than a Flower Cart. (right)

To obtain this trophy/achievement you’ll need to construct three Flower Wagons and for you to do this, you’ll need to have all the Flower Wagon parts. Follow our in-depth guide for this trophy/achievement here.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion is a remaster of the PSP original, featuring HD graphics & gameplay overhauls. This guide for Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion currently contains the following:

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