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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

Best Equipment and Accessories in Crisis Core Reunion

Matt Chard
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In Crisis Core Reunion there are lots of different accessories for Zack to get. These range from preventing all status effects with the "Super Ribbon" iconSuper Ribbon to extremely powerful equipment like "Ziedrich" iconZiedrich which will boost all your attributes by 100 as well as halving all elemental damage done to you. There are a lot of choices in this game, and this page will tell you what are the best, and where you can find them.

Zack is thinking of all the powerful possibilities he has.

Accessory Description Location
"Heike Soul" iconHeike Soul Grants the effects of the following items/Materia: “"Adaman Bangle" iconAdaman Bangle”, “"Brutal" iconBrutal” , “"Black Cowl" iconBlack Cowl”, “"Gold Hairpin" iconGold Hairpin”, “"Wizard Bracelet" iconWizard Bracelet”, “"Doc's Code" iconDoc’s Code”, “"Brigand's Gloves" iconBrigand’s Gloves”, “"Mog's Amulet" iconMog’s Amulet”, “"Jeweled Ring" iconJeweled Ring”, “"Precious Watch" iconPrecious Watch”, “"Libra" iconLibra”, “"Smart Consumer" iconSmart Consumer”, “"SP Master" iconSP Master”, "Dualcast" iconDualcast and “"Cursed Ring" iconCursed Ring”. 100% Mission Completion.
"Ziedrich" iconZiedrich ATK, VIT, MAG and SPR +100. Halves all elemental attacks received. Treasure Chest in M:9-5-6 .
"Divine Slayer" iconDivine Slayer HP, MP, and AP +100%, ATK, VIT, MAG, SPR and LCK +50. Breaks all attack, HP, MP, and AP limits, and detects opponent’s status M:9-6-6 Reward.
"Genji Helm" iconGenji Helm Stops expending MP and AP, and adds “"Libra" iconLibra” effect. Unlock the "Online Shop Shade" iconOnline Shop Shade (M:9-5-4).
"Genji Armor" iconGenji Armor Sets HP limit at 99999, and adds Endure and “"Regen" iconRegen” effects. 100% all DMW images.
"Genji Shield" iconGenji Shield Keeps “"Barrier" iconBarrier” & “"MBarrier" iconMBarrier” active, absorbs all elements, nulls and statues. Cast "Gil Toss" iconGil Toss, "Costly Punch" iconCostly Punch, Deal 99,999 damage, and "Octaslash" iconOctaslash on the "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot in M:7-6-6.
"Genji Gloves" iconGenji Gloves Sets damage limit at 99,999 and makes all hits critical. Treasure Chest in M:9-6-4.
"Dark Agent" iconDark Agent HP +100%, MP -100%, AP +50%, ATK and VIT +100, Mag and SPR -100. Stops expending AP and increases attack-related parameters. Treasure Chest in M:9-4-4.
"Impervious" iconImpervious HP, MP, and AP +10%, -50 ATK and MAG, +120 VIT and SPR. Same way as the "Genji Shield" iconGenji Shield. The "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot can drop the accessory after you’ve had the summon/"Genji Shield" iconGenji Shield.
"Super Ribbon" iconSuper Ribbon Prevents all status ailments Treasure Chest in M:9-6-2, Steal from "Great Malboro" iconGreat Malboro. Other various drops.
"Power Suit" iconPower Suit HP + 100%, MP -50%, AP - 50%, +100 ATK and VIT, -50 MAG and SPR. M7-5-4 Reward, Treasure Chest in M6-6-6 and M7-6-3, Steal from "Vajradhara Asura" iconVajradhara Asura.
"Energy Suit" iconEnergy Suit HP -50%, MP +100%, AP -50%, -50 ATK and VIT, +100 MAG and SPR. M7-5-5 and M7-6-6 Reward, Treasure Chest in M9-6-5, Steal from "Grannygalan" iconGrannygalan.
"Brutal" iconBrutal Sets damage limit at 99,999 M7-4-6 and M9-5-1 Reward, Treasure Chest in M9-6-3, Rare Steal from "Crazy Sword" iconCrazy Sword.
"Adaman Bangle" iconAdaman Bangle Sets HP limit at 99,999. Treasure Chest in M9-2-4 and M9-5-4, M7-3-6 Reward, Rare Steal from "Grandpanzer" iconGrandpanzer.
"Black Cowl" iconBlack Cowl Sets AP limit at 99,999. Treasure Chest in M2-5-5 and M9-3-3, M7-3-1 Reward, Rare Steal from "Mock Soldier A" iconMock Soldier A and "Diatryma" iconDiatryma.
"Gold Hairpin" iconGold Hairpin Sets MP limit at 99,999. M2-5-6, and M7-3-4 Reward, Treasure Chest in M9-2-5 and M9-6-4, Steal from "Belial" iconBelial.
"Soul of Thamasa" iconSoul of Thamasa Stops expending MP. Treasure Chest in M9-4-4 and M9-6-5, Rare Steal from "Shadow Monk" iconShadow Monk.
"Laurel Crown" iconLaurel Crown Stops expending AP. M9-5-4 Reward, Treasure Chest in M9-6-2, Rare Steal from "Diatryma" iconDiatryma.
"Assault Targe" iconAssault Targe ATK and VIT +50, MAG and SPR -80. From the "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot. Same way as the “"Genji Shield" iconGenji Shield”.
"Feather Cap" iconFeather Cap At limit break, increases parameters by up to 3X. Treasure Chest in M4-3-2, Dropped by "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot.
"Good-Luck Charm" iconGood-Luck Charm Luck +100 Treasure Chest in M9-5-6, M7-6-1 Reward, Steal from "Tonberry King" iconTonberry King, Various other drops.
"Brigand's Gloves" iconBrigand’s Gloves Guarantees a successful steal from an enemy. Purchase from Sector 7 Shop, Treasure Chest in M9-3-5, M7-4-2 Reward.
"Mog's Amulet" iconMog’s Amulet LCK +5. Items dropped or stolen will always be rare. Purchase from Sector 7 Shop, M7-6-4 Reward.
"Jeweled Ring" iconJeweled Ring LCK +20. Doubles items dropped by enemy. Purchase from "Online Shop Shade" iconOnline Shop Shade, Treasure Chest in M9-5-4, Dropped by "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot.
"Precious Watch" iconPrecious Watch +10 LCK. Doubles gil dropped by enemy. Purchase from "Online Shop Shade" iconOnline Shop Shade, M9-4-4 Reward, Dropped by "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot.
"Fury Ring" iconFury Ring Answers enemy attacks with a counterattack. Rare Steal from "Tonberry Guard" iconTonberry Guard.
"Doc's Code" iconDoc’s Code Automatically uses “"Potion" iconPotion” when HP is critically low. M6-2-5 Reward, Treasure Chest in M9-5-2, "Steal" iconSteal from "Kactuare" iconKactuare, Rare drop from "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot.

Heike Soul

This is arguably the best accessory in the game, unfortunately, it can only be obtained by getting 100% mission completion. At that stage of the game, the accessory is almost useless. Equipping the "Heike Soul" iconHeike Soul accessory will give you the following effects: "Adaman Bangle" iconAdaman Bangle, "Brutal" iconBrutal, "Black Cowl" iconBlack Cowl, "Gold Hairpin" iconGold Hairpin, "Wizard Bracelet" iconWizard Bracelet, "Doc's Code" iconDoc’s Code, "Brigand's Gloves" iconBrigand’s Gloves, "Mog's Amulet" iconMog’s Amulet, "Jeweled Ring" iconJeweled Ring, "Precious Watch" iconPrecious Watch, Libra, "Smart Consumer" iconSmart Consumer, "SP Master" iconSP Master, "Dualcast" iconDualcast and "Cursed Ring" iconCursed Ring.

Genji Helm

The Genji set has always been strong in Final Fantasy games, and it’s no different for the "Genji Helm" iconGenji Helm. This helmet allows you to cast any spell or ability without spending any MP or AP. On top of that, you get a handy "Libra" iconLibra effect. This can only be purchased at the "Online Shop Shade" iconOnline Shop Shade (Mission 9-5-4) for 1,000,000 Gil! Best start selling those Golden Rolling Pins.

Genji Armor

The "Genji Armor" iconGenji Armor accessory sets the HP limit to 99,999 while also adding Endure and "Regen" iconRegen. The earliest you can get this is Chapter 8 as that is when you’ll get the final DMW image. Getting this tricky accessory will require you to max out every image in the DMW. For this reason, we recommend waiting until the end of the game to get this.

Genji Shield

Keeps “"Barrier" iconBarrier” and “"MBarrier" iconMBarrier” active while absorbing all elements, nulls, and statues. Acquiring the "Genji Shield" iconGenji Shield is a lengthy process with multiple steps. You’ll need to first make sure you have the "Magic Pot" iconMagic Pot Summon and then head into Mission 7-6-6 to try to encounter another.

Now, you’ll need to use the following Materia on it: "Gil Toss" iconGil Toss, "Costly Punch" iconCostly Punch. Then you’ll need to deal 99,999 damage (just use Costly Punch again), and finally, the "Octaslash" iconOctaslash Limit Break. The last part of the equation is the tedious part. You’ll need to wait, and hope that Octaslash pops up in battle to finish the Magic Pot’s requests.

Genji Gloves

The last part of the Genji set is the "Genji Gloves" iconGenji Gloves. This wonderful accessory will give you the Brutal accessory effects, but also makes all of your attacks Critical! To grab the Genji Glove, you’ll need to continue to progress through the M9 series of missions until you unlock M9-6-4, another Rank 10 Mission. From the start of the Mission, go left at the first intersection, and you’ll find the Genji Glove in the chest at the end. Just remember you’ll need to clear the Mission if you want to keep it after.

Your accessory effects will appear to the left of your attributes. This will let you know what you’re getting from each accessory.


Another extremely powerful accessory. Ziedrich will increase all of your attributes by 100 while also halving all elemental attacks against you. This accessory can only be found inside a chest during the difficult M9-5-6.

Divine Slayer

The "Divine Slayer" iconDivine Slayer accessory will raise your HP, MP, and AP by 100%, while also increasing your attributes (ATK, VIT, MAG, SPR, LCK) by 50. Furthermore, it’ll break all attack, HP, MP, and AP limits, and detect your opponent’s status. You can get this powerful accessory as a reward for completing M9-6-6.

Super Ribbon

Like the normal "Ribbon" iconRibbon, but it’ll also prevent the Death status effect. This is a fantastic accessory against any enemies that perform a lot of status attacks such as the Great Marlboro, which is where you can !steal one from! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of stealing it, you can also get it as a reward for completing M9-6-2.

Dark Agent

Not quite as powerful as Divine Slayer or Ziedrich. The "Dark Agent" iconDark Agent accessory will increase your HP by 100%, and your AP by 50% while also increasing your ATK and VIT by 100. On top of that, your abilities won’t cost any AP. On the flip side, your MP will be reduced by 100%, and your MAG and SPR will drop by 100. This is primarily an ability accessory. You can find this in one of the Treasure Chests in M9-4-4.

Power Suit and Energy Suit

These two accessories are polar opposites. The Power Suit will increase your attack based parameters at the cost of your magic abilities while the "Energy" iconEnergy Suit will increase your spell-slinging at the cost of ATK. These are great until you can get some better accessories. The Power Suit will offer you HP + 100%, MP -50%, AP – 50%, +100 ATK and VIT, -50 MAG and SPR while the Energy Suit will offer HP -50%, MP +100%, AP -50%, -50 ATK and VIT, +100 MAG and SPR.

You can get the "Power Suit" iconPower Suit as a Reward from M7-5-4, from treasure chests in M6-6-6 and M7-6-3 or you can steal it from "Vajradhara Asura" iconVajradhara Asura. The "Energy Suit" iconEnergy Suit comes as a Reward from M7-5-5 and M7-6-6, a treasure chest in M9-6-5 or you can steal it from "Grannygalan" iconGrannygalan.

Soul of Thamasa and Laurel Crown

The "Soul of Thamasa" iconSoul of Thamasa will allow you to cast spells without spending a single MP, and the "Laurel Crown" iconLaurel Crown will allow you to use Command abilities without spending a single AP. You can find the Soul of Thamasa in treasure chests in both M9-4-4 and M9-6-5 or you can !steal it from a "Shadow Monk" iconShadow Monk, but this is a rare chance. The Laurel Crown on the other hand can be found as a reward for completing M9-5-4, in a treasure chest in M9-6-2 or as a rare !steal of a "Diatryma" iconDiatryma.

Adaman Bangle, Black Cowl, Brutal, and Gold Hairpin

These accessories are extremely useful mid-game to break either the HP, AP, Damage, and MP limits to 99,999. You should be using some of these until you unlock the end-game versions. You can acquire the accessories from the following places:

  • Adaman Bangle (HP) - Reward for completing M7-3-6, treasure chests in M9-2-4 and M9-5-4 or a rare !steal from "Grandpanzer" iconGrandpanzer.

  • Black Cowl (AP) - Reward for completing M7-3-1, treasure chests in M2-5-5 and M9-3-3 or a rare !steal from "Mock Soldier A" iconMock Soldier A or Diatryma.

  • Brutal (Damage) - Reward for completing M7-4-6 and M9-5-1, treasure chest in M9-6-3 or a rare !steal from "Crazy Sword" iconCrazy Sword.

  • Gold Hairpin (MP) - Reward for completing M2-5-6 and M7-3-4, treasure chests in M9-2-5 and M9-6-4 or !stealing it from "Belial" iconBelial.

Assault Targe and Impervious

These two accessories are also polar opposites. The "Assault Targe" iconAssault Targe is an offensive accessory that will increase your ATK and VIT by 50 at the cost of reducing your MAG and SPR by 80. The "Impervious" iconImpervious on the other hand, is defensive by nature and will offer you HP, MP, and AP +10%, +120 VIT and SPR at the cost of -50 ATK and MAG. You can get both of the accessories as a drop from the Magic Pot (M7-6-6).

Feather Cap

The "Feather Cap" iconFeather Cap is unique as it can triple your parameters for a limit break. Although its description is impressive, you most likely won’t use this accessory outside some specific strategies. You can obtain the Feather Cap from a treasure chest in M4-3-2 or as a drop from the Magic Pot (M7-6-6).

Niche Accessories

These accessories are great for what they do, but you won’t be using most of them outside very specific scenarios.

  • "Good-Luck Charm" iconGood-Luck Charm - +100 Luck. Great for Luck builds to farm specific things. Obtained in a treasure chest in M9-5-6, Reward from completing M7-6-1 or stolen from "Tonberry King" iconTonberry King.

  • Brigand’s Gloves - Guarantees a successful steal from an enemy. Great when combined with the "Mug" iconMug materia. Purchased from Sec.7 Shop, found in a treasure chest in M9-3-5 or a reward for completing M7-4-2.

  • Mog’s "Amulet" iconAmulet - LCK +5. Items dropped or stolen will always be rare. Great for getting rare items. Purchased from Sec.7 Shop or as a reward for completing M7-6-4.

  • Jeweled Ring - LCK +20. Doubles items dropped by enemy. Great for farming items, bad for everything else. Purchased from Online Shop Shade or dropped by Magic Pots.

  • Precious Watch - +10 LCK. Doubles gil dropped by enemy. Great for gil farming, bad for everything else. Purchased from Online Shop Shade or stolen from "Tonberry" iconTonberry King.

  • "Fury Ring" iconFury Ring - Answers enemy attacks with a counterattack. This is a niche as it gets, great against Tonberries I guess? Ironically, stolen from "Tonberry Guard" iconTonberry Guards.

  • Doc’s Code - Automatically uses “"Potion" iconPotion” when HP is critically low. Having auto-potion is nice and all, but you won’t use this over anything else.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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