Hide Materials
Hide is a crafting material in Conan Exiles. It is primarily used in the production of various armor, weapons, and items, as well as for creating
Leather and Thick Leather. Players can obtain Hide by skinning animals with a skinning knife or other appropriate tools.
How To Obtain Item
To obtain Hide, players need to kill animals and use a skinning knife or other appropriate tools to skin the carcass. Some animals, such as deer, wolves, and hyenas, provide more Hide than others.
Crafting Recipes:
Hide is used as a component in various crafting recipes and as a base material to create Leather and Thick Leather. Some examples include:
| Leather | 3x Hide |
| Thick Leather | 3x Hide, 1x Bark (in the Tannery) |
| Light Armor | Hide, Twine, Plant Fiber |
Detailed Location(s)
Hide can be obtained from various animals throughout the map.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
You can acquire Hides from the
Shalebacks here.

2. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
You can acquire Hides from the
Shalebacks here.

5. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be acquired from the rabbits here.

6. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be acquired from the
Shalebacks here.

9. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be obtained from
Shalebacks on this island.

14. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be acquired from the Horses roaming here.

16. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be acquired from the humanoids here.

17. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
Hides can be acquired from the Shoebill here.
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