Waterskin Items
The Waterskin is a handy container used to carry and store water. It is a lightweight and portable solution for adventurers who need to stay hydrated while exploring the harsh deserts of the Exiled Lands. Waterskins are also used in the crafting of other items, such as the leatherworking bench, and can be filled with other liquids such as wine or honey.
How To Obtain Item
To craft a Waterskin, you will need the following materials: 7 x Thick
Leather, 4 x Twine, and 5 x
Hide. Once you have the necessary materials, head to the Tannery and select the Waterskin recipe to craft your Waterskin.
Detailed Location(s)
Waterskins can be obtained by crafting them at the tannery using the appropriate materials, or they can occasionally be found in loot chests throughout the world.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
On the stone next to the mummified, crucified corpse, alongside a note.
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