Sweeper++ Machines
When one additional “+” won’t do it, add two! The Sweeper++ is the third tier
Sweeper model. You’ll encounter it on Missions 1-4-4, 3-3-5 and 9-1-5, and two of them appear as bosses at the end of Mission 1-4-5.
Unlike the previous model, the Sweeper++ is actually a significant upgrade, inasmuch as it actually has some new attacks to talk about. Its dual machinegun blasts are both fairly weak, but the old
Silence Gas has been replaced by Smoke Vent, which inflicts Curse,
Poison and Silence, as well as some damage. Another new attack is
Explosive Shell, which has an AoE blast, inflicts knockdown, and otherwise deals minor damage.
Despite having some new attacks, you can still avoid its offense by simply circling around it. Stop to land a few hits and keep running - use lightning if you need an edge, as it’s weak to that particular element.
Mission(s) / Location(s)
M1-4-5, M3-3-5, M9-1-5

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