Sweeper+++ Machines
The highest tier of the Sweeper model, imaginatively named the
Sweeper+++ can be encountered on Missions 1-5-5, 1-5-6 and 7-5-4. Unfortnately for Shinra, the number of +‘s you add to a model’s name doesn’t actually effect the weapon’s potency, as
Sweeper+++ enemies are fairly weak. Their standard machinegun bursts hit multiple times for little damage and their
Explosive Shell ability is all flash and no substance. If they get tired of slowly ticking away at your HP bar they can use Disabling Gas or Disenchanting Gas to reduce your AP and MP, a task they’re somewhat more effective at. Like most machines, they’re weak to lightning, and while it doesn’t make them any more dangerous, they do have a respectable number of HP.
Mission(s) / Location(s)
M1-5-5, M1-5-6, M7-5-4

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