Spike Machine Machines
A nasty variant of the Sweeper, the
Spike Machine can be found alongside the
Sweeper+++ model on Missions 1-5-5 and 1-5-6, and it proves that a redesign is more effective than adding more pluses to a model’s name. This vicious robot has over 60,000 HP and some nasty attacks, including Smoke Vent, which inflicts
Poison and Curse while dealing minor damage, its Scattershot attack will unleash a salvo from its arm-guns, dealing 800~ damage multiple times, and its Gungir attack - a charging stab with its arm spikes - will deal 10,000 damage and dispel buffs. It’s ability to deal a fair amount of flat damage regardless of your VIT and buffs, and the numerous debuffs it can inflict make it a fairly dangerous foe. It’s weak to ice damage, should you need an edge.
Mission(s) / Location(s)
M1-5-5, M1-5-6
Related Species Enemies

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